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185 Living Liberally chapters in 44 states including DC, and around the world
[And remember: as you drink liberally, always drink responsibly.]

Newest chapters:

Drinking Liberally Shot of Truth

Kaine and Unable

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence faced off,
with Kaine articulating a progressive vision,
and Pence unable to decide whether he’s running
for VP in 2016 or President in 2020.

Kaine attacked Trump’s bigotry and hypocrisy,
his dishonesty and his recklessness,
while Pence was unable to make the case
for the man at the top of his ticket.

And a half dozen times, Kaine asked
if Pence would stand by Trump's statements.
Pence was not only unable to defend his boss,
he was unable to admit what Trump had said.

In short, it was the story of Kaine and Unable.
And Sunday, we’ll go from Mr. Unable to Mr. Unstable.

With 5 weeks left, so much to share,
including your views, some booths, and a sip of booze
at your local progressive social club.


Find - or start - a chapter near you.


It’s not just that on Monday night Donald Trump
bullied, interrupted constantly and lied repeatedly,
it’s that he followed the debate with accusations
of moderator bias and even a rigged microphone.

Or that he was called out for insulting a Miss Universe,
calling her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping,”
or that he had no reply to this during the debate,
it’s that he doubled down on the insults the next day.

Or that he was ill-prepared to debate and ill-fit to lead,
that he boasted of his tax evasions and bankruptcies,
of broken contracts and his own wealth,
it’s that he then claimed he had the best “temperament.”

Donald Trump showed his temper, that’s for sure.
And he put the “mental” into “temperamental.”

Hillary Clinton combined the best of Bernie’s agenda,
with her own signature style and stamina,
as Donald took the bait, and she took the debate.

And yet, this race is still neck and neck.

Share reactions and plans for actions
as you share a drink and what you think
at your local progressive social club.

Find or start a chapter near you.

Take the Bait to the Debate

Attacks in NY, NJ and Minnesota
put terror central to the public debate,
but must we take the bait to overreact
with fears, phobias and martial measures?

Killings of unarmed Black men by police
lead to outrage by some, race-baiting by others,
including Trump’s calls for stop-and-frisk,
his latest play in dog-whistle politics.

Days away from the first debate,
each candidate tests out attacks
over character, corruption, keeping us safe,
a shadow fight before Monday’s showdown.

Trump’s a proven master baiter and debater,
and Clinton’s a steady presence on the big stage.
It may be whichever candidate doesn’t take the bait
is the one who ultimately takes the debate.

Share learnings, yearnings and ideas that are burning
as you engage, enjoy and imbibe for a night
at your local progressive social club.

Find or start a chapter near you.

Tightening and Frightening

Trump supporters attack protesters,
his campaign retweets neo-Nazi imagery,
he praises Putin, discounts sexual assault,
but Clinton's denounced for saying "deplorable."

Trump's foundation is rife with corruption,
his university was a cesspool of fraud,
his taxes and business dealings are shrouded,
but Clinton's accused of secrecy and scandal.

Trump releases a plan on parental leave
that's for mothers only, isn't funded,
continuing a line of substance-less proposals,
and Clinton's slammed for being sick.

But of all the terrors in the Trump horror show
the most frightening thing of all
is the race is neck-and-neck.

The polls are tightening. And it's frightening.

Share your fears, ideas, and a few beers
as your share a night with like-minded lefties
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Democracy Fall or Fall of Democracy?

As we pass Labor Day and move toward fall,
we enter the official "election season"
with tightening polls, a Trump boost,
and a race closer than many of us can believe.

As America and China affirm climate accords,
Trump bashes the agreement and denies science.
The rate of uninsured Americans drops to historic lows
while the GOP commits to tearing down healthcare.

Russ Feingold and other progressive champs
could take back the Senate and supercharge change
starting with a new balance on the Supreme Court.
Or Mitch McConnell could double down on the Party of No.

