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Kidspot Pregnancy


From the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy to your health while expecting, we’ve got you covered! Try our pregnancy weight gain calculator and find out when to expect bub with our due date calculator too.

How do you know if you're pregnant? Read these signs and symptoms of pregnancy and find out if you're going to have a baby!

What does pregnancy testing involve? Find out just what having a pregnancy test means and the different ways you can have one.

You need to look after yourself in pregnancy so here's all you need to know about your health in pregnancy. How to keep healthy while expecting and what all those health niggles mean.

It's normal to worry about your baby's health when you're pregnant with them. Find out all about foetal health here and separate the facts from the fiction.

Incompatible with life - the decision no pregnant woman wants to make

"Being a surrogate nearly killed me, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat"

10 moments to treasure in baby’s first six months

11 of the funniest new parent confessions

Should you find out the sex of your baby?

Sydney mum proud of being an "oven" for her brother and his boyfriend

Pregnancy brain: Oh no, it lasts forever, say scientists

Bec Judd gets unusual helping hand from hubby while pregnant

NSW mum helps to get a headstone for her friend's angel baby boy

Transformer ultrasound pic revealed important news about this baby’s health