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Posts Tagged with "human rights"

Gavin Long

The decline of western civilization: w/ international journalist Gerald Perriera

August 22, 2016 speaks with international journalist Gerald Perriera about the connection between US Pres. Obama’s domestic and foreign policies. We talk about Dallas and Baton Rouge and the similarities between war veterans Micah Johnson and Gavin Long. We also discussed the Obama regime conquering Gaddafi for white power, and the upcoming selection of Hillary or Trump to be president. This is the 2nd official podcast for the Block Report, which drops every Thursday. The music following the interview is “Dem Crazy Baldheads” by dead prez and Stephen Marley.


“Blood in My Eye” 45 years later wit’ David Johnson of the San Quentin 6

August 21, 2016

The People’s Minister of Information JR interviews David Johnson of the San Quentin 6 about the 45th Anniversary since the publishing of “Blood in My Eye” in relation to the 45th anniversary of the assassination of the late great prison human rights leader and Field Marshall of the Black Panther Party George L. Jackson. We talked about the George Jackson and Che Guevara’s concept of the New Man, as well as the chapter in the book that deals with after the revolution has failed. We talked about some of the teachings of the great Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, his thoughts in regards to what’s going on in the streets today, and more. Tune into

Booker T. Washington’s work in the African world

August 19, 2016 interviews author Dr. Tyrene Wright about her book, “Booker T. Washington in Africa”. We talk about his involvement in protesting and propagandizing against Leopold’s genocide, enslavement, and colonization of the Congo. We also discuss Washington’s role in the relationship between the U.S. and Liberia, and his dealings to try to quell the unrest between native Liberians and Amerigo-transplanted Liberians. We also discuss his role in fighting for the immigration rights of Africans who were working on the Panama Canal.

The Olympics in Brazil: Author of “Dancing With the Devil in the City of God”

August 13, 2016

Block Report Radio interviews author Julianna Barbassa about Brazil and her new book, “Dancing with the Devil in the City of God”. We discuss the history of social inequality in Brazil, we discuss the revolutionary roots of one of Rio’s biggest gangs, we discuss the World Cup and Olympics and its impact on the citizens […]

Free political prisoners Chip Fitzgerald and Ruchell Magee!

August 12, 2016

The Block Report interviews former political prisoner and current All of Us or None organizer Arthur League about his comrades, political prisoners Chip Fitzgerald and Ruchell Magee. We also discussed the history and assassination of political prisoner Hugo Yogi Pinell, last August 12, ’15 in New Folsom. Tune in for more of the Block Report at

Lucasville Rebellion survivor talks about upcoming Sept. 9 Nat’l Prison Strike

August 12, 2016

Lucasville Rebellion Survivor Greg Curry speaks with about the Sept. 9 National Prison Strike, his comrade Imam Saddique Hasan being placed in the hole by the Ohio prison authorities to disrupt his part in organizing the national prison strike, and the personal plight of prisoner Greg Curry. Tune in for more at Free’Em All!

Moments before murdering Oscar Grant, BART Officer Johannes Mehserle pins him face down to the platform, on Jan. 1, 2009. – Screenshot: Tommy Cross via LA Superior Court

The ‘fundamentalism’ in police operations

July 27, 2016

As police murders accumulate, and police chiefs get fired and replaced because they cannot stop it – as in Oakland and San Francisco – the notion that this represents a political crisis becomes a truism. It is not a “crisis of policing,” which would suggest a situation beyond the capacities of the police. It is the police who have become the crisis.

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Filed Under: SF Bay Area
On June 16, 1966, in Greenwood, Mississippi, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Chair Kwame Ture, then known as Stokely Carmichael, addressed a crowd of youthful demonstrators and the media covering the militant March Against Fear and forcefully re-echoed our millennial and generational demand for “Black Power.”

Black Power, Black Lives and Pan-Africanism Conference underway now in Jackson, Mississippi

June 18, 2016

Fifty years ago, on June 16, 1966, in Greenwood, Mississippi, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Chair Kwame Ture, then known as Stokely Carmichael, addressed a crowd of youthful demonstrators and the media covering the militant March Against Fear and forcefully re-echoed our millennial and generational demand for “Black Power.”

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Filed Under: California and the U.S.
Muhammad Ali leaves the armed forces induction center with his entourage after refusing to be drafted into the armed forces in Houston, Texas, April 28, 1967. – Photo: AP

‘I just wanted to be free’: The radical reverberations of Muhammad Ali

June 5, 2016

The reverberations. Not the rumbles, the reverberations. The death of Muhammad Ali will undoubtedly move people’s minds to his epic boxing matches against Joe Frazier and George Foreman, or there will be retrospectives about his epic “rumbles” against racism and war. But it’s the reverberations that we have to understand in order to see Muhammad Ali as what he remains: the most important athlete to ever live.

Filed Under: Africa and the World
Prisoner Human Rights Movement (PHRM) logo – Art: J. Heshima Denham, J-38283, KVSP B2-117U, P.O. Box 5102, Delano CA 93216

Prisoner Human Rights Movement Blue Print

May 28, 2016

CDCr has systemic and dysfunctional problems that run rampant statewide within California’s prisons for both women and men which demand this California government to take immediate action and institute measures to effect genuine tangible changes throughout CDCr on all levels. The Prisoner Human Rights Movement Blue Print is essentially designed to deal with identifying and resolving primary contradictions by focusing on the various problems of CDCr’s dysfunction.

