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  1. 4 години тому

    As of today 420 ICU beds in Victoria. Premier promised April 2020 4,000 at cost of $1.3B. Andrews spin is catching him out now. Andrews Govt has had 16 months to prepare & have failed to do so. Mismanagement is putting Victorian lives at risk

  2. 6 годин тому

    This is a bogus rally. No union has endorsed it. Trades Hall condemns the deceitful anti-vaxxer rally organisers pretending to speak for unions. We support vaccinations as the best way to keep each other safe.

  3. 6 вер.

    The Victorian Liberals have gone back to Matthew Guy. You might remember him as the guy who rezoned Fishermans Bend making Liberal donors lots of money while forgetting schools, parks and health services. Or for his nasty campaign on Safe Schools and “African gangs”

  4. 6 годин тому

    After the Victorian Opposition yesterday tried to justify the actions of the Fitzroy Community School, they have come up with another thought bubble. Which got popped by Merlino.

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  5. 7 годин тому

    Premier says a roadmap out of lockdown likely to come on Sunday. “It will give people a clear sense of what we’re working towards.”

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  6. 7 вер.

    Dan isn't finished with you, Hunt.

  7. 9 вер.

    I spoke with the press today about my concerns around consent and once again put my freedom scissors to work.

  8. 12 вер.

    Did Dan just do a mic drop?? (after he called out the Feds for short-changing Victoria, it seems they found more Pfizer in the bottom drawer)

  9. 6 вер.

    🍿 👀 Vic Libs poised to Dump what’s-his-name. For…🥁 Lobster-with-the-Mobster Guy! Who lost 11 seats last time & should have had a Royal Commission into his time as Planning Minister. What a talented bunch 🤦🏻‍♂️

  10. 7 вер.

    It is a race. Yet Scott Morrison helped Premier Berejiklian to sprint, while other States & Territories have to do an egg-and-spoon race.   It’s not fair. Victorians have done the most to fight COVID. They deserve their fair share of vaccines.  

  11. 22 години тому

    Daily reminder that , and lied about the ADF. They were never offered to provide security for Victoria's hotel quarantine program.

  12. 9 годин тому

    lol Sophie "we've got a media press pack down here in Melbourne that is largely a fan base of Daniel Andrews ... (he) doesn't appear get the scrutiny that Gladys Berejiklian does" Yet Sophie wonders why she can't have a conversation on twitter?

  13. 7 вер.

    "this was done without anyone knowing, and the Commonwealth got caught doing it" "Premier Berejiklian's in a sprint while the rest of us are supposed to do some sort of egg & spoon thing"

  14. 8 годин тому

    Which part of Health Dept deputy secretary Kate Matson's accounting qualification provided her with the expertise to discuss covid deaths and autopsies? Must have been on the job learning whilst she was stuffing up Victoria's transport system with the Commander?

  15. 7 годин тому

    I see no reason why any parliament in Australia should not be able to meet in a modified format during this pandemic. isn't going away anytime soon. Debate, scrutiny & public confidence all need protection. Some parallels to pandemic media conferences.

  16. 9 вер.

    Right. So the Liberals now have a Shadow Minister for Education who isn’t responsible for students, and a Shadow Minister for Students who has called for the sacking of teachers. This is the Victorian Liberal party and their commitment to education. 🤔

  17. 12 вер.

    I present to you the Victorian Shadow Attorney General....

  18. 13 вер.

    Matthew Guy forgets that he needs to represent Victorians - not complain about the Feds getting called out for short-changing Victoria on Pfizer allocations.

  19. 20 годин тому

    So what exactly is this 20% unvaccinated and segregated underclass going to look like? I have a feeling it’s not going to be well educated middle class white people. Maybe time to rethink this whole vaccine apartheid thing?

  20. 9 вер.

    Victorians deserve hope, and inspiration to get out of Lockdown6, but all they are getting from Andrews & Sutton is 🍩 … 3hrs exercise & 10km limit is hardly anything to get excited about.

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