- published: 30 Sep 2016
- views: 2746
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is an online first-person shooter developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation. It is the fourth game in the main Counter-Strike franchise. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on August 21, 2012. The Linux version was released in September 2014. It features classic content, such as revamped versions of classic maps, as well as brand new maps, characters and game modes. Cross-platform multiplayer was planned between Windows, OS X, Linux, and PlayStation 3 players, but was ultimately limited to Windows, OS X, and Linux because of the differences in update-frequency between systems. The PlayStation 3 version offers three input control methods, which include using either the DualShock 3 controller, PlayStation Move or USB keyboard/mouse.
Like the previous games in the series, Global Offensive is an objective-based multiplayer first-person shooter. Each player joins either the Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist team and attempts to complete objectives or eliminate the enemy team. The game operates in short rounds that end when all players on one side are dead or a team's objective is completed. For most game modes, once a player dies, they must wait until the round ends to respawn.
CS:GO - Best PRO Moments! 2015 (Flickshots, Crazy Clutches, Inhuman Reactions, ACEs, Best Frags)
CS:GO - Counter Strike: Global Offensive (Teens React: Gaming)
The Best CSGO Trickshots (Trickshotting on CSGO)
Random CS:GO Bullshittery (part 7)
PRO VAC SHOTS #2 | CSGO Thank you for watching! Drop a like if you enjoyed! ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL NETWORKS: TWITCH: http://goo.gl/qz33Rp TWITTER: https://goo.gl/zBt1CQ FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/HppR47 STEAM GROUP: http://goo.gl/uG7aPr Have any unneeded skin or trading card I would gladly accept it as a donation :) Trade offer: https://goo.gl/BDzyzt Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
I SNIPED A GRENADE BRB GOING TO DRINK BLEACH CSGO SILVER FUNNY MOMENTS hope you enjoyed these funny moments on csgo :D Leave a like if you enjoyed :D if you like these CS GO funny moments leave a like and a comment brothers :D If you want more Funny CS:GO moments videos leave a like bros ^_^/ friends in the video https://www.youtube.com/user/ChaBoyyHD https://www.youtube.com/user/KyleHD27 https://www.youtube.com/user/BYZEHG https://www.youtube.com/user/EireBornFenix My twitch http://www.twitch.tv/aaronlawd Instagram https://instagram.com/azzythemlgpro/ Trade offer link :D https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=113856009&token;=qSnJRGcw Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/user/aaronlawd... More cs go funny moments ,trolling , Epic fun https://www.youtube.com/user/aaro...
You enjoyed this? Then you can help me out! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=NoobSilent Watch Pro Knife Fail: https://youtu.be/8zedcU97jZQ Watch kennyS 2015 highlights: https://youtu.be/gvEbzPk80a8 Hello and welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. The year 2015 was pretty awesome - especially for CS:GO. So many beautiful clutches, insane flickshots, fail moments, sneaky moments and beautiful spraydowns happened this year. This is Part 1 and I will release at least 1 more part - stay tuned :) In addition to that I want to THANK ALL OF YOU!!!! Thank you so much to all the professional players, every caster and every organisation team who made this year so wonderful for us. Moreover a big thank you to all of my supporters on YouTube! I get so many sweet messages and I really hope...
Buy games using our Kinguin Link: http://kinguin.net/7en/8te ✦✧✦ Follow mOE at: ☻http://www.twitch.tv/m0e_tv ☻https://www.facebook.com/moeassad86 ☻https://twitter.com/m0E_tv m0E used to be a professional CS:GO player now he is a part of EchoFOX and he manages the CS:GO team of that org. while still full time streaming the game on twitch. Intro Music: Ash O'Connor & Curbi - Steeper
Trade your skins fast @ http://tradeskinsfast.com Want to be in the next BEST OF CSGO? Send me your clips/youtube links to sendmeyourclipsasap@gmail.com Check out http://ctsided.com FOR FUN CSGO MEMES AND VIDEOS! My Steam Trade URL : https://goo.gl/69WMXW Steam Profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRealSkooby/ Song provided by No Copyright Sounds Outro song - TheFatRat - Xenogenesis I am not affiliated with OddShot.TV, reddit.com or Livecap.tv all copyrights reserved to their respective owners. Links used : https://oddshot.tv/ https://www.livecap.tv/ https://www.reddit.com There is no copyright infringement intended for the song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this video please contact me through one of my social networks or YouTube private messaging system....
