- published: 16 Feb 2015
- views: 270
UBS AG - Why Invest in
UBS Online Schnupper-Bankausbildung - Banklehre
UBS AG v Commissioners for HMRC & DB Group Services (UK) Ltd v Commissioners for HMRC
David Soanes, UBS AG
Interview mit Axel A. Weber, UBS AG bei "Vision Bank - Vision Finanzplatz" #2
Reuters Business News - Santander, LONDON, UBS AG
UBS AG Downgrades Huntington Bancshares, Inc, KeyCorp, Regions Financial, & TCF to sell.
Reuters Business News - Orascom Construction Industries, UBS AG, Amy Overton
The trial of a former top executive at Swiss bank UBS AG on charges of helping thousands of wealthy
News Update: UBS AG (UBS) Chief Fired Back at Politicians
VIDEO FINANCIAL REPORTING Why invest in is the first financial video platform where you can easily search through thousands of videos describing global securities. About The Video: We believe that complex financial data could become more approachable using friendly motion-graphic representation combined with an accurate selection of financial data. To guarantee the most effective information prospective we drew inspiration from Benjamin Graham’s book: “The Intelligent Investor”, a pillar of financial philosophy. For this project any kind of suggestion or critic will be helpful in order to develop and provide the best service as we can. Please visit our site www.whyinvestin.com and leave a massage to us. Thank you and hope you'll enjoy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION - DISCLAIMER THIS VIDEO IS...
Um die Banklehre und UBS besser kennenzulernen, schaue dir das Video an und finde heraus, was dich während deiner Ausbildung bei UBS erwartet. Teste dein erworbenes Wissen in unserem Bankausbildungs-Quiz und hol dir dein Zertifikat unter http://www.ubs.com/global/de/about_ubs/careers/school-leavers/bank-training/online.html
[2016] UKSC 13 UKSC 2014/0151 UBS AG (Respondent) v Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (Appellant) UKSC 2014/0152 DB Group Services (UK) Ltd (Respondent) v Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (Appellant) On appeal from the Court of Appeal Civil Division (England and Wales) The respondents ("UBS" and "DB" respectively) each implemented similar schemes for the provision of bonuses to their employees in early 2004. These schemes were designed to avoid income tax and National Insurance Contributions ("NICs"). These schemes were structured around bank employees receiving shares which fell within the definition of "restricted securities" under the provisions of Chapter 2 of Part 7 of ITEPA. The shares were later redeemed for cash. HMRC determined that the ...
Banking Regulation & Capital Markets - Operation within Basel 2.5
Kurzinterview mit Axel A. Weber, Verwaltungsratspräsident, UBS AG am Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum "Vision Bank - Vision Finanzplatz Schweiz #2" vom 26. August 2014 im Kunsthaus Zürich. www.forum-executive.ch/finanzplatz
Bank of Spain starts proceedings over Santander CEO MADRID (Reuters) - The Bank of Spain said on Monday that it has formally started proceedings to decide whether the chief executive of Banco Santander , Alfredo Saenz, will be barred from banking. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/businessNews/~3/lW0NyZ8f_z8/us-santander-saenz-idUSBRE9230VI20130304 Stock index futures signal lower open LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a lower open on Wall Street on Monday, with concerns over the global economy dampening shares in Asia and Europe. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/businessNews/~3/DSiCJvP0K9I/us-markets-stocks-idUSBRE92307Y20130304 UBS lays off 35 senior bankers in the Americas NEW YORK (Reuters) - UBS AG cut roughly a third of its Americas investment banking and cap...
04/13/2010 - UBS AG (NYSE:UBS) downgraded four banks to Sell today: Huntington Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:HBAN), KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY), Regions Financial Corp. (NYSE:RF), and TCF Financial Corp. (NYSE:TCB). UBS AG reportedly said that the bank valuations were "unsustainable." UBS AG is trading 0.99% at $17.07 on volume of 4,798,595, versus an average volume of 4,820,150.
Egypt bars OCI chief from leaving country: state media CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities have barred the chief executive of Orascom Construction Industries , one of the country's biggest companies, from leaving the country as part of an investigation into tax evasion, state media said on Sunday. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/businessNews/~3/xKizS1B4s2I/us-egypt-orascom-idUSBRE9220DT20130303 UBS lays off 35 senior bankers in the Americas NEW YORK (Reuters) - UBS AG cut roughly a third of its Americas investment banking and capital markets group this week, including 35 senior managing directors, three sources close to the matter said. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/businessNews/~3/67EpclHuBAI/us-ubs-cuts-idUSBRE92014O20130301 Goldman hires Citigroup lobbyist Amy Overton (...
Jury selection is set to begin for the trial of a former top executive at Swiss bank UBS AG on charges of helping thousands of wealthy Americans conceal some $20 billion in assets from the Internal Revenue Service. Raoul Weil faces up to five years in prison if convicted of fraud conspiracy. Jury selection begins Tuesday morning in Fort Lauderdale federal court for a trial expected to last several weeks. Weil was formerly head of wealth management at UBS. He was originally indicted in 2008 and was a fugitive until his 2013 arrest in Italy. Weil pleaded not guilty after his extradition to the U.S. In 2009, UBS paid a $780 million fine and agreed to turn over names of customers suspected of evading U.S. taxes. Many were later prosecuted. You can license this story through AP Archive:...
UBS AG (NYSE:UBS) chief Oswald Gruebel fired back today at politicians wanting to cut bonuses, saying, "We need specialists and executives, whose price is determined by the global market. That is a reality that we must acknowledge if we want UBS to compete globally, generate value for shareholders, and remain an attractive employer." UBS AG is trading up 3.63% at $17.72 on volume of 3,548,172, versus the average volume of 4,879,430.
