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Could it be an ear infection?

Spotting the signs of an ear infection in a baby or young child is not always easy. If they haven’t got some sort of icky fluid pouring out their ear, their distress, crying or fever could be caused by a variety of ailments.

Obviously in an unwell pre-verbal baby, parents have to just add an ear infection, or otitis media, to a list of possibles and then head to the doctor – no wonder the GP waiting rooms are filled with mums of babies.

But sometimes a baby will give of a sign – behavioural or physical – which will make an ear infection a high probability. These can include:

  • Frequent tugging at the ears
  • Putting their head on the side, like they’re protecting their ear
  • A thick clear or yellowish, sometimes bloody, fluid draining from the ears
  • Loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhoea – the same bug can cause ear infections and gastro
  • Crying more than usual and restless sleeps – ear infections are very painful
  • A fever of 38°C or higher  – the body is fighting an infection
  • A bad smell from the ear

A telltale precursor of ear infections

Ear infections often strike children a few days after they’ve had a cold, flu or sinus infection.

This happens because the nasal passages get swollen and mucus collects in the back of the nose and can be secreted within the middle ear space. This environment is a breeding ground for bacteria.

An earache is not always a sign of infection

While pain in the ear is a common symptom of ear infection, not all earaches are caused by an ear infection. If a child has earache but is otherwise well with no fever, an ear infection is unlikely.

A common cause of mild earache is a build up mucus in the middle ear after a cold. This usually clears in a few days.

Sometimes earaches are due to “referred pain” from other causes such as teeth problems or sore throats.

When to see the doctor

If your baby or child has a fever and seems to be in pain, it’s worth visiting the doctor to find out if it is an ear infection.

If there is any discharge from the ear, definitely see the doctor because this may indicate a perforated eardrum. Don’t panic: most perforated eardrums will heal spontaneously within a few weeks, but it should still be checked by your doctor.

While antibiotics are not always prescribed now for ear infections, your doctor will make the call on which treatment is best for your child. In the meantime, treat with paracetamol to relieve the pain and fever.

This article was written by Fiona Baker for Kidspot, Australia’s best family health resource.