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Chevron is well known around the world as a company that systematically applies the "Polluter does not Pay Principle". This scholar-activist collaborative mapping project shows stories of communities reclaiming justice. #DíaAntiChevron

Climate Debt

The overconsumption of the available capacity of the Earth’s atmosphere and climate system to absorb greenhouse gases by the developed countries has run up a climate debt to developing countries and Mother Earth.

Permanent Peoples Tribunal Hearing on Corporate Human Rights Violations and Peoples Access to Justice

On the first anniversary of the UNHRC resolution to address corporate abuses, this Feature Map updates the state of some cases presented in the Geneva PPT Hearing. More to be reported very soon.

Fracking Frenzy

The high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”, generates serious and large-scale environmental and human health concerns.

Environmental Justice in Himachal Pradesh, India

EJAtlas collaboration with Himdhara collective. Despite the image of a "green state", the Himalayan state pursue increasing energy generation and industrial development by diluting laws and ignoring dissent.

Mining conflicts in Latin America

The mining conflicts featured map presents cases of mining conflicts related to metal ores, industrial minerals and construction materials mining activities. Metal ores present the largest number of reported cases.

Seed laws around the world

Under corporate pressure, laws in many countries increasingly put limitations on what farmers can do with their seeds and with the seeds they buy. This map gives a picture of of the situation across the world today.
Recently Updated Conflicts

Rubber tappers against cattle ranchers and the murder of Chico Mendes, Brazil

Chico Mendes, a Brazilian environmental defender campaigned against ranchers to stop the deforestation of the rainforest. In 1988 he was shot down. He and his fight are symbols for the Global Environmental Justice Movement.

Didipio Gold and Copper mine, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Aggressive mining development in the Philippines: the Didipo Gold and Copper mine, owned by OceanaGold Corporation, has caused large human rights violations and environmental destruction.

Proyecto de presa en el río Cuira “Sistema Tuy IV” Venezuela

"Sistema Tuy IV" entre el discurso y las promesas del Estado Venezolano en el desarrollo de los proyectos y los derechos de los gricultores del Río Cuira en el estado Miranda.

Khudoni Dam, Georgia

Public costs and private gains in hydro construction in Georgia. Local inhabitants oppose the project, propose small scale alternatives and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure

Incinerator in São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil

How to privatize domestic waste, dispossess urban workers, increase carbon emission and reduce recycling. Learn from an experience in Sao Paulo and from the example of Maria Cantadora, awarded for her hard work for waste pickers

Contaminación en Faja del Orinoco, Anzoátegui, Venezuela

Instances of contamination of water courses and aquifers by the oil industry in municipio Moragas in the Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco, Venezuela.