PFLP: Jerusalem operation is a natural response to the occupation, reflects continuing intifada

PFLP: Jerusalem operation is a natural response to the occupation, reflects continuing intifada

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that today’s resistance operation in occupied Jerusalem comes in the context of the ongoing intifada, and is a natural response to the occupation and the attacks of the settlers, and confirms once more the Palestinian position and identity of Jerusalem against the schemes of the occupier […]

PFLP denounces US-backed Saudi attack and massacres against Yemen

PFLP denounces US-backed Saudi attack and massacres against Yemen

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denounced the so-called Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia and backed by US imperialism and its ongoing war on Yemen, noting the appalling massacre committed yesterday in Sanaa in the attack taking hundreds of lives. The war against the Yemeni Arab people “aims to subjugate this unbowed […]

International actions to call for freedom for imprisoned struggler Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

International actions to call for freedom for imprisoned struggler Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Many European and American cities have announced events in solidarity with the struggler Georges Abdallah, beginning on October 15 and continuing through October 22, 2016. There will be a large central demonstration outside the prison where Abdallah is held in France, in Lannemezan, on October 22, with buses of participants coming from a number of […]

PFLP condemns occupation piracy of Women's Boat to Gaza

PFLP condemns occupation piracy of Women’s Boat to Gaza

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine expressed its strongest condemnation of the Zionist occupation forces for their attack on the Women’s Boat to Gaza, the Zaytouna, blocking it from reaching the Gaza Strip on a journey of solidarity and to break the siege of occupation. The Front denounced this Zionist piracy, reaffirming the […]

PFLP: "Leadership" that participates in the funeral of war criminal Peres does not represent the Palestinian people

PFLP: “Leadership” that participates in the funeral of war criminal Peres does not represent the Palestinian people

Comrade Khalida Jarrar, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said that the attendance of a Palestinian leadership delegation, headed by PA president Mahmoud Abbas, at the funeral of war criminal Shimon Peres embodies the humiliating relationship of this defeated “leadership” with the occupation, saying that such a leadership cannot represent the […]

Democratic Progressive Pole at Bir Zeit expresses solidarity with Fateh youth against repression

Democratic Progressive Pole at Bir Zeit expresses solidarity with Fateh youth against repression

The Democratic Progressive Student Pole at Bir Zeit University near Ramallah expressed its solidarity with the Shabiba, the Fateh Youth Movement at the University. Its membership and Facebook page was frozen by the Fateh leadership following a statement by the Fateh Youth after it issued a statement demanding the ouster of PA president Mahmoud Abbas […]

Wihda Party in Jordan urges popular action against gas deal with Zionist regime

Wihda Party in Jordan urges popular action against gas deal with Zionist regime

The Popular Democratic Unity Party (Wihda Party) of Jordan denounced the Jordanian government’s agreement with the Zionist entity for the purchase of stolen Palestinian natural gas for a 15-year period. The Wihda Party noted that the signing of the agreement came amid a wide popular rejection of this action, which demonstrates an utter lack of […]

PFLP mourns the passing of Comrade Ahmad Farran in Sweden

PFLP mourns the passing of Comrade Ahmad Farran in Sweden

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns the passing of Comrade Ahmad Khaled Farran after a life of struggle in the Palestinian cause. Born in Haifa in 1948, Ahmad Farran was as a newborn baby forced from his home in the Nakba, the Zionist conquest and colonization of Palestine. As a Palestinian refugee, […]

PFLP salutes the victory of Comrade Bilal Kayed

PFLP salutes the victory of Comrade Bilal Kayed

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine announced the suspension of the hunger strike of Comrade Bilal Kayed after reaching an agreement to set the end date of his detention without renewal, end his isolation and allow him family visits. The Front states that this is a victory for Comrade Bilal and his comrades […]

PFLP calls for urgent international mobilization for Comrade Bilal Kayed

PFLP calls for urgent international mobilization for Comrade Bilal Kayed

As Comrade Bilal Kayed nears his 70th day of hunger strike, facing the courts of the occupation and threatened with death or serious damage to his health at any moment, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine urges immediate action by all international friends of Palestine and all Palestinian communities to save his life […]

Statement #14 from PFLP Prisoners: No voice is louder than the voice of Bilal

Statement #14 from PFLP Prisoners: No voice is louder than the voice of Bilal

To our steadfast Palestinian people…. Should we become accustomed to funerals as military parades that salute the martyr, or should we work to keep him alive among us to tell us about the bitter experience of occupation of every person in this steadfast and generous homeland? The heroic comrade Bilal Kayed, laying in the hospital […]

Statement No. 12: We will continue to pound on the walls until victory and freedom

Statement No. 12: We will continue to pound on the walls until victory and freedom

The heroic battle for freedom waged by the prisoners of the Popular Front, led by the General Secretary, Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat in support of their comrade Bilal Kayed, who has been on open hunger strike for 54 days, continues with growing escalation of protest by prisoners. The prisoners are confronting the fascist occupation which continues […]