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How to ease ear infection pain

Ear infections hurt – a lot – and most children will need some pain relief for what is often a very intensive earache. Some children will suffer regular ear infections so it’s worth knowing what sort of pain relief is available.

Medical options

Analgesics like paracetamol and ibuprofen will usually ease the pain and relieve the fever that usually accompanies an infection. You may need to give it for a 24-hour period until the pain and infection subsides.

It’s very important you follow all the dosage instructions to the tee, working out how much to give according to your baby or child’s weight before age.

Home remedies

  • Warm compress: a warm wheat bag or covered water bottle against the sore ear can take the edge off the pain. Ensure that whatever you put against the ear is only warm and not hot.
  • Drinking and sucking: the action of moving the jaw to suck or chew can ease the pressure in the ear. Pressure can build up during an ear infection when pus is present.

What about antibiotics?

While acute middle ear infection is the most common reason antibiotics are prescribed for children, more and more GPs are no longer prescribing antibiotics straight up for an ear infection, preferring to let children’s bodies have a go at fighting the infection first.

The National Prescribing Service says parents should not be concerned if their doctor does not prescribe antibiotics or suggests they wait and see what happens before having a script dispensed.

“In some cases, such as babies, antibiotics will be necessary, but most ear infections will get better without specific treatment,” the NPS says. “Pain will usually subside within one or two days, in which case antibiotics would not be needed.”

If your child suffers recurrent ear infections, immediate treatment with antibiotics may be warranted. Talk to your GP.

Take note

  • Beware online remedies: there are a lot of websites providing all sorts of ear drop solutions. NEVER put anything in your child’s ear before you speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
  • And remember the symptoms of ear infection – such as fever, pain and general unwellness – can also be symptoms of more serious infections so it’s best to seek a medical opinion.

Written by Fiona Baker for Kidspot, Australia’s best family health resource. Sources include NPS.