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Break-In (photo by Robert Charles Keller)


“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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Create to Destroy! 4th Annual Richmond Punx Picnic

I dropped the ball and did not post this in time. That said, I hope y'all still made it out ...

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The Mummies! (pic by Mark Murmann)

MRR Radio #1528 • 10/23/16

Rob and Frog play some favorite fall jams including an all Ian MacKaye set. Earphones on and volume up! All ...

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“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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Pretty sure the photo says it all

MRR Radio #1527 • 10/16/16

Is it moshable? Well, a little bit. Intro song: CHAIN OF STRENGTH - Just How Much? Langford and the New Gnu (not moshable) PRE ...

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Reissue of the Week: HEX Poison In The System: The Demos LP

November 13th, 2015 by

HEX – “Poison In The System: The Demos” CD
If you liked your punk, the UK in the early to mid ’80s was a good place to be. Not only were all kinds of genres flourishing within said rubric, but there was a significant community of like-minded souls, putting on gigs, writing (and distributing) fanzines, (cassette) tape labels, and whatnot. It meant that bands could (and did!) release demos, on cassette, and distribute them far and wide. The anarcho-punk “scene,” spawned by the likes of CRASS and their progeny (SUBHUMANS, CONFLICT, FLUX OF PINK INDIANS, MOB, et al.) were the inspiration and incubator for HEX. Hailing from the Northeast of England, they were part and parcel of the legendary (well, to us folks, anyways) Sunderland Bunker, a venue, and musicians collective. Herein you’ll find four demos tapes (fourteen tracks in all), recorded in 1986 and 1987. A variety of musical styles, evocative of KILLING JOKE, ANTISECT, and the FAMOUS IMPOSTERS grace the demos. It all features the music gifts of Dickie Hammond and Dave Lainey, better known for playing in HDQ and later LEATHERFACE. Really great stuff all round, and some excellent liner notes do a superb job of capturing the sense of community, and possibility that was nurtured by the scene. (Ramsey Kanaan)
(Boss Tuneage)


Record of the Week: G.L.O.S.S. Girls Living Outside Society’s Shit EP

November 13th, 2015 by

G.L.O.S.S. – “Girls Living Outside Society’s Shit” EP
This exists perfectly as a solid hardcore record, nothing necessarily freaky or weird just excellently solid but a thing that makes it stand out (other than the context it exists in) is that you can hear all of the lyrics. No reading along with lyric sheets necessary—somehow, at breakneck speed Sadie manages to enunciate every word. A thing that is always rough to me about hardcore is all the vocals garbled and barked until I kind of just feel like some angry man is yelling at me. And what Sadie is singing about is so integral and important it’s just really fucking cool to just hear every lyric. This record delves into politics in a way that avoids being exclusionary or preachy but instead is filled with rage and love and an overall we’re-in-this-togetherness. It also comes with an excellent zine that furthers the aesthetic and message.
(Nervous Nelly / Total Negativity)

—Marissa Magic

Record of the Week: La Misma

November 6th, 2015 by

LA MISMA – “Kanizadi” LP
This is so perfect just go buy it now—just do it! LA MISMA from New York are a force to be reckoned with and, after just one 7” and a few demos, this ferocious full-length hurtles through the punk universe like a blazing comet! I can’t single out one song on this record because the consistency and character—the bite!—is found in every song. Each jam packed with pogo power, this is short and fast, heavy and solid, structured but crumbling under the intensity of the execution. A commendable homage to the CRISIS guitar sound, fueled by UK82 punk power and laced with the venom of ’80s Italian punk, but never limited or overshadowed by those influences. The guitar mixes creeping hooks and solos with frontal-attack riffs. The hypnotic bass booms and rumbles with the power of a coming earthquake. The stomping, cymbal-crashing drums are crude and commandeering like a primeval instinct. The vocalist spits, squeals and yelps, all passionate Portuguese delivery and transfixing impressionistic lyrical content. The result is spine-chilling, catchy and driving all at the same time. The production works around the core sound like a Rubik’s cube doing every element justice—the twisting guitar distortion, the bristle and weight of the bass, the dissonance in the vocals, the pitch and punch in the drums. 18 minutes and 53 seconds of white-knuckled, jaw-clenching, hair-raising energy that has my mind and body positively ecstatic. Comes with a 28-page booklet and A2 poster designed by the vocalist. For fans of: good fucking music! Exceptional! (Lydia A)
(Toxic State / La Vida Es Un Mus)

Reissue of the Week: EBENEZER AND THE BLUDGEONS Peer Pressure LP

October 29th, 2015 by

Looky what I win this month! No one coulda guessed these OG Baltimore KBD punkers were such the lyrical geniuses, but there’s no doubt after any spin of this classique 1978 four-songer. I still remember first dropping the needle after coughing up some substantial lunch money in the ’90s. Side A doesn’t really do much bludgeoning, ’cept with the inescapable “al-bi-no” chorus of “Gerti,” but the B-side is the absolute apex of bar band punk. Ooh, the controversy of “Weekend Nazi,” only to be topped with the inexplicable punk paradox of “Oh! I Love This Weather” with one of the least climactic punk choruses ever. How can something that sucks so hard manage to also be the greatest thing ever?! I’m proud to be an American. (Graham Booth)

Reissue of the Week: EUTANASIA Sentimiento de Agitación LP

October 22nd, 2015 by

EUTANASIA – “Sentimiento de Agitación” LP
Here is the first vinyl rendition of a classic Peruvian punk tape recorded in 1990. Somewhere at the intersection of the RAMONES and RIP, EUTANASIA distills punk into its raw rock material essentials: catchy, pogo-friendly, yet serious and angry punk. Their commitment to carrying the torch of local underground rock is demonstrated by the covers of both LOS SAICOS “Demolición” and LEUSEMIA. Informative insert made for English speakers outlines the challenges of playing underground music during turbulent times. While your country is busy waging a bloody war between Maoists and a brutal state, one option is to go on creating something amidst the wreckage. This record is that plebian answer to the senseless violence. Forming in 1986, those members who stuck it out in Lima recorded this record in 1990, and then they too fled the country. Crucial recording for Peruvian punk history and a must have for anyone even remotely interested in Latin American punk. (Lena T)
(Rock SVB)