October 7, 2012

Pussy Riot Olympia Solidarity Action to demand the immediate release of Pussy Riot Moscow. Made in Olympia, summer 2012.

Pussy Riot is an anonymous anti-authoritarian feminist collective
that stages unsanctioned concerts as a means of political protest.
They formed in Moscow in September 2011 in response to Vladimir
Putin’s decision to run for re-election.

On February 21, 2012 Pussy Riot staged a “punk prayer” at a cathedral in Moscow, following which three alleged participants in the action were arrested and charged with “hooliganism”. They were convicted and sentenced to two years in prison. Their recent appeal was postponed until October 10.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Yekaterina Samutsevich and Maria Alekhina are political prisoners. Amnesty International calls for their immediate release. Solidarity actions are happening around the globe.

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October 6, 2012
Free Pussy Riot
photo by Sara Peté

Free Pussy Riot

photo by Sara Peté

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Free Pussy Riot - Tobi Vail & The Pussy Riot Olympia Solidarity Band

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June 4, 2012

Permanent Wave NYC Benefit for Pussy Riot - June 12

Tuesday, June 12
Benefit for Pussy Riot – Ad-Rock of the Beastie Boys! (DJ Set), Heliotropes, Shady Hawkins, TinVulva @ Death By Audio
All ages, 8pm, $7

for more info check out kathleen hanna’s blog

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April 26, 2012
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April 25, 2012
Free Pussy Riot, the Only Band that Matters in 2012 by Tobi Vail
 Please share! There is a political motive: three women associated with the group have been held in solitary confinement in a pre-trial detention for two months that was just extended for an additional two months. If convicted they face 7 years in prison and two of these women are mothers of small children. They are being charged with “hooliganism” for performing a song in Moscow’s biggest cathedral. It is my understanding that in Russia “hooligan” is a political term similar to “terrorist” or “gang member” in the U.S. in the sense that it changes the focus from behavior (a particular crime) to identity (who you know, what you stand for politically, how you conduct business, etc). I have the sense that this political delineation increases the likelihood that they will be tortured and/or unfairly treated by the courts, which are not independent in Russia. I have heard that support in the west makes a huge difference RE:political prisoners in Russia. But it is complicated because Putin discredits his opposition by saying they are working for the USA, so in that sense solidarity actions and statements should try to avoid perpetuating the simplistic duality of Russia=bad/repressive, USA=good/freedom of speech and focus on what we have in common with Pussy Riot - as feminists, advocates of LGBTQ rights, anarchists/leftists, people who value the separation of church and state/political transparency, people who oppose the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) as a racist and violent institution, Etc.FREE PUSSY RIOT!

Free Pussy Riot, the Only Band that Matters in 2012 by Tobi Vail

Please share!

There is a political motive: three women associated with the group have been held in solitary confinement in a pre-trial detention for two months that was just extended for an additional two months. If convicted they face 7 years in prison and two of these women are mothers of small children. They are being charged with “hooliganism” for performing a song in Moscow’s biggest cathedral. It is my understanding that in Russia “hooligan” is a political term similar to “terrorist” or “gang member” in the U.S. in the sense that it changes the focus from behavior (a particular crime) to identity (who you know, what you stand for politically, how you conduct business, etc). I have the sense that this political delineation increases the likelihood that they will be tortured and/or unfairly treated by the courts, which are not independent in Russia. I have heard that support in the west makes a huge difference RE:political prisoners in Russia. But it is complicated because Putin discredits his opposition by saying they are working for the USA, so in that sense solidarity actions and statements should try to avoid perpetuating the simplistic duality of Russia=bad/repressive, USA=good/freedom of speech and focus on what we have in common with Pussy Riot - as feminists, advocates of LGBTQ rights, anarchists/leftists, people who value the separation of church and state/political transparency, people who oppose the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) as a racist and violent institution, Etc.


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April 19, 2012

Attention musicians and music fans!

Today is the day to donate a portion of your income and/or the price of a record to Pussy Riot!

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April 18, 2012

Free Pussy Riot! Words and music by Alice Bag

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These women face up to 7 years in prison for this action if convicted. This punishment is totally unreasonable for the ‘crime’, in which no person or property was harmed. Demand Immediate Release of Maria, Nadezhda and Ekaterina ! FREE PUSSY RIOT!

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