• Do you know about the dangers of ‘dabbing’? (Philly – Blog)

    by  • June 16, 2015 • 0 Comments

    Garnering increasing attention in the media is a process of marijuana intake which relies on the use of butane to extract THC concentrate. Compared to the intoxication potency obtained during similar activities such as binge drinking, the Dr. and author of this article attempts to educate pediatrics and parents on both the dangers of intoxication and...

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    U.S. anti-legalization group urges more access to marijuana research (Reuters)

    by  • May 29, 2015 • 1 Comment

    Only the University of Mississippi has the federal go-ahead to research the medical value of cannabis. Smart Approaches to Marijuana is trying to change that, though they oppose recreational marijuana legalization, skeptical that a legalization model able to constrain commercial harm will be adopted by states considering legalization. Asserting the value of cannabidiol over THC, the psychoactive component...

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    The government still insists pot is more dangerous than cocaine (The Washington Post)

    by  • May 17, 2015 • 0 Comments

    The following article by Stanford Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Keith Humphreys, explains the rational behind the federal drug classification system that places marijuana on the most restricted tier. This tiering mechanism fails because of the fallacy of presumption it implies: that a drug without medical benefit is therefore more dangerous. A further read explains how this problem...

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    Louisiana Medical marijuana chances not just pipe dream as national industry grows (Bayoubuzz)

    by  • May 1, 2015 • 0 Comments

    Estimates in 2010 found 72%-84% of marijuana consumed in the US was cultivated in CA. As national demand for the crop increases, further complicated becomes the landscape of a state facing its worst drought in census history. Measures to alleviate CA’s woes, will be half-hearted at best, since the illicit nature of marijuana hampers analysis, and regulation, that governs licit crops.

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    Big Marijuana is scary. But not as scary as continuing prohibition. (VOX Media)

    by  • April 29, 2015 • 0 Comments

    The following article makes an argument for hastening the legalization of marijuana. Hesitation for commercialization arrises over the probable expansion of heavy users that model would create, and the worrisome notion of a larger percentage of teens spending less of their productive years being functional. Pushing forward regardless of a commercialization model comes at a time...

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    ‘Just Say No’ to the Gateway Theory of Pot (The Atlantic)

    by  • April 26, 2015 • 0 Comments

    As marijuana legalization comes to light, so are the many myths that shroud this narcotic. In attempting to define the course of drug use among adolescents, tempting too is the urge to oversimply root causes. As Mark Kleiman, a UCLA professor and drug policy expert notes, “It  can get them into illicit drugs because it gets them...

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    GLYNN: Marijuana tax revenue still in question (Niagra Gazette)

    by  • April 12, 2015 • 0 Comments

    Tax revenue from some form of cannabis legalization is a popular driving force capable of pushing other needed agendas such as decriminilazation and public health measures. But such optimism creates false expectations that detract from the real benefits to be reaped, and implemented, from legalizing cannabis. Perhaps the momentum is such, that the revenue-impetus is no longer necessary?

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    Marijuana Taxes Won’t Save State Budgets (The New York Times)

    by  • April 10, 2015 • 0 Comments

    Part of the recreational marijuana tax dilemma – shortfalls in revenue – stems from diversions in revenue caused by the regulation of medical marijuana itself. But the real dilemma is caused more by inflated expectations. As NYU drug and crime analyst Mark Kleiman often expounds, time stabilizes recreational prices to a level that can...

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