- published: 24 Mar 2011
- views: 6283
Avestan /əˈvɛstən/, formerly also known as "Zend", is an Iranian language of the Eastern Iranian division, known only from its use as the language of Zoroastrian scripture, i.e. the Avesta, from which it derives its name. Its area of composition comprised ancient Arachosia, Aria, Bactria, and Margiana, corresponding to the entirety of present-day Afghanistan, and parts of Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The Yaz culture of Bactria-Margiana has been regarded as a likely archaeological reflection of the early Eastern Iranian culture described in the Avesta.
Avestan's status as a sacred language has ensured its continuing use for new compositions long after the language had ceased to be a living language. It is closely related to Vedic Sanskrit, the oldest preserved Indo-Aryan language.
"Avestan, which is associated with northeastern Iran, and Old Persian, which belongs to the southwest, together constitute what is called Old Iranian." The Old Iranian language group is a branch of the Indo-Iranian language group. Iranian languages are traditionally classified as "eastern" or "western", and within this framework Avestan is classified as eastern. But this distinction is of limited meaning for Avestan, as the linguistic developments that later distinguish Eastern from Western Iranian had not yet occurred. Avestan does not display some typical (South-)Western Iranian innovations already visible in Old Persian, and so in this sense, "eastern" only means "non-western". That is not to say that Avestan does not display any characteristic innovations of its own – e.g., the sibilant pronunciation of the consonant in aša, corresponding to original /rt/ that is preserved in the Old Persian form (arta), as well as Sanskrit (rta).
Yasna 28, Avestan
Recitation of the sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Ahnunavad by Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia اهنودگات
Origins of Old Persian (Avestan) With An Afghan Linguist - Part 2
History Of The Avestan language
The Talysh and Avestan language
14) Avestan Calligraphy
Avesta Yasna 31,8 يسنا
The Kurdish Zend-Avesta (Median) Language (Part 1)
Sacred Avesta Yasna 28-2 in avestan (اوستای پاک، یسنا ۲۸.۲ به اوستایی)
Zoroastrian Music
https://www.facebook.com/zartosht.espantaman https://www.facebook.com/Holy.Avesta https://www.facebook.com/zarathustra.zoroaster Click Here to download the entire set of Lyrics : http://on-lyne.biz/gathas/Gathas%20-%20All%20Lyrics.pdf
Avestan /əˈvɛstən/, formerly also known as "Zend", is an Iranian language of the Eastern Iranian division, known only from its use as the language of Zoroastrian scripture, i.e. the Avesta, from which it derives its name. Its area of composition comprised ancient Arachosia, Aria, Margiana, and Bactria, corresponding to the entirety of Afghanistan and Tajikistan and parts of Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The Yaz culture of Bactria-Margiana has been regarded as a likely archaeological reflection of the early Eastern Iranian culture described in the Avesta. Avestan's status as a sacred language has ensured its continuing use for new compositions long after the language had ceased to be a living language. It is closely related to Vedic Sanskrit, the oldest preserved Indo-Aryan ...
Join us on facebook: https://FB.com/ZoroastrianLibrary/ https://FB.com/groups/zarathushtra/ Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in ancient times by the prophet Zarathushtra, known to the Greeks as Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism was the dominant world religion during the Persian empires (559 BC to 651 AC), and was thus the most powerful world religion at the time of Jesus. It had a major influence on other religions. It is still practiced world-wide, especially in Iran and India. To quote Mary Boyce, "The prophet Zarathushtra, son of Pourushaspa, of the Spitaman family, is known to us primarily from the Gathas, seventeen great hymns which he composed and which have been faithfully preserved by his community. These are not works of instruction, but inspired, passionate utterances, many of the...
Niayeshe 4rome Gatha, Yasna 31 Hat 8 az Payambare Mazdayasnian. Namaji Zartoshti .
Music from Feza Radio - http://fezaeu.net. Fire loop by Michael Edwards - http://vimeo.com/53193776
Du träumst in den Morgen
die Nacht war so schön.
Dein Bett ist so kuschlig und warm.
Du denkst dir
so könnt' es noch stundenlang gehn
du stupst dich dein Hund schon am Arm.
Dann stört dich der Wecker
du sagst: "Bitte
und schläfst noch ein klein biáchen ein.
Und dann heiát es: Aufstehn
Immer wieder aufstehn
wenns auch mal schwer fällt.
Es muá doch sein
damit bist du nicht allein.
dann heiát es: Aufstehn
Immer wieder aufstehn
so ist nun mal unser Lebenslauf.
Komm steh auf.
Wir sitzen gemütlich mit Freunden am Tisch
und trinken un.d reden uns aus.
Der Wein ist so süffig
und das Bier ist so frisch
und keiner will heute nach Haus.
Die Stimmung geht hoch und die Zeit vergeht
bis der Wirt uns den Hahn zudreht.
Und dann heiát es: Aufstehn
. . .
D@er Mensch steht nicht nur auf dem Siegespodest.
Du gehst ab und zu auch k. o.
Da liegst du und glaubst
daá dich jeder verläát
und wirst deines Lebens nicht froh
Drum wenn's dich mal trifft
mach dir nicht so viel draus
so schnell zählt man dich noch nicht aus.
Und dann heiát es: Aufstehn