Nostalgia Critic is an American comedy webseries created, written, edited, directed and performed by Doug Walker. The series initially launched on YouTube in July 2007 before moving to Walker's own site That Guy with the Glasses, then to Channel Awesome. The show follows Walker as the titular Nostalgia Critic, a bitter and sarcastic film critic who reviews films and television shows from his childhood and recent past, usually with comically exaggerated rage. The show often alternates the Critic's angry rants and juvenile humor with legitimate analysis of the episode's subject.
Walker briefly retired the series in August 2012 to work on other projects, even writing the character out of existence in the Channel Awesome film To Boldly Flee. However, on January 23, 2013, Walker announced the show's imminent return in a narrative video called "The Review Must Go On". The show subsequently returned with a more narrative and sketch-driven sixth season, beginning on February 5, 2013 with a review of The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
Hey life look at me, I can see the reality
'Cause when you shook me, took me out of my world
I woke up, suddenly I just woke up to the happening
When you find that you left the future behind
'Cause when you got a tender love you don't
Take care of, then you better beware of the happening
One day you're up, then you turn around
You find your world is tumbling down
It happened to me and it can happen to you
I was sure, I felt secure, until love took a detour
Yeah, ridin' high on top of the world
It happened, suddenly it just happened
I saw my dreams fall apart when love walked away from my heart
And when you lose that precious love you need to guide you
Something happens inside you, the happening
Now I see life for what it is
It's not all dreams, it's not all bliss
It happened to me and it can happen to you
Ooh, and then it happened
Ooh, and then it happened
Ooh, and then it happened
Ooh, and then it happened
Is it real, is it fake, is this game of life a mistake?
'Cause when I lost the love I thought was mine
For certain, suddenly I started hurting
I saw the light too late when that fickle finger of fate
Yeah came and broke my pretty balloon
I woke up, suddenly I just walked up to the happening
So sure, I felt secure, until love took a detour
'Cause when you got a tender love you don't