Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Het is dit jaar veertig jaar geleden dat er ongekend hevige gevechten uitbraken tussen de Amsterdamse politie en de bewoners van de Nieuwmarktbuurt. De laatsten verzetten zich tegen sloop van hun... [Event]
Ter gelegenheid van twee gloednieuwe boeken over hofjes organiseert het IISG in samenwerking met Uitgeverij van Stockum en Stichting Landelijk Hofjesberaad een kort symposium over het hofje als... [Event]
Manufacturer J.C. van Marken was one of the first Dutch entrepreneurs who took care of the social welfare of his employees. This photo album from the archive of Jules Prudhommeaux shows pictures of... [Image gallery]
Het IISG is gevestigd op enkele honderden meters van de plaats waar in de jaren '20 en '30 een armenkolonie huisde: Zeeburgerdorp. Zeeburgerdorp werd in 1926 gesticht met de bedoeling arme ‘asociale... [Collection highlight]
The Institute received a collection of documents from Kevin Keating, a well known local activist in San Francisco. The material (mostly copies) consists of leaflets, posters, articles, letters and... [Collection highlight]
In honour of the centennial anniversary of the Housing Act, the IISH was commissioned to compile a digital museum of public housing in 2001. The foundation consisted of the archives and the... [Collection highlight]
The Junta Pro-Desocupados (Unemployment Council, founded 1931) in Lima, Peru believed that adequate housing for workers could help stop the rise of militancy.  A new worker housing project initiated... [Item of the Day]
As one of the first Dutch entrepreneurs who also cared about the social welfare of his employees, Van Marken studied foreign examples of socially responsible housing. In 1882 he bought land behind... [Item of the Day]