Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Temporarily Unavailable

Some collections may be temporarily not available for consultation. This can occur if documents are being reinventorised, receiving conservation treatment, being digitized, due to shortage of stack space, or renovation.

For questions about this material please contact

The following archival collections are not available for consultation:
• Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB) :
   Inventory numbers A - H are not available until January 2017
   Inventory numbers 1000-3128 and 9409-9445 are not available until January 2017
   Other inventory numbers can be consulted by appointment only

The following library collections are not available for consultation:

• Kashnor, Leon (Britse sociale geschiedenis) - can be consulted by appointment only
• Agrarisch Nieuwsblad,
    1940 (ZF 17437) - until November 2016
• Amsterdamsche Courant,
    1689: 24 mei, 14 juni 1690: 3 juni, 11 juli, 22 juli (PM 111) - until November 2016
• De bode : orgaan van den Bond van Nederlandsche Onderwijzers,
    1891-1945 (ZK 49002 + ZF 65828) - until November 2016
    (1892-1925 + 1928-1930 + 1931-1942 are only available on microfilm)
• De fabrieksarbeider,
    1907-1942 (ZF 17079)  - only available on microfilm - until November 2016
    1945-1949  (ZF 30328) - until November 2016
• Grafisch weekblad : orgaan van den Algemeenen Ned. Typografenbond,
    1906-1942  (ZF 17299.x ) - only available on microfilm - until November 2016
    1945- 1955 (ZF 31325) - until November 2016
• Links front. Orgaan van de Arbeiders Theaterbond Holland,
    1934 (PM 7590) - until November 2016
• Mercurius: orgaan van de Vereniging van Handelsbedienden Mercurius enz.
    1887- 1922 + 1926-1940 (ZK 17296) - until November 2016
    1923-1925 (ZF 17153) - until November 2016
• Ons vakbelang. Orgaan van Alg. Ned. Typografenbond.
    1892-1905 (ZF 17266.x, ZK 17512.x) - only available on microfilm - until November 2016
• Onze strijd : orgaan van de Algemene Nederlandse Bond van Handels- en Kantoorbedienden. 
    1906-1940 (ZK 17464.x + ZF 17236.x) - only available on microfilm - until November 2016
• De metaalbewerker orgaan van den Metaalbewerkersbond in Nederland,
    1894-1941 (ZF 17156.x ) - only available on microfilm - until November 2016
    1945-1950 (ZF 30636) - until November 2016
• Vereenigt u,
    1909-1942 (ZF 17280.x) - only available on microfilm - until November 2016
    1945-1950 (ZF 31228) ) - until November 2016
• De vrije socialist: sociaal-anarchistisch orgaan
    1898-1940 (ZF 17473.x ) - only available on microfilm - until June 2016