That’s funny you don’t sound Jewish

From Bob’s archive: British klezmer

I’m on holiday, so to keep the blog alive I’m posting some stuff from my archive. This is from July 2007, when the Jewish Chronicle launched their Klezmer Idol competition, and is a review of the competitors. Beskydy make heartfelt traditional Klezmer. More impressive than the tracks on the JC website are their rendering of Israeli […]

Shabes mixtape

Great songs: Tom Russell: Gallo del Cielo (Americana from La Linea); Original Dixieland Jass Band: Tiger Rag (jazz for ball players) ; Taraf De Haidouks: Tot Taraful (gypsy mayhem); Tony Bennett: I Get Along Without You Very Well (old white guys still got it). Cool Jewish music: Gevolt (Yiddish metal); Rachel Zapen (bossa nova inspired covers of 80s classics, etc); Daphna Sadeh and […]

From the Horn of Africa to the Golden Horn

This is another uninvited guest post, this time with music supplied by Noga who blogs at Contentious Centrist, based on comments made to my last post, and an e-mail from Jogo. From Noga: If Ethiopian singers are your interest,then you should check out this song by Shlmo Grunich and the Sheba choir: In this vid you […]

Ethiopiques/Hava Nagila

Cross-posted from BobFromBrockley It’s a while since I did one of these, partly as YouTube and Spotify and all these other web 2.0 things have displaced the good old fashioned mp3 blogs which flourished in the second half of the noughties. But here goes. Ethiopiques From Magnet Magazine, I am glad to discover the lovely, […]