Tag Archives: fiasco

Kieran Wright? ‘Riight Wanker!’

The Malatesta blog is often accused of taking the piss out of the far right, but with today’s subject we don’t need to take the piss, they are donating it in buckets! The latest EDL eejit is called Kieran Wright – … Continue reading

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That’s Another Fat Mess You’ve Got Me Into!

‘Gimme that pasty you antifa rascal!’  In 2012, the NorthWestImbeciles stated that it was going to be the year of the Infidels but, as with most of their claims, it never happened (like the demos Fatty Jeffrey Marshbubbles and his … Continue reading

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EDL Rotherham Disaster

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit a busy week for us. Apparently there’s some kind of referendum going on doon the road, the embarrassed fascist groupuscule MFE have surrendered, and the EDL have made a right hames of it … Continue reading

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Vultures Of Rotherham #4

This young scallywag was pulled for being late for his tea! Here are some real fuckbugling arsefountains: And it doesn’t get much better … The EDL Damage Limitation Division have gone mental trying to deny that it all kicked off … Continue reading

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The Vultures Of Rotherham #3

What a depressing and thoroughly expected surprise that the EDL’s demonstration in Rotherham over the child abuse scandal ended up in public drunkeness, infighting, confrontations with police and a breakaway group rampaging through the town causing damage. 1 EDL member … Continue reading

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March for England Marches Nowhere!

Apologies for late posting … When we got to Brighton Station for the much anticipated and poorly attended March For England (MfE) the place was full of plod tugging likely looking individuals and handing out Section 60s. We dodged out … Continue reading

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EDL Death Knell

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! In a desperate move the English Defence League called 3 demos in one day thus ensuring their resources are spread thinner than marg on a cheap sandwich! We must spare a thought for all … Continue reading

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