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Poland: Massive demonstrations and women’s strike force - Government retreat
India: Uprisings of the oppressed
US: Presidential debate shows need for an alternative
Brazil: Local elections see collapse of PT (Workers Party) support

Sudan: Nationwide doctors’ strike defies regime

10/10/2016: Solidarity with striking doctors needed!


Britain: Combative, vibrant unions should be central to Corbyn movement

07/10/2016: Union movement must be transformed into one fit for battles we face


Hungary: Refugee referendum - Victory in defeat?

06/10/2016: Workers’ united action needed against policies of unstable government


 Solidarity: Support the Spanish general student strike on 26 October!

05/10/2016: Request for messages and protests in solidarity with fight in defense of public education


History: 4 October 1936 - The Battle of Cable Street

04/10/2016: When London’s east end workers united and fought the fascist threat


Australia: A ‘unity ticket’ of cuts

03/10/2016: Liberal government and Labor opposition join forces to pass A$6.3 billion austerity measures


Britain: Consolidate the Corbyn victory

30/09/2016: Refound Labour as a democratic, socialist, anti-austerity party


 Joint declaration by El Militante/Izquierda Revolucionaria and the CWI

29/09/2016: Meeting between organisations reveals important common ground


 Video: Socialists speak in Irish parliament

29/09/2016: Ruth Coppinger and Paul Murphy giving a voice to mass pro-choice and anti-water charges movements in Dail

  Ireland Republic, Video

Germany: 'Es Reicht!' (It's enough!)

28/09/2016: Dortmund demonstration against neo-Nazi-violence


Britain: The ‘Corbynomics’ challenge

27/09/2016: What economic policies can end austerity and transform workers’ lives?


Britain: Left candidate Jeremy Corbyn re-wins Labour leadership with bigger majority


Landslide victory another step to transforming Labour


Britain: Labour leadership election draws to a close

23/09/2016: Battle lines drawn: build a real mass party of the 99%


South Africa: Solidarity with students

22/09/2016: Struggle for free education

  South Africa

Leon Trotsky’s living legacy

21/09/2016: Review of "The Life and Death of Leon Trotsky", published in the latest issue of Socialism Today


Britain: Damning parliamentary report into Cameron's role in overthrowing Gaddafi

21/09/2016: Imperialist intervention helped wreck revolutionary movement and ruin Libya


Ireland South: Irish embassies face Jobstown trial protests

20/09/2016: Defend the right to protest – Drop the charges!

  Ireland Republic

Sri Lanka: United Socialist Party congress

19/09/2016: Lively meeting prepares membership for next period

  Sri Lanka

Ireland: #JobstownNotGuilty trials begin…

19/09/2016: State criminalises right to protest

  Ireland Republic

Britain: Labour Party needs democratic structures and socialist policies

16/09/2016: Tremendous opportunity to bring Labour back to power but on an entirely different, attractive basis


China: Fierce clashes at “Democracy village”

14/09/2016: Protesters defy crackdown


Ireland:  Dublin Bus workers move into action

13/09/2016: Strike launched after years of wage restraint

  Ireland Republic

Hong Kong: When Edward Snowden went underground with refugees

12/09/2016: Socialist Action’s Vanessa gave shelter to on-the-run Snowden

  Hong Kong

Britain: Trade Union Congress 2016

11/09/2016: Organise mass working class resistance to austerity



US: Presidential debate shows need for an alternative

12/10/2016: After elections, explosive struggles will provide opportunities to win victories for working people

Bryan Koulouris, Socialist Alternative


comment & analysis

Uprisings of the oppressed

12/10/2016: New period opens

New Socialist Alternative (CWI-India)


Local elections see collapse of PT (Workers Party) support

11/10/2016: Mass disillusionment with political system but gains for PSOL left

Andre Ferrari, LSR (CWI Brazil)


Shimon Peres and the ‘peace dove’ myth

10/10/2016: A life spent strengthening big capital, militarism and national oppression of Palestinians

Shahar Benhorin and Yasha Marmer, Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI Israel-Palestine)

  Israel / Palestine

Over 140,000 women demonstrate against total ban on abortion

05/10/2016: Women want a real choice

Paul Newberry, Alternatywa Socjalistyczna (CWI in Poland)


Trump in trouble

17/08/2016: Political polarisation deepens

Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative, USA


The Corbyn insurgency 2.0

15/08/2016: Now let’s finish the job

Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)


Middle East
ISIS under pressure on several fronts

15/06/2016: Working classes, through bitterest of experiences, will take to road of mass struggle again

Niall Mulholland, CWI

  Iraq, Middle East, Syria

Left parties turning against bosses’ Europe

10/06/2016: Progress in Portugal and Spain, confusion in Britain

Danny Byrne, CWI

  Europe, Portugal, Spain

The working-class case against the EU

08/06/2016: Review of ‘And The Weak Must Suffer What They Must?’ by Yanis Varoufakis

Hannah Sell, article from Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)


EU referendum exposes gaping political fault-lines

24/05/2016: New road can open up for labour movement if working class relies on its own forces

Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today (monthly magazine of the Socialist Party England & Wales)


US election turmoil

01/04/2016: Bernie Sanders campaign - an opportunity to build a new party of the 99%

By Tony Saunois (CWI Secretary) who recently visited the US for meetings of Socialist Alternative


A new moment

28/03/2016: Extracts from a statement discussed at the Socialist Party’s recent congress

Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), published in April 2016 issue of Socialism Today


Sanders needs to run as an independent in November

18/03/2016: Continuing the Political Revolution

Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in USA)


European Union
Alliance with Turkey to close borders

09/03/2016: Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

Per-Ãke Westerlund, from Offensiv - the weekly paper of Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden)

  Europe, Turkey

 World relations, economy and the class struggle

05/12/2015: There has been a profound change in the world situation and world relations since the CWI’s last World Congress in 2010

CWI International Secretariat


Syria vote reveals two Labour parties in one

02/12/2015: Fight for a party that stands against war and austerity

Editorial from The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

  Britain, Syria

Horror in Paris

14/11/2015: We will not be intimidated !

Statement from Gauche Révolutionnaire (CWI in France)


The Bernie Sanders challenge

07/11/2015: The established political order in the US has been shaken up by Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination…

Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative, USA. Article from Socialism Today


Pro-independence parties win “plebiscite” elections

06/10/2015: A step towards independence?

Danny Byrne, CWI


Corbyn victory!

12/09/2015: Popularity of anti-austerity ideas confirmed - Now the battle to create an anti-austerity party begins

Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)




Video: Socialists speak in Irish parliament, 29/09/2016

 further videos

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tamil solidarity campaign kazakhstan

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Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

A socialist world is possible, the history of the cwi with new introduction by Peter Planning green growth, a contribution to the debate on enviromental sustainability