Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Friends of the IISH

The work of the International Institute of Social History is supported by more than 70 Friends from the Netherlands as well as from abroad. They have committed themselves to an annual donation of 100 or 500 euro. In addition several Friends made extra donations to the amount of 450.000 euro. Some Friends remembered the IISH in their will. All these gifts are used for the acquisition or preservation of special collections or for the support of research.

The Institute is not only pleased with the material support, but also with the enthusiasm, commitment and involvement of the Friends. Every half year we are organizing a meeting  where the Friends can get acquainted  with new acquisitions and exchanges  ideas with the IISH staff or each other. Thus, the Friends have become an indispensable network. The meetings conclude with a lecture on the work of the Institute followed by drinks. All this can be read in the beautifully designed magazine On the Waterfront.

Composition of the Board of the Friends of the IISH:

Huub Sanders (Chair)
Wim Berkelaar
Mieke IJzermans
Bauke Marinus
Jacco Pekelder
Rinus Penninx

The Friends remember Board Member Bart Hageraats (1950-2014)
The Friends remember former Board Member and writer Ger Verrips (1928-2015) (in Dutch)
The Friends remember former Board Member Auke Jacobs (1952-2016) (in Dutch)