SUBSCRIBE TO THE REACT CHANNEL! https://goo.gl/7SnCnC Watch all episodes of REACT GAMING: http://goo.gl/TVhuol Play Counter Strike: Global Offensive: http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/ Watch all REACT channel videos from this week: http://goo.gl/th0yyt These Teens play Counter Strike: Global Offensive! Subscribe to see their reaction to games every week! This episode features the following Reactors: Alicia, age 17 Ethan, age 19 https://www.instagram.com/imthat_blackguy/ Geneva, age 18 https://www.instagram.com/pie.poli/ Jeordy, age 19 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEPJINUHCOR6JnY_mqEM0pw Moises, age 16 Seth, age 17 https://www.youtube.com/c/sethdegler Follow Fine Brothers Entertainment: FBE WEBSITE: http://www.finebrosent.com FBE CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/FBE REACT CHANNEL...
Unbox skins at: https://www.drakemoon.com/promo-code/Gouldy Use code 'Gouldy' for a FREE case opening! THE BEST PRO PLAYER ONE TAPS IN THE HISTORY OF CSGO! Leave a like if you enjoy and subscribe for more! Pros in this video (in order): Hiko, reltuC, felps, GeT_RiGhT, Juho, juliano, DaZeD, flusha, shroud, f0rest, n0thing, ScreaM, NBK, ShahZaM, roca, Snax, olofmeister, Dosia, s1mple, dennis, Nifty, Stewie2k, RpK, Ex6TenZ, mou, shox, rain, device, nex, anger, fREAKZOiD, seangares, freddieb, Nico More CS GO videos coming soon! Want an awesome GT Omega Racing chair like mine? Use my code 'Gouldy' for 5% off! UK/EU: http://www.gtomegaracing.com/?tracking=57b4d94d8dbd1 USA: http://usa.gtomegaracing.com/?tracking=57b4d94d8dbd1 CA: http://ca.gtomegaracing.com/?tracking=57b4d94d8dbd1 ●Join my...
Leave a LIKE for CSGO trickshots! Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CastTheatre Video by: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBadQualityTroll https://twitter.com/Th3DarkWolf Music Used: darix togni - Digi G'Alessio Muzzy - Feeling Stronger (feat. Charlotte Colley) (High Maintenance Remix) [Electro] - Pegboard Nerds - We Are One (feat. Splitbreed) (Droptek Remix) Above & Beyond - Love Is Not Enough (Slander Heaven Trap Edit)
Zero Fucks Clan forum - zfclan.org/forum Streaming at - http://www.twitch.tv/sovietwomble Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/SovietWomble Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SovietWomble Twitter - https://twitter.com/SovietWomble Sources: 5:02 - Adagio for strings 6:29 - House Husslepuff by https://twitter.com/BewbewDingo
Jerome meets a subscriber on csgo and he comes in clutch with the pick up! The ultimate wingman when you need you a man! Jeromes man! Hope you enjoy this csgo video! Tweet me cutie: http://bit.ly/1nyAZtQ Im horny!
Viva a vida
O teu sonho, tua fantasia
Viva sua vida
Eu vou na frente
Pra quebrar essa corrente
Que segura essa gente
Que não deixa ela crescer
Eu falo alto só pra ver se ela me escuta
É todo dia nessa luta
Mais um dia eu vou vencer...
O vento soprando em meu rosto
É bom...
No fim do horizonte eu vejo o sol
Você tem que deixar de mentir
Acreditar na cultura do nosso país
Pois aqui eu tenho a natureza,
Eu tenho a natureza
Eu sou congueiro, batuqueiro
Sou guerreiro, sou da Barra do Jucu...