If the public is excited and voters turnout,
we might look back at this season as Democracy Fall.
And if it all goes horribly, horribly wrong,
we might look back at the Fall of Democracy.

Whatever the season, you know the reason,
good politics, good people, good pints
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Time to Build a Wall Around Trump?

Trump went to Mexico with one message.
He then came to a rally in Arizona
and returned to trumped-up bigotry
calling immigrants dangerous criminals.

After a year of hard-line immigrant bashing,
Donald claimed he'd migrated to moderation,
then backed away, then re-migrated,
and has landed on both sides of the border.

While Trump claims to speak to African Americans,
he does so before all-white audiences,
and continues to earn the enthusiastic support
of white supremacists emboldened by his run.

His campaign associates with criminals,
he incites violence, and he dodges taxes.
Sounds like his attacks on the undocumented
all point right back at Donald himself.

Maybe it's time we build a wall around Trump.

Break down barriers, build bridges, imbibe beers,
as you share big ideas and a buoyant evening
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Unease Disease

As Zika spreads in Florida and in the news,
Americans are confused, even scared,
and yet the GOP plays political games
over funding emergency prevention and control.

Gossip, witch hunts and some genuine concerns
continue to dog Clinton making Bernie boosters uneasy,
but it's nothing compared to the white supremacists
who are buoyed by Trump and make us all queasy.

And while Trump tries to stick to a teleprompter,
and adds a fake pivot to a phony apology,
Republicans continue to be nervous
that their top of ticket might sink the whole ship.

There are some real ailments out there,
but uncertainty and discomfort seem to run hottest
in these sweltering final days of August,
as Americans of all parties suffer the Unease Disease.

Join us for conversation easy, camaraderie breezy,
and a political pint that won't feel sleazy
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

The Trump Slump

America saw incidents of violence and bullying
inspired by the rise of Donald Trump.
And Democrats saw an unlikely contender
overwhelm GOP rivals with unlikely voters.

Now Republicans are having buyer’s remorse
as Senate candidates across the country
reckon with an albatross who could risk their seats
and the RNC considers pulling funds.

And even the candidate himself is reported
to be reckless, erratic, unhappy, frustrated
even as disgraced Roger Ailes joins his ranks.

The Trump Slump affects everyone, it seems.

But as the DOJ ends use of for-profit prisons,
the polling for progressives looks stronger,
and a few U.S. Olympians make history,
maybe some of us — not Trump or the GOP —
are breaking out of the Trump Slump at last.

Share theories and queries, visions and derisions
as you share camaraderie and a liberal libation
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Making Amendments But Not Amends

Trump says “Second Amendment people”
might have a solution to Hillary Clinton
then against the backlash, amends his comment
to say it was about voting, not an assassination joke.

This knocked out of the headlines
his economic speech which was meant as a reset
after he’d spent a week fighting Gold Star parents,
an action for which has not sought to make amends.

And all of it has led to many Republicans,
from Susan Collins to national security pros,
amending their endorsements before it’s too late.

Trump may invoke the 2nd Amendment
but many Republicans, especially vulnerable Senators,
are wishing the Republican Party
could make a first amendment of its presidential nomination.

If you want to talk, gawk, or squawk about the news
come share a night, a beer, and liberal views
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Khan vs. Con

Donald Trump mauled his GOP rivals,
has manhandled most of the media,
but has finally met his match
in Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

He didn't slow after insulting McCain,
attacking Megyn Kelly, inciting violence,
or getting David Duke's endorsement,
but finally there's a wrench in his spokes.

And while he's conned everyone
from Trump U through the GOP primary
to his lack of any vision or details,
for once, for a moment, he's off his game.

Because sincere parents of a man
who died in uniform for his country
-- and happened to be Muslim --
held up a Constitution to the Con Man.

It is Khan vs Con.
And it's not hard to know whose side we're on.

Summer and politics both heat up,
so come cool off with drinks and discussion
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.