Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Friends Meeting

The next regular 33rd Friends Meeting is scheduled for Thursday afternoon 30 June 2016.


14.30-14.45 Coffee/Tea
14.45-15.00 Private Meeting (Friends only)

15.00-15.05 Short welcome
15.05-16.05 (choice of 2 programmes )
1. Presentation of highlights from recent acquisitions of the International Institute of Social History
2. Tour behind the scenes of the Institute where one gets to see documents about the Spanish Civil War

16.05-16.15 Break

16.15-17.15 Programme about the Spanish Civil War

  • Yvonne Scholten gives a presentation about biographies of Dutch volunteers
  • Eric de Ruijter will present the website with biographies of Dutch volunteers
  • Almudena Rubio will show a collection of digitzed CNT photos that deal mainly with the social battle behind the frontlines
  • Rudolf de Jong will inform us about aid to Spain in the form of individual support and larger assistance programs
  • Presentation of an excerpt from a recently digitized documentary with interviews about the Spanish Civil War

17.15-18.00 Drinks

We warmly invite you to attend this meeting.
Kindly register via or 020-6685866.