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Kidspot Health

Ask the expert

Having an expert on hand to give you sound, reliable advice based on up-to-the-minute research whatever the time of day or night is just so handy when you’re a mum. Our trio of health experts can help with medical problems that you’d normally ask your GP about, pregnancy and birth issues when you need to ask a midwife a question but it’s 3am or sensible parenting advice when your little darlings are turning you grey. In short, you’re not alone.

Ask the expert: Dr Justin

The first thing you should know about me is that I’m a parent. My wife and I have six children! And I admit that I find parenting incredibly challenging. That’s how I got here. more

Help! My son doesn't speak. Does he have autism?

Ask Dr Justin: How do I manage meltdowns?

Ask Dr Justin: How do I stop my 15 year-old having sex?

Ask Dr Justin: Why don't you like rewards charts?

Ask Dr Justin: My son is playing online games too much

Ask Dr Justin: Dr Google can't help us with our 3 yr old. Can you?

Ask Dr Justin: How do we bring two families together happily?

Ask Dr Justin: How do I raise brilliant boys when they're so challenging?

Ask Dr Justin: Why is my daughter such a quitter?

Ask Dr Justin: Is my new baby destroying our happy family?

Ask Dr Jeni

My name is Dr Jeni Wellington. I’m a busy mum who also works as a GP. I’m here to take all of the questions you might have about keeping your loved ones safe, happy and healthy. more

Ask the GP: It’s not JUST a Virus

Ask the GP: should I worry about my child’s weight?

Do I really need a private GP, or is a medical centre just as good?

Ask the GP: Help! My colicky baby won't sleep

Ask the GP: I'm ready for a second baby. How can I prepare?

How to make the most out of your GP visit

Ask the GP: All things periods, blood and 'that' time of the month

Ask the GP: How much bleeding after birth is normal?

Ask the GP: Does my child need urgent medical attention?