The 7400 series of transistor–transistor logic (TTL) integrated circuits are the most popular family of TTL integrated circuit logic. Quickly replacing diode–transistor logic, it was used to build the mini and mainframe computers of the 1960s and 1970s. Several generations of pin-compatible descendants of the original family have since become de facto standard electronic components.
Today, surface-mounted CMOS versions of the 7400 series are used in various applications in electronics and for glue logic in computers and industrial electronics. The original through-hole devices in dual in-line packages (DIP/DIL), which were the mainstay of the industry for many decades, are very useful for rapid breadboard-prototyping and education and so remain available from most manufacturers. The fastest types and very low voltage versions are typically surface-mount only, however.
Mounting tensions between the US and Russia have led to a global political situation which is “more dangerous” than the Cold War, the German foreign minister has said ... Read more....
Three lions rescued and then protected a 12-year-old Ethiopian girl from men who had abducted and beaten her in order to force her into marriage. The girl had been missing for a week when she was found with the lions by police and relatives, Sgt. Wondimu Wedajo told AP from the provincial capital of Bita Genet. She had been beaten repeatedly and it is believed the lions chased the men off ... ....
(CNN)Record flooding. Hundreds of deaths. A hurricane so unusual, even forecasters were astonished. Hurricane Matthew shattered several records during its deadly march through the Caribbean and up the southeast US coast. Here's what we've learned about the extraordinary storm and the catastrophe it left behind.. Record-breaking stamina ... Photos. Hurricane Matthew's path of destruction. Photos. Hurricane Matthew's path of destruction ... ....
New cardinals also include archbishops of Chicago and Indianapolis in move sending signal pope ‘values pastors focused more on mercy than morals’. The papal envoy to Syria has been named as one of a group of new cardinals announced on Sunday by PopeFrancis, including 13 who are eligible to succeed him. Twitter ... And in a rare move, 87-year-old Albanian Ernest Simoni has been elevated to the position of cardinal from parish priest ... ....
The RussianDefense Ministry has announced the deployment of Iskander-M missile systems in Russia’s westernmost region of Kaliningrad, near its border with the Baltic countries and NATO member states... The Russian official also condemned the hype ignited by Western media and NATO member states over the missile deployment, saying the concern over the move was baseless since it was part of regular military maneuvers in the region ... ....
Arroyo GrandeCity Council. Meets Tuesday. 805-473-5400. Consideration of agreement to find a buyer for the Cal-Pac Methodist campground; consider additional water restriction measures and options for water conservation programs; ... ....
(Source. RocklinPolice Department) On October 8th, Rocklin PD responded to the report of a vehicle burglary in the 5400 block of CommonsDrive. The suspect forced entry into the victim's vehicle and stole a GPS enabled mobile device ... (noodl. 35735683) ....
(Source. GCI - General Communication Inc). October 7, 2016. Anchorage, Alaska-In response to the catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, General Communication Inc ... GCI will waive fees through the end of October ... 'Our thoughts are with the families of the victims.' ... Customers with questions can contact GCI customer representatives at (907) 265-5400 or (800) 800-4800 ... About GCI ... Learn more about GCI at Media contact.....
Ten people, including a 13-year-old boy, have been wounded in shootings since Friday evening on the South and West sides. The most recent shooting happened about 2.43 a.m. Saturday in the Englewood neighborhood ... He was taken to Holy Cross Hospital in good condition ... At 11.29 p.m ... The 27-year-old was outside in the 5400 block of West North when he heard gunfire and realized he was shot in the shoulder, police said ... ....
REDONDO BEACH, CA--(Marketwired - Oct 7, 2016) -, a leading financial news and information portal offering free real time public filing alerts, recently published a report on Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis -- a silent epidemic that is destroying the liver of tens of millions of Americans... For more information about investor awareness solutions, please contact Daniel Minton at (406) 862-5400 or at [email protected] ... ....