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Kidspot Pregnancy

Your Pregnancy - Week 23

You are now 23 weeks pregnant and at the beginning of week 24. Your baby has grown to be about 28 cm long from head to toe (11.2 inches) and approximately 600 grams in weight (1 lb 5 oz).

Your baby can now rotate their head and may experience hiccups, which are caused by the sudden, irregular contractions of your baby’s immature diaphragm (the muscle that supports their lungs). While unborn babies may be capable of sporadic hiccups as early as 12 weeks gestation, they are generally stronger and more rhythmic by this stage of pregnancy. Some unborn babies hiccup quite frequently, others not much at all. Many newborn babies continue to hiccup after birth. You may sometimes sense regular ‘jumps’ in your belly every now and then for short periods of time, if your baby has hiccups. A very strange sensation!

Your baby is now covered with a thick layer of white vernix cream, which protects their skin in their watery environment and they now have sweat glands. A fine layer of fat is forming between their muscle tissues and skin, covering their blood vessels and making their complexion look less translucent.

Physical changes
Restless legs
A few women experience restless legs during their pregnancy. This can include sensations that your legs have to move all the time, or that they feel jittery or like they have ‘butterflies’ in them. Some women’s legs ache and feel like they have to be constantly walking. Restless legs can make it difficult to sit for long periods and can stop you from sleeping well at night. You can read more about this here.

Other physical changes you may be experiencing are explained here.

Emotional reactions
As your belly grows you may start to wonder what your baby will look like and if they are a boy or girl (if you don’t know already!) You could imagine them having your eyes or hair colour, or perhaps that of your partner or other relatives. Some parents aren’t particularly attracted to other babies and a few wonder if theirs will be unattractive. Fortunately, most parents think their own baby is gorgeous! As a variety of possibilities are considered, you might begin to create an image of your ideal baby. You may even have dreams about what they will look like.

You can read more about these emotions here.

Other considerations
Belly piercing
If you have a belly piercing you may be wondering what you will do with your belly bar (or ring) as your belly grows, as well as the possibility of keeping the piercing open until after the birth. You can read more about belly piercing here.

Essentially, travelling during pregnancy by plane, train, bus or car is not a problem, but there a few precautions to be mindful of especially when covering long distances. There are also some practical considerations to think about when planning your travel. Some airlines do not permit overseas travel during the 3rd trimester (after 28 to 36 weeks) and you may need a letter from your caregiver to clarify how many weeks pregnant you are when flying. You can read more here.

Natural therapies during pregnancy
Colour therapy was developed by Rudolph Steiner and is based on the belief that colour has therapeutic properties that can alter emotions and psychological conditions to help restore balance and physical well-being. Colour therapists use it for anxiety, depression, stress, and other disorders. For example, to calm and soothe, treat stress or high blood pressure blue is recommended. For fatigue, depression and headaches, red is advised. You can read more about Colour therapy here.

Dance therapy involves movement and rhythm to explore feelings and emotions. Many women enjoying belly dancing during pregnancy. In ancient cultures, women belly danced to show the mother how to pelvic rock her baby down and out – a skill that may be handy in labour! You can read more here.