Australian Electoral Commission

Indigenous Australians

Updated: 6 September 2016

Enrolment and voting

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are missing out on having their voices heard at election time. Your vote is your voice on the laws and decisions that affect you and your community. Make sure you’re enrolled or your enrolment details are up-to-date so you don’t miss out on your say at the next election or referendum.

Want to learn more? We offer a range of videos, products and resources for schools, community groups and individuals.

Indigenous Electoral Participation Program (IEPP)

The AEC established the Indigenous Electoral Participation Program (IEPP) in 2010 to close the gap in Indigenous disadvantage in electoral participation. The IEPP operates from each state and territory capital city and at the AEC's national office in Canberra.

AEC's Reconciliation Action Plan

The AEC's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has an internal focus of supporting our staff to gain an understanding, demonstrate a commitment and develop engagement skills to ensure the AEC is able to deliver electoral services in a manner that takes into account the needs and aspirations of Indigenous Australians.

An important priority for the AEC is the attraction and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and building a respectful, inclusive workplace culture.

National Indigenous Youth Parliament

The National Indigenous Youth Parliament (NIYP) 2014 was a week-long leadership program for young Indigenous Australians held in Canberra from 28 May to 3 June 2014.

Contact us

For more information on enrolment and voting or to request educational or information sessions (based on availability) contact an AEC Indigenous Community Engagement Officer in your state/territory or national office.