- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 23811
ADB may refer to:
How to Setup ADB, Fastboot & USB Drivers on Windows (Easiest Method)
How to Install ADB for Android in Windows
How to install the Android SDK and run ADB Shell
Android ADB Shell Tutorial
ADB Basic Commands Tutorial | Android
How to install the Android SDK, ADB and Fastboot on your PC
How to Install ADB and Fastboot Drivers in 2 Minutes in Windows
Full Tutorial: how to backup (or restore) any Android phone with adb shell
How to Install Custom ROM with ADB Sideload!
How to Push Files to Recovery Using ADB!
Link to the Written Procedure/Downloads for this Video: LINK *CLICK SHOW MORE FOR MORE RESOURCES! Video Description: Here's how to setup ADB, Fastboot & USB Drivers on Windows in the easiest way. Head here for the latest jailbreaking tutorials and jailbreak tweaks! - http://bit.ly/1PK208c Want to see what I film with and what I recommend you use to make videos on YouTube? Here here! - http://bit.ly/1Pb6AMj Set your phone free! I now sell unlock codes to allow you to use any carrier with your phone, head here! - http://bit.ly/1JtHbNn Check out our site for more videos, tips, tricks, and more! http://TheUnlockr.com Check out our YouTube Channel! http://www.YouTube.com/TheUnlockr If you like getting the most out of your tech, you should definitely subscribe to TheUnlockr. Just saying....
Do you have questions? Do you need help? Go to: http://www.reverendkyle.com And seek help in the forums! This video is intended to guide you through installing ADB and the Android SDK onto your computer. Why do you want ADB? Because there will be times when it is necessary to send files or commands to your Android devices, and ADB is one avenue to do so. I recommend having this installed on your computer if you are doing any sort of modification to your Android device. Not sure what happened to the audio in the middle. Youtube glitch, I guess. Follow me on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/reverendkjr and on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/REV-TV-HP-Touchpad-Android-Videos/319029134779078
Visit the site: http://www.babblingboolean.com/ Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/#!/babblingboolean Google+ Page: http://goo.gl/xw1Ax In this video you'll learn how to install the Android SDK and run ADB Shell. ADB Shell is usually used to mod or root an Android device. Link to Java: http://www.java.com/en/ Android SDK page: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
http://filmsbykris.com http://www.patreon.com/metalx1000 Notes: http://pastebin.com/MDMuMu53 For help: http://filmsbykris.com/irc FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Films-By-Kris/225113590836253 Intro Video by Milan Ristic
Android Debug Bridge is an awesome tool letting you manage your device, delete and create files and much more through your PC. Download Eclipse (Comes with ADB): http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Or you can alternatively try the 15 seconds ADB installer: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588979 Other useful commands: - ls (shows the files and folders in current directory) - logcat (logs all system activities) - mkdir (creates a folder) - cd (changes directory; cd /sdcard/Download) Song: Lazslo - Nothing Yet View more commands and useful info: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2141817
This video will show you how to install the Android SDK on your PC. I try and keep everything simple for everyone! Any questions, please ask! Android sdk: http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r23.0.2-windows.zip If SDK manager doesn't open, download and install this: http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp Check out my Website! http://www.qbking77.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/qbking77 Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/qbking77 Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/113674980708622465113 If you'd like to donate, please click here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=tschofield7%40gmail%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Android%20video%20help%2fservice¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted All donations go to my college fund a...
How To Set Up Android ADB & Fastboot On Windows [Tutorial]. ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge, while Fastboot stands for, well, Fastboot. Without going into too many technical details (trust me you don’t want technical details), let’s just say they are two command-line tools used when modding/hacking Android phones. You need ADB and Fastboot if you are one of those people that like to mod/hack your Android phone. While many mods/hacks are now becoming more main-stream-user friendly with GUIs (i.e. they no longer require users to use ADB or Fastboot), there are still times when users need to use ADB and/or Fastboot. (Anyone with a Google Nexus One or Nexus S knows what I mean.) While you may not necessarily ever use ADB or Fastboot (depends on what phone you have, and the type of develop...
This video is a full tutorial to backup up or restoring any Android phone. We're using the adb (Android Debug Bridge) tool which means it's possible without needing root access. adb is very powerful tool that allows you to create a full system backup, including app apks, their respective data, as well as the internal storage. To start with you need to install the Android SDK on your PC and update the Android SDK Platform Tools to the latest version using the SDK Manager. Also ensure that you have working USB drivers for your phone installed. Next you need to ensure that Developer Options is enabled on your handset and set a backup password as well as toggle USB debugging to be on. Then you can connect your phone and use various adb commands to backup the data you require and restore a...
When most of us flash custom roms or mods we usually do it by downloading the rom zip file onto your device, then going to TWRP recovery and flashing it that way. However, what happens you accidently erase your system partition and you don’t have an external sd card installed or nandroid backup? Well luckily you can also flash a custom rom on your android device by using the adb sideload feature on your custom recovery. Written Guide and Android SDK Link http://livingandroid.info/install-custom-rom-adb-sideload/
Stuck in a bootloop? ROM files corrupt? This tutorial will show you how to transfer files to your phone using ADB. As long as you can boot into recovery, your safe! Drop a small donation if this video helped you:) Alternate Method- http://youtu.be/hcsHGrKV7l8 Use these drivers instead! *Windows only* https://plus.google.com/103583939320326217147/posts/BQ5iYJEaaEH Android SDK- https://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702.zip WinRAR- http://www.rarlab.com/ Business/ Product Review Email- gtmark101@hotmail.com Google+ https://plus.google.com/+MarkSohan Twitter- https://twitter.com/MrSotech Instagram- http://instagram.com/gtzmark Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/MrSoTech
If you don't feel like dancing tonight, well that's all right
And if you don't feel like holding me tight, well that's all right
'cause I know that you love me
And you'll show that you love me in your own sweet time
But if you feel like hurtin' me baby, that's not right
If you don't want to go anywhere, well I don't mind
If you wanna stay home and play with your hair,
I still don't mind
'cause I know that you need me
And you'll know how to please me in your own sweet time
But if you want to leave me, well baby then I mind
I know that I've been guilty of lying
I know I had a whole lot of nerve
But the way that you treat me since I begged your pardon
Is something that I don't deserve
And if you don't want to give me a date, well that's all right
'cause I don't care how long I've got to wait, I've got all night
'cause I know that you want to
But you know that you're goin' to make me lose my mind