The Latest in Space/Astronomy
1280px-Alpha-_Beta_and_Proxima_Centauri.jpg - Courtesy Skatebiker/Wikimedia Commons.
What are the Sun's Stellar Neighbors?
You can see thousands of stars when you look up at night. Here are the top 10 closest stars to our Sun. The closest one is 4.2 light-years away from us.
A World in the Asteroid Belt
The dwarf planet Ceres received its first Earth-based visitor in March 2015. Check out what we know so far about this distant little world.
Close-up of Sirius - Hubble European Space Agency - Akira Fujii/Wikimedia Commons
10 Bright Stars as Seen from Earth
Stars are scattered across our night sky and show us different degrees of brightness. Learn more about the ten brightest ones seen from Earth.
Planet Uranus taken by the spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986. - Stocktrek Images/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images
Uranus: the World that Makes People Giggle
The planet Uranus is a gorgeous and interesting planet. But its name often leads to laughter and giggles for the different ways it is pronounced.
roots of dark matter around Earth - NASA/JPL
What Is This Dark Matter Stuff, Anyway?
Ever wondered what dark matter is or where it came from? So do scientists studying the problem of detecting this mysterious and powerful "stuff".
Cometary Perfume a Big Hit with Astronomers
Want to know what a comet smells like? It's not quite what you think! The Rosetta mission at Comet 67P used special instruments to sniff the comet's ices.
comet nucleus - ESA
Say Goodbye to Rosetta
The Rosetta mission ended when the spacecraft crash-landed on its cometary target. Now astronomers are working to analyze the data it provided.
stars - European Southern Observatory
The Straight Scoop on Star Brightnesses
Magnitudes -- measures of brightness -- help us understand how bright things are that we see in the sky. Each object has a specific magnitude.
A planetary nebula called the Southern Owl Nebula - European Southern Observatory
A Dying Star Gives up the Ghost
The Southern Owl Nebula is a good example of a ghostly looking planetary nebula—the remains of a sun-like star on its way to becoming a white dwarf.
KBO_hs-2014-47-a-large_web.jpg - NASA, ESA,SwRI, JHU/APL, and the New Horizons KBO Search Team.
The Final Frontier Just Got More Interesting
What would a spacecraft say if it could know what its future mission would be? New Horizons tells us its tale of future exploration in the Kuiper Belt.
High mass stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - NASA/ESA/STScI
Monster Stars Exist in the Universe
Stars exist in all sizes and masses, which raises the question: how big can a star get? Astronomers are on the hunt for the most massive ones.
Comets? Asteroids? Minor Planets? What Are They?
Explore what it means to be a minor planet, asteroid, comet, or dwarf planet and learn about how astronomers classify solar system objects.
magellanic clouds - European Southern Observatory
A Little Star Cloud that Turned out to be a Galaxy
The Small Magellanic Cloud is one of two companion galaxies to the Milky Way. They're easily visible from Earth's southern hemisphere skies.
Europa and ocean - NASA
Exploring Jupiter's Oceanic Moon Europa
Could life exist on Europa? Future missions to this moon of Jupiter will help uncover possible abodes for life in its deep oceans.
Image Credit: NASA
Moon Exploration: Has Its Time Come Again?
The last people to walk on the Moon did it in December 1972. People are now preparing to return within the next decade to establish scientific bases.