- published: 11 Sep 2016
- views: 830
Coordinates: 34°9′12″N 118°27′56″W / 34.15333°N 118.46556°W / 34.15333; -118.46556
Coast to Coast AM is a North American (United States and Canada) late-night radio talk show that deals with a variety of topics. Most frequently the topics relate to either the paranormal or conspiracy theories. The program is distributed by Premiere Networks, both as part of its talk network and separately as a syndicated program. The program now airs seven nights a week 1:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m. Eastern Time Zone.
Created and originally hosted by Art Bell, the program is now hosted on most nights by George Noory. According to estimates by Talkers Magazine, Coast to Coast AM has a cume (cumulative weekly audience) of around 2.75 million unique listeners (listening for at least five minutes), making it the most listened-to program in its time slot. Today, the program is heard on more than 600 stations in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Guam.
Coast to Coast or Coast 2 Coast may refer to:
Coast To Coast AM - September 10, 2016 Spirit Board Revelations
Coast To Coast AM - September 09, 2016 Fabled Creatures & Open Lines
Coast To Coast AM September 2, 2016 Space Signal & Amazing Stories
Coast To Coast AM - September 6, 2016 UFOs & Secret Bases, A Skeptic To Believer
Coast to Coast AM - August 29, 2016 Election Tricks & Native American UFO Stories
Coast To Coast AM - August 30, 2016 ET Wars & Numerology
Coast To Coast AM September 8, 2016 Ancient Mysteries & Prophecy, Star Trek
Coast To Coast AM September 1, 2016 Time Travel Agent & Tarot Secrets YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - September 07, 2016 Cutting Edge Space Exploration & Brain Power
Coast to Coast AM - September 4, 2016 Space News & Earth's Singular Life
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Coast To Coast AM - August 30, 2016 ET Wars & Numerology Numerologist Glynis McCants is an expert in how patterns of events unfold exactly according to the energy signature of specific numbers. During the first half, she discussed how the year 2016 is unfolding numerologically and what the numbers have to say about the economy and how the presidential hopefuls are doing. She began by noting that the numerological system she uses was invented by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras and his belief that everything is composed of vibrations. She says that "the most powerful vibrations come from people." She believes that the numbers in 2016 add up to a symbolic "end of things" and a coming rebirth or change, which she related to the contentious upcoming U.S. presidential election. She is certa...
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Coast to Coast AM September 11, 2016 Psychic Ramifications of 9/11 Coast To Coast AM 2016 for You! Coast to Coast September SUBSCRIBE Conflict Coast: http://goo.gl/UojGNZ Thank for watching, Please Like Share And SUBSCRIBE Coast to Coast Channel! Coast to Coast Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8alvoF3am-Gb4FYfCMjQQ Date: Sunday - September 11, 2016 Host: Dave Schrader Guests: Mark Anthony, Brad Meltzer In the second half of the program, Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer," who specializes in communication with spirits, joined Dave Schrader (email) to discuss the psychic ramifications of 9/11. He said that it was "our generation’s Pearl Harbor." Anthony compared the aftermath to a sort of post-traumatic stress disorder for the entire country and added that "we’re still feeling ...
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Alfred Webre, known for his work in exopolitics, joined Bob on The Farside to discuss topics from his latest book, The Omniverse, which delves into transdimensional intelligence, time travel, teleportation, and the secret space program and colony on Mars. Exopolitics, he explained, is the study of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse (multiple universes). While it would be practical for a planetary organization like the UN to get involved with communications between Earth and an alien civilization, the UN is currently controlled by select nations and doesn't really represent the populace, he commented. Webre favors the development of a kind of digital democracy, in which each citizen could cast a vote on policy. Citing the revelations of whistleblowers like Andre...
Richard Barrett provides a practical step-by-step guide to soul activation. This four step process involves: Connecting with your soul; Befriending your soul; Trusting your soul; Becoming one with your soul. You are a soul in a human body but your ego is unaware of this. To fully step into soul consciousness, you must learn how to align the beliefs of your ego with the values of your soul, and commit to leading a values and purpose-driven life. The ultimate arbiter of where you have got to on your journey into soul consciousness is the quality of the connections you have with other people-not just your family and friends, but the strangers around you. Every person you meet is a soul who is working on the same project as you-promoting the evolution of human consciousness. Rejoice in your co...