Filed Under: Prison Stories
How can a prisoner even dream of raising a family when sentence enhancements keep him locked up forever? Yet to live, he must hope. This drawing is entitled, “Rise.” – Art: G. Lumumba Edwards, B-89208, San Quentin State Prison 5-N-23, San Quentin CA 94974

Federal sentence enhancements keep Black low-level drug offenders in prison for life without parole

May 25, 2016

Over the past few years, President Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, members of both houses of Congress and many other elected officials have expressed the need for criminal justice reform. Much concern has been raised regarding overly harsh penalties for low-level drug offenses and firearms violations. There is, however, one particularly egregious judicial injustice that has not made the headlines, perhaps because it primarily effects only poor African Americans.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
Outstanding women leaders of the Black Panther era

Wanda’s Picks for May-June 2016

May 15, 2016

Elaine Brown’s “A Taste of Power,” a memoir which chronicles her leadership of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense when co-founder Huey P. Newton is imprisoned, still resonates with me. The idea that a Black woman is nominated to the leadership position of the most powerful civic organization in the country at that time is still remarkable and speaks to what Kathleen Cleaver calls revolutionary imagination.

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Filed Under: Culture Stories
Patrick Xu and friend, camping in Death Valley, use the survival skills they’ve learned by squatting – often without electricity and running water.

Patrick Xu of the Land Action 4 speaks on their case, human rights and squatter movements locally and internationally

May 3, 2016

The Land Action 4 are four people who were arrested after actively reclaiming neglected property. I was made aware of this case by housing activist Tim Killings, who organizes around housing rights in Oakland. I conversed with one of the members of the Land Action 4, Patrick Xu, about their case, their beliefs, human rights and the history of reclaiming property internationally. Check out Patrick Xu in his own words, and support the dropping of charges for the Land Action 4.

Filed Under: SF Bay Area
Beaming joy and power, Albert Woodfox greets family and supporters the day of his release, on Feb. 19, 2016. – Photo: AP

Albert Woodfox attends his birthday party as a free man, happy to ‘give others hope’

February 20, 2016

Friday, Feb. 19, Albert “Shaka” Woodfox, the only member of the Angola 3 remaining in prison, was released after nearly 44 years in solitary confinement. Earlier in the month, Ashé Cultural Arts Center had scheduled a screening of the film, “Panther: Vanguard of the Revolution,” directed by Stanley Nelson, at 5:30 p.m. to celebrate Albert Woodfox’s birthday that day, Feb 19. The evening turned into an actual birthday party for Woodfox.

SB277 CA “Forced Children’s Vaccination” Law Goes into effect in July ’16

January 11, 2016

The Block Report speaks wit’ Dr. Kristine Hicks who speaks about SB277, the new law set to take effect in July of 2016 that makes it mandatory for children in the public and private school systems in the state of California to be fully vaccinated, unless they have a signed exemption from a medical doctor.

Woman prisoner hands shackled at waist

Imprisoned people facing medical neglect and violence: Family members and organizers speak out

November 26, 2015

On Nov. 11, an imprisoned person at Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) faced extreme violence at the hands of prison guards. Stacy Rojas and three others were detained, physically abused, sexually harassed, strip searched in the presence of male guards, and kept without water, food or restrooms for 11 hours. Requests to speak with members of the prison’s Investigative Services Unit have so far been ignored.

Filed Under: Prison Stories
About a million people filled the National Mall on 10-10-15 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March and demand “Justice or else”! – Photo: Bri Forte

On the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, Blacks demand ‘Justice or else’

October 30, 2015

Beneath the banner “Justice or Else,” this march appeared different from the Oct. 20, 1995, event. Minister Louis Farrakhan called for an end to police violence against African Americans and demanded a halt to Black-on-Black crime, which kills more inner-city men than all other causes combined. The Nation of Islam leader used the occasion of the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Million Man March at the steps of the U.S. Capitol to condemn the loss of life of Blacks.

Filed Under: California and the U.S.
It was the “Multi-Colored Power” of good men, who never were the worst of the worst, that created the Agreement to End Hostilities and ended endless solitary confinement in California! – Art: Criss Garcia, J-93559, KVSP B6-113, P.O. Box 1502, Delano CA 93216

Good men, not worst of the worst

September 22, 2015

We are coming up on three years since the End of All Hostilities with all races has been implemented. I’ve been seeing people from all walks of life and groups observing the Agreement to End Hostilities. What CDC could not do in 20-30 years, these brave men in the Short Corridor prison collectives accomplished in just a short period of three years. Yet CDC continues to label them “worst of the worst.” That’s complete bullsh-t!

Alvaro Luna Hernandez

Revolutionary eulogy by Texas Chicano POW-political prisoner Alvaro Luna Hernandez for Comrade Brother Hugo ‘Yogi Bear’ Pinell

September 17, 2015

We were saddened by the news that Yogi was murdered during an alleged “prison riot” at a Sacramento maximum security prison, after Yogi’s release from decades in solitary confinement in the California prison system. Our prison movement grieves at the loss of one of its most respected and beloved foot soldiers within the belly of this fascist beast in our mutual struggles against the common enemy of the human species.

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Filed Under: Prison Stories
Recently released dissidents Aide Gallardo and Sonia Garro hold the Cuban flag during a march in Havana Jan. 11, 2015, when Cuba freed 53 prisoners. – Photo: Reuters

Cuba to release 3,522 prisoners on the eve of Pope Francis’ visit; why can’t Obama do the same?

September 17, 2015

Just prior to the visit of Pope Francis to Cuba on Sept. 19, the Cuban government has announced the release of 3,522 people being held in the country’s jails. This humanitarian gesture will include prisoners who are over 60 years of age, younger than 20, those with chronic illnesses, women and those who are close to their release dates. Why couldn’t Obama follow the Cuban example before Pope Francis continues on his tour to the U.S. on Sept. 22?

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Filed Under: Haiti and Latin America
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