- published: 21 Nov 2016
- views: 4067
The Ezhavas are a community with origins in the region of India presently known as Kerala. They are also known as Ilhava, Irava, Izhava and Erava in the south of the region; as Chovas, Chokons and Chogons in Central Travancore; and as Thiyyas, Tiyyas and Theeyas in the Malabar region. Some are also known as Thandan, which has caused administrative difficulties due to the presence of a distinct caste of Thandan in the same region. The Malabar Thiyya group have claimed a higher ranking in the Hindu caste system than do the others, although from the perspective of the colonial and subsequent administrations they were treated as being of similar rank.
As well as being agricultural laborers, small cultivators, toddy tappers and liquor businessmen, some Ezhavas were also involved in weaving and some practised ayurveda. Ezhava dynasties such as the Izhathu Mannanars also existed in Kerala. The Chekavar, a warrior section within the community, were part of the militias of local chieftains and kings. There were also renowned kalaripayattu experts among Chekavars.
CHOVA Impermeabilización y Aislamiento ayuda a CARITAS
Alumband - Chova del Ecuador
Que Chova - Músicas e Canções para Crianças
Músicas e Canções para Crianças | Que chova | Toobys
CHOVA XXL, talla-hams, lirio...CHICO SURFCASTING 2016, Turkanafishing - HGworldfishing
1950 - Emilinha Borba - Tomara Que Chova
Se chove, que chova!
Canales y Bajantes - Chova del Ecuador
CHOVA PARTICIPA EN LA REFORMA DEL ECONOMATO. ChovA participa en la reforma del Economato de Caritas donando materiales para renovación de las instalaciones. Se trata de un economato social con el objetivo de no volver al asistencialismo tradicional y facilitar que las personas y familias con menos recursos puedan valerse por sí mismas y aprovechen mejor las cosas y los recursos de que se disponen Este economato pretende proporcionar un acceso, de forma más económica, a productos de consumo básico a aquellas personas y familias con las cuales Cáritas está desarrollando un proceso individualizado de intervención social y carecen de poder adquisitivo para cubrir sus necesidades básicas de alimentación e higiene doméstica. Como todas las ayudas que se realizan desde la red de acogida de ...
Que chova Toobys é divertido e educativo para crianças de até 5 anos. Registre-se: http://bit.ly/1FrTDNL Música: Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Toobys_M%C3%BAsica_para_crian%C3%A7as_Vol_1?id=B2rlysf4cicaukwcddyaccumney&hl;=en iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/id1041477020 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/23IhITgTp7Z73HfZUq4s2b Sites oficiais Toobys: www.toobys.tv https://www.facebook.com/ToobysTv https://twitter.com/ToobysOk https://es.pinterest.com/toobys/ https://www.youtube.com/c/ToobysPortuguês
Únete o movemento "Se chove, que chova!" en http://www.sechovequechova.com - E a vostede que lle poño hoxe? - Nin moño nin melena, algo moderno. - O de sempre. - Dígoche que xa non se pode ler nada, todo son malas noticias... É que che amargan a vida! - Se vos conto o que fixeron os meus netos... Un deles preguntoume se habería algún sitio en Galicia que non se nubrase nunca... E outro dixo que coñecía o home máis sabio de Galicia... E alá foron. Chegaron e, por suposto... era unha muller! - Home!! - E díxolles: - "O único que non se nubra nunca en Galicia é a nosa alegría. Porque a nosa alegría vén da nosa forza, e a nosa forza vén da terra. Os carballos e os acantilados fannos recios. Os ríos un pouco arrevesados. A choiva... creativos. E os seráns, sensibles e morriñentos. ...
These guys can't be punk-rock
They sing about love and Brendan says they're not
But they've got egos this big,
I bet that their Mothers got them this gig-
Because this is the anti-song
Everybody sing along. This is the anti-song
How could I ever be wrong?
Those guys aren't like me
I hate that band because they're not PC
But they won't get too far,