Hungary: Orbán's plebiscite falls flat as millions stay at home

Written by Josh Holroyd Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Victor Sunday 2 October, Hungary held a national referendum over the mandatory resettlement of refugees in the country. The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, had hoped to use the vote to strengthen his authority both at home and abroad. Instead, he has suffered arguably his most embarrassing setback since he came to power in 2010.


Western imperialism conveniently turns blind eye on events in Yemen

Written by Hamid Alizadeh Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Yemen western media overflows with damning images of the atrocities carried out in Syria's Aleppo, the humanitarian disaster in Yemen is being more or less quietly brushed under the carpet. The reason? The west is elbow deep in the Yemeni tragedy.


[Video] Leon Trotsky's last book: "Stalin"

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Stalin Trotsky front cover cropStalin Trotsky front cover cropAlan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism, discusses the latest release of the most complete edition of Leon Trotsky's "Stalin" ever released. The video is recorded  at Leon Trotsky's house, where he was assassinated and which is today the Leon Trotsky Museum in Mexico. Buy the book from WellRed Books.


Britain: The Marxist Student Federation is growing

Written by Marxist Student Federation Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Leeds University Freshers 2016 MSF thThe academic year is now well underway and the Marxist Student Federation has had its most successful freshers weeks to date. There are now Marxist groups in over 30 schools, colleges and universities, meeting regularly to discuss Marxist ideas and their relevance to today.  Below are a selection of reports from some of the most recent freshers fairs.


America the Great, Good, and Stupid: The Second Clinton-Trump Debate

Written by John Peterson Monday, 10 October 2016

Hellar Sunday evening, the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees met at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri for their second televised debate. In a country besieged by killer clowns, the liberal media's most hated buffoon and "Killary" Clinton took center stage to "debate" the issues confronting the US and the world. What followed was nothing less than a slow motion disaster—a faithful representation of the capitalist class a century after the system's "sell by" date.


What is Money? - Part two

Written by Adam Booth Monday, 10 October 2016

Money - Pictures of Money--Flickr the second part of his series looking at the role of money within capitalist society, Adam Booth explores the questions of value, alienation, and profit in order to develop a more in-depth understanding about the nature of money.


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[Vídeo] Presentación mundial del "Stalin" de Trotsky - Alan Woods y Esteban Volkov

Written by In Defence of Marxism Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Stalin Trotsky front cover cropEl 20 de agosto de 2016 se realizó el lanzamiento mundial de "Stalin" la biografía crítica escrita por León Trotsky en la Casa Museo León Trotsky en la Ciudad de México. (Ver reporte).


400 años de la muerte de Shakespeare: un revolucionario en Literatura - II parte

Written by Alan Woods Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Martin Luther - Public DomainLa Inglaterra de Shakespeare, como la España de Cervantes, protagonizó una gran revolución social y económica. Fue una época de cambio muy turbulenta y dolorosa, que arrojó a un gran número de personas a la pobreza y creó en las ciudades un vasto grupo de desposeídos y elementos del lumpen-proletariado: mendigos, ladrones, prostitutas, desertores, entre otros. La misma suerte corrieron los descendientes de la empobrecida aristocracia y los expulsados del clero; todos ellos formaron una reserva interminable de personajes para las obras de Shakespeare.


Colombia: El plebiscito sobre el Acuerdo de Paz fue derrotado - ¿Y ahora qué?

Written by Jorge Martín Monday, 10 October 2016

FARC commanders during the Caguan peace talks 1998-2002 - DEA Public Affairs El domingo 2 de octubre, los electores colombianos rechazaron el acuerdo entre el gobierno y las FARC "para el fin del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera". Jorge Martín explica el proceso que condujo a la consulta y lo que esto significará para el futuro de la lucha de clases en Colombia.