Die UBS hat im zweiten Quartal 2016 in einem anhaltend schwierigen Umfeld überraschend gut abgeschnitten und den bereinigten Gewinn gesteigert . "Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden und es war eine starke Leistung", sagte UBS-CEO Sergio Ermotti gegenüber AWP Video in Zürich. Im Vorjahresquartal sei die wirtschaftliche Situation deutlich besser gewesen als derzeit. Der Bankchef sieht weiterhin gute Perspektiven in Asien und will dort investieren. Wie Ermotti mit den Folgen des Brexit umgehen will und was er zur Dividendenpolitik der UBS zu sagen hat, erfahren Sie im Video-Interview.
La banque suisse UBS AG est accusée par le parquet national financier d'avoir mis en place en France un vaste système de fraude fiscale. Les juges d'instruction doivent désormais prendre une décision et le poids lourd de la gestion de fortune pourrait être renvoyé devant le tribunal correctionnel de Paris pour "blanchiment aggravé de fraude fiscale" et "démarchage illicite". La filiale française se retrouverait devant le tribunal pour "complicité". Le parquet français a aussi demandé que 3 anciens cadres et le haut responsable, Raoul Weil, qui a dirigé l'entreprise UBS AG en Suisse, répondent des faits face au tribunal. Selon l'AFP, les avocats d'UBS AG et UBS France n'ont pas fait de commentaires.
Um Studierende für das kostenlose Bankpaket UBS Campus zu gewinnen, entwickelten wir den UBS CampusBreak – ein mobile-first designter Wettbewerb, der in bislang komplett werbefreie Kommunikationskanäle vorstiess und zur erfolgreichsten Jugendkampagne in der Geschichte der UBS wurde.
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UBS Group AG, which cut its securities unit to focus on wealth management, raised its bonus pool by 14 percent in 2015, leaving it the only major European lender to award bankers with higher compensation. Mastercard Advisors Markets Insights Senior Vice President Sarah Quinlan and Bloomberg's Michael Moore
• He Fan, Chief Economist, Caixin Insight Group • Hong Liang, Chief Economist, China International Capital Corporation Limited • Eugene Qian, China Country Head and President, UBS AG • Yanqing Yang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, China Business Network (moderator) • Arthur R. Kroeber, Head of Research, Gavekal Dragonomics
"From Non-Governmental to Governmental in Sustainability … in Banking" A Lecture by Christian Leitz (Head, Corporate Responsibility Management, UBS AG) The Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2014 Berlin Economic Forum 2014-24: Sustainable Economies, Sustainable Technologies, Sustainable Industries (Berlin; November 8th - 12th, 2014 - Held Parallel to the Berlin Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall) The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies - Publications Institute for Cultural Diplomacy www.ccds-berlin.de www.culturaldiplomacy.org
The FII View: With Timothy Moe, Goldman Sachs & Edward Teather, UBS AG For more information: Subscribe - www.youtube.com/etnow to get latest business news,analysis and updates. Follow - www.dailymotion.com/etnow to get latest video updates. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Must Watch: "PM Narendra Modi Backs Vijay Mallya Says Rahul Gandhi" → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vlj1C4zEE44 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Paul Banoub , Director, Agile Business Intelligence Services (ESTA), UBS AG Paul will explain how to design, build and run an efficient Visual Analytics Centre of Excellence based on Tableau. Focusing on implementation in large enterprises such as Investment Banks, he will detail the journey from initial concept to a fully functional IT Shared Service. Based on experience from multiple enterprise deployments of Tableau, areas of focus will include the design and configuration of your Tableau server application and infrastructure as well as operationally focused elements of running a managed service, such as training and building a vibrant community.
Sergio Ermotti, Chief Executive, UBS AG, Oonagh McDonald CBE, Author, former MP and financial regulator, Xavier Rolet, Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange, Kay Swinburne, MEP, Member of Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, talk to Editor Rob Cox and EMEA Editor John Foley at the Predictions 2016 launch in London on January 14th.
Five major banks – Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Barclays PLC, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and UBS AG – have agreed to plead guilty to felony charges. Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Barclays PLC, and The Royal Bank of Scotland plc have agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to manipulate the price of U.S. dollars and euros exchanged in the foreign currency exchange (FX) spot market and the banks have agreed to pay criminal fines totaling more than $2.5 billion. A fifth bank, UBS AG, has agreed to plead guilty to manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other benchmark interest rates and pay a $203 million criminal penalty, after breaching its December 2012 non-prosecution agreement resolving the LIBOR investigation.
Sergio P Ermotti (CH) Group Chief Executive Officer UBS AG Douglas J. Flint (GB) Group Chairman HSBC Holdings plc Urs Rohner (CH) Chairman of the Board of Directors Credit Suisse Group AG Martin Senn (CH) Chief Executive Officer Zurich Insurance Group Ltd Topic Leader: Wolfgang Münchau (DE) Associate Editor & Columnist
Sir Siegmund George Warburg (30 September 1902 -- 22 October 1982) was a German-born English banker. He was a member of the prominent Warburg family. He played a prominent role in the development of merchant banking. He was born in the village of Seeburg, Germany (today part of Bad Urach), the only child of Georges Siegmund Warburg and Lucie. Georges Siegmund Warburg and Lucie raised a young Siegmund Warburg on an estate (Uhenfels Castle) in Swabia in South West Germany far away from the main branch of the family, which operated the second largest bank in Hamburg, up north. Siegmund had a sincere and deep affection for his mother who taught him to have a critical and inquisitive mind. In the period immediately before the Second World War he worked under cover for the Z Organisation, a h...