Eviction Free Zone's blog

Focused Organizing: A Question of Legal Support

When organizing around foreclosure defense, it is usually best to stick to what you know.

What's in a Name: Grounding Housing Justice in Class Struggle

An Eviction Free Zone may look great on paper, but it will only be transformative if it sees evictions as a symptom of something deeper.

Housing is a Human Right: From the Streets to the Powerful

A video of the Housing is a Human Right march and rally that challenged the City of Rochester and pushed the housing justice movement even further.

The enemy of my enemy: organizing with the faith community

While many people's experience with organized religion has lead them to be critical, these are still the largest organized non-commercial entities in the world. Here is a look at the how and why of drawing in churches to organized housing resistance and justice work, as well as an entire range as we shift to a larger anti-austerity movement.

The human rights agenda: Metro Justice's housing vision

Article written to look at the Metro Justice's Housing Committee, created by housing justice activists to add dimension to Rochester's housing movement and to support Take Back the Land Rochester.

Eviction Resistance: The Story of Leonard Spears

Learn the story of eviction resister Leonard Spears, and how he decided to stay in his home despite his foreclosure.

Expecting resistance: Looking back on the production of a foreclosure defence documentary

A detailed look at the production process for our documentary Expect Resistance, which looks at the growing housing justice movement by looking at Take Back the Land Rochester.

Spokes on a Wheel: Some Labor Notes on Intersecting Struggles

With the recent Labor Notes Troublemaker's School in mind, how can labor begin to further tie into the housing struggle? Voices from We Are Oregon, Labor Notes, and elsewhere say that this may be from finding an "intersection" in struggle.

Direct action, Occupy Wallstreet, and the future of housing justice: an interview with Noam Chomsky

Check out this interview with Noam Chomsky about the growing housing justice movement, the future of Occupy, and how direct action can play into all of this.

Take Back the Land and the Art of Liberation

A video look at how the housing liberation efforts of Take Back the Land Rochester can affect a homeless family, and can serve as a model for community direct action.

Recovery or Failure: Housing By the Numbers

Though the economy may be on the upswing, it doesn't erase the inequality that sits under the surface.

Towards a new neighbourhood: Building something new in the shell of the old

When thinking about what kind of housing model we really want for the future, we can see the new structures sprouting in the very acts of resistance we have today.

Amended resistance: Rejecting the politics of constitutional defense

When it comes to institutional analysis and eviction defense, is citing the Constitution still at the top of the list?

Housing resistance and transformation: From direct action to direct democracy

A look at why direct action can be the foundation of transforming housing in eviction defense, foreclosure resistance, and housing liberation.

Locating "Tenants' Rights" During Foreclosure

Foreclosures have become a raging fire, destroying whole communities in their wake. Tenants of foreclosed buildings often times have the least control over their situation. Here is a look at some rights that tenants do have during a foreclosure, and why we need to step even beyond these.