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Earache and plane travel: The how-to-cope guide

There are many things to juggle with plane travel and kids, and one of these is ear pain. Some people can develop mild to severe ear pain when flying – and babies and kids can suffer too. Here’s how to treat and manage ear pain problems when flying.

What causes ear pain when flying?

Ear pain during flying is caused by an unequal pressure between the outer and inner ear. There is a small space in the middle ear, behind the eardrum, that is normally filled with air, this is connected to the back of the nose by the Eustachian tube. Ideally, the air on either side of the eardrum should be the same pressure. However, when a plane descends, the pressure changes, pushing the eardrum inwards. Air needs to travel up the Eustachian tube to equalise this pressure. For some people, the Eustachian tube doesn’t open readily – which is why they experience pain. In order to treat ear pain when flying, you need to help open up the Eustachian tube to ensure that air can travel readily to relieve the pressure. Here are a few ways

Ear pain relief when flying

There are a few ways to help open the Eustachian tubes to stop ear pain when flying. Some work better than others, so it’s good to have a variety of options up your sleeve when first travelling with your child. Some children will never experience ear pain when flying, but for some it can cause substantial discomfort. Here are the best ways to help:

  • Suck on a lolly

For many people the act of sucking and swallowing can open the Eustachian tube and relieve the pain. A lollypop or another hard lolly can be a good solution for children and toddlers. Give them the lolly before the plane starts to descend, they might need to suck on the lolly for the entire descent, depending on how well their Eustachian tubes open. For babies, breast or bottle-feed your baby before and during the plane’s descent. A pacifier or dummy can also help babies if they won’t feed.

  • Ear-clearing exercises

Simple ear-clearing exercises can often help, so teach your child how to clear their ears before they fly. Simply hold your nostrils shut, close your mouth and try to blow air our your nose. Or, pinch your nostrils closed and swallow at the same time. Yawning can also help clear the ears too.

  • Ear plugs for ear pain

Some people have problems getting their Eustachian tubes to open, so using ear-pressure-regulating ear plugs can be a massive help. These are sold in pharmacies and at most airports – and they work by slowing down the rate of air pressure change. You’ll need to put these in before the door of the aircraft is closed, and, preferably leave them in for the duration of the flight. On long-haul flights you can remove them once you’ve reached cruising altitude, but put them in before the plane starts to descend and don’t take them out till the doors are opened. These are available in child and adult sizes and can bring great relief if inserted correctly.

  • Cold and sinus treatment

If you have a cold or respiratory infection, nasal spray or inhalers can dry up the mucus in the nose. Treat the cold before you fly and then spray when you’re on the plane, and every 20 minutes to keep nasal passages clear. An inhaler (such as a Vicks inhaler) is a gentler solution for children. tThey can inhale as often as recommended for their age to keep the passage clear. Or place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a hankie or facecloth and store it in a ziplock bag till you’re on the flight. Before the plane starts to descend, pass it to your child and have them breathe the vapours in through their nose, and breathe out through their mouth.

  • Drink up

Keeping well hydrated in the days leading up to and during a flight can help keep Eustachian tubes clear. Stick to water though, as other drinks can be dehydrating. Take a bottle of water on to the flight if possible, or buy a bottle once you’re on board and encourage your child to sip the water regularly throughout the flight.

Are some people more susceptible to ear pain?

People with hayfever or sinus can suffer from blocked Eustachian tubes, as can anyone with a cold or respiratory disease.  If you have any condition which causes extra mucus in the back of the nose, then you are more likely to suffer from ear pain than others. That’s why it’s best to avoid flying if you have a cold, or to try to treat the condition before you fly. Taking any medication that helps clear the mucous in advance of a flight will help prevent ear pain when flying.

Pain relief for ear pain

If pain persists after the above treatments, using paracetamol in the required dosage can help. Sometimes ear pain can persist for a few days after the flight, particularly if fluid has accumulated. If pain persists after 48 hours seek medical advice. If hearing is a problem after 48 hours, it’s also best to see a doctor.