Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Adopt History

The IISH is the largest institution in the world dedicated to social history research. Since 1935 the Institute has served as a site for rescuing and safeguarding the cultural heritage of labour movements and other emancipatory groups and movements.

Safeguarding is only the beginning of long-term storage, access, restoration, and preservation. The annual income of the IISH is insufficient to ensure optimal preservation of all collections for the future.
We therefore hope to obtain support via other channels. You can help by adopting a piece of history from our collections.

This mission no longer requires embarking on dangerous journeys such as the ones made by Institute staff to European countries under authoritarian regimes in the 1930s. Financial contributions, however, would help us enormously. Such contributions enable us to preserve, provide access to, or digitize a work, an archive, or a collection of your choice. And because the Friends of the IISH is an ANBI institution,* the Dutch Treasury will allow you to deduct contributions from taxes.

For more information about Adopt History, please contact:

* Registered as Stichting Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) in Amsterdam, Chamber of Commerce number 41205203.