About This Blog

The main purpose of this blog is to write about the music I love and how it intersects with my life. That’s all, but that’s enough.

4 Responses to “About This Blog”

  1. Hey, this is a good site. Give mine a look and see if you’re interested in crosslinking: luminousmuse.wordpress.com

  2. Larry Jack says:

    Imagine my surprise when I found our old group “The Epic Splendor” written about in your blog. I was the bass player in the band, and loved the “quick career” I/we had in music. You are correct, we were from Long Island, and we only had one follow up record. If you’d like more info about the band, please let me know via email. Thanks for finding us. Larry

  3. Emily Oprea says:

    Imagine MY surprise when one of Judy Roderick’s FB fans posted her “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime” on their own wall. We Roderick siblings are now all posting it on our walls. That youtube bounced up to 107 hits in just one day. SO – THANK YOU, whoever you are!

    Did you know that Vanguard re-issued Judy’s “Woman Blue” album, the year after she passed away? It’s now out on cd, in stereo, with 3 extra songs that she laid down in 1966, but which didn’t make it to the original LP.

    …and the music goes round & round. See: http://www.judyroderick.com/
    My very best, Emily

  4. Judy Sullivan says:

    I too am a very “complete fan” of Glenn Yarbrough. I listen everyday to at least a few of his songs. For Emily…an album I played daily for years. Just so you know you are not alone in your enthusiasm for the man’s work. Listening to him right now as I listen to a 92 year old woman sleep …WHEN FLORA WAS MINE is on my Fire Cloud.

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