David Jacobs, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. He began researching the controversy over unidentified flying objects in America in the mid 1960s, and has amassed over 35 years of primary research data and analytical hypotheses on the subject. Dr. Jacobs has written and delivered many articles, papers, and addresses on the subject of UFO abduction, and has been a consultant to the major UFO organizations. In recent years he has concentrated on ascertaining the proper methodological techniques for the hypnosis and therapy of abductees. http://www.ufoabduction.com/ Visit our website for more info on past and upcoming shows/guests: www.themooreshow.co.uk Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for new DAILY...
Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys, a national Emmy nomination and a Station Peabody award for medical programming. Linda's documentaries have included A Strange Harvest and Strange Harvests 1993, which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery. Another film, A Prairie Dawn, focused on astronaut training in Denver. She has also produced documentaries in Ethiopia and Mexico for UNICEF about child survival efforts and for Turner Broadcasting in Atlanta about environmental challenges....
like share and subcribe Coast To Coast AM - July 14, 2016 Self Enrichment & Out of Body Travel In the first half, chronicler of the occult and esoteric, Mitch Horowitz, discussed the "13 steps to riches" (from Napoleon Hill's classic book Think and Grow Rich), why they work, and the one thing that people seeking prosperity must do. Hill stressed that the single most important thing is for people to have one intensely felt goal about which they are so passionate, that it becomes an obsession. Most people have a more scattered focus with a variety of goals, and this can hold them back from achieving prosperity as outlined by Hill, Horowitz noted. One of Hill's steps highlights the need for cooperation, and getting along with other people. "None of us get where we are on our own, and if we ...
THE INFINITE WISDOM OF THE AKASHIC RECORDS is an extraordinary book by Lisa Barnett filled with unparalleled tools for transformation. Accessing the Akashic Records is one of the most powerful paths to self-awareness and personal change currently available. Lisa carefully and lovingly guides you through the Akashic Knowing Wisdom Prayer System, a five-step system with three vibrational keys to directly and easily access your Akashic Record. You will, also, become skilled at: The art of formulating questions to receive life-enhancing answers. Releasing karma, soul contracts, and vows that bind you to negative life patterns. Gaining clarity about personal situations by practising exercises. Learning new healing tools from the Akashic Lords to assist you in further releasing old issues and...
10-19-15: How Prophetic this interview has become since one year later, "Whistleblower" Corey Goode has become Publically known ...revealing his recent contact with the Agarthans. More revelations re Agarthan underground civilization is that they are not the tall blondes, but some of them are the medium size blondes who tried to negotiate with Eisenhower, but were rejected, and their own flying crafts were fired upon. Corey Goode who has made contact with these individuals has some very excellent reports on this...as the Agarthans have decided to make official contact with surface people since the Blue Avian Guardians have returned. Apparently, most all the so-called UFO flying crafts are...if not U.S.... the Agarthans..(even the ones seen here in Hawaii going inand out of the vol...
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel Coast To Coast AM September 14, 2016 Restoring Health Astrology & Mercury
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel Coast To Coast AM September 13, 2016 Oswald's Secret Life 'Close Call' Open Lines
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel Coast To Coast AM September 17, 2016 Predictions & Nostradamus Doctors' Miracle Stories
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel Coast To Coast AM September 15, 2016 Future of Warfare & Open Lines
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Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel Coast To Coast AM - September 16, 2016 Future of Warfare & Open Lines
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel Coast To Coast AM - September 15, 2016 Restoring Health & Astrology Mercury
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Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Official Coast To Coast AM Youtube Channel
Working hard to get it on for you
Everyday and night
I give you all I've got to give
Take it all
Love, I know that you're feelin' blue
Lonely deep inside
'Cause I know how it feels to be alone
Loving you Sunday morning
You were on my mind, love everyday
Loving you Sunday morning
Your love makes me fly so far away
People tell me that I'm gonna lose you
Our love will die
So tell me, is it true right or wrong?
I never ever wanna lose your love
So I will change my life
Believe in me, my love
I'm coming home
Loving you Sunday morning
You were on my mind, love everyday
Loving you Sunday morning