Demo '16

by True Body

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released July 27, 2016



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True Body Virginia Beach, Virginia



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Track Name: No
He said "No one had prepared me,
for how I looked when I'd smile,
or the hard energy,
I'd try to fight for a while"
It's hard to know yourself
when they lay their strong eye on you
but their words are not the truth,
their words are empty, honey.

The gate will close too early,
well you know that it always does
with your hands on the neck of time
its been some violent fight for a while
solid sordid doubt
when they lay their strong eye on you
but their looks are not the truth,
their looks are empty, honey.

And all the people cry out
"We're through waiting for that call"
And all their hearts cry out
"We're done waiting for that call"

Passion's here for you
only if you want to
the half a person
the feeling, pointless and dull
only if you feel true
take time, take cadence
its time for life to remain

And all the people cry out
"We're through waiting for that call"
And all their hearts cry out
"We're done waiting for that call"
Track Name: Violent Soul
It's not a blessing,
won't help me up.
All of your love,
is never enough.
You let the graceless,
fall to the floor,
help me up,
help me

So gaze upon
the lack of glory,
a lineage in chains
the tear beneath the veil
Selfishly i thought,
that every night i'd try to remain
I'd try to remain,
I mean..

Dont you wanna be free?
Dont you wanna be free?

She asks,
in a quiet voice,
does God watch over me
even when I sleep,
especially then,

Repeating images,
of love will never,
never be enough,
are you ever,

Under the prayers of
a little boy.
you'd ever said.

The sweat pours down your forehead,
getting harder underneath
the pressure
and it builds,
and it builds so clear

Dont you wanna be free?
Dont you wanna be free?

Dont you wanna be free?
Dont you wanna be free?
Track Name: Silent March
The police are here
the knock knock knock
Come barging in now
I still feel calm
I still

You let them in
With open arms
Lay broken now
On either side

Your love won't save you
When they come for your seed
Take what you're given
Let them make you need

You let them in
With open arms
Lay broken now
On either side

You let them in
With open arms
Lay broken now
On either side
Track Name: Church of Winter
He said as he hid his eyes
"Had a dream where I almost died,
I could see to the other side,
Ethereal in the evening light."

Selfless man,
Even in his mind.
Couldn't help but think
Of the others' time

Oh child don't look so scared
Someday we will all be there
Singing, living up past the sky
Ethereal in the evening light

Selfless man,
Even in his mind.
Couldn't help but think
Of the others' time

Honey, you don't know
How far you've got to go
So hold on tight
While you still can
You're spending all your time,
Living in make believe and lies,
So hold on tight
While you still can

While you still can