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Pope pleads for immediate ceasefire in Aleppo, Syria
Pope pleads for immediate ceasefire in Aleppo, Syria
Priest who moved Pope to tears to be named Cardinal
Pope Francis pays surprise visit to Amatrice
Young priest killed by Nazis beatified
Pope meets with survivors of Nice terror attack
Pope Francis: We must try our best to imitate God's mercy
Pope Francis surprises a neonatal ward in Rome
Pope says French priest slain by ISIS a martyr
Is religion at odds with science? A Vatican astronomer weighs in
No sin is bigger than God, Pope Francis says
Pope Francis' challenge - Follow Jesus, not yourself
Pope Francis hosts pizza party for Italy's poor
Pope Francis declares Mother Teresa a saint
The happiest day of Mother Teresa's life
Are you a sinner? Run to Jesus, Pope Francis says
Pope Francis welcomes Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to the Vatican
Mother Teresa's dark night of the soul
After earthquake, Francis sets aside speech and picks up rosary
Pope Francis: We must signal God's mercy, attention
Pope Francis visits St. Maximilian Kolbe's cell

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Leaked emails show Clinton's team should read a catechism

-By Addie Mena Washington D.C.- Oh anti-Catholicism. You’re always in vogue. And just what we needed to add to this wonderful election journey. Today, the anti-secrecy and disclosure site WikiLeaks released more than 1,000 emails as part of an...

CNA Blog - Leaked emails show Clinton’s team should read a catechism

–By Addie Mena Washington D.C.- Oh anti-Catholicism. You’re always in vogue. And just what we needed to add to this wonderful election journey. Today, the anti-secrecy and disclosure site...

Why “Don’t Look” won’t be enough

I am the mother of three sons and one daughter. My kids are young still, but my firstborn is now within a couple years of the average first age of exposure to pornography. Which means that kids as...

A Tribute to Vin Scully

by Sr. Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.

He’s been dubbed: “The Poet-Philosopher of Baseball,” “A Voice for the Ages,” “The Velvet Voice.” He’s been compared to Walter Cronkite, Mark Twain, and Garrison Keilor.   In 1982, the...
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