
UK census data

UK census data

The UK Data Service’s Census Support is a gateway for researchers and students to find and download UK census data from 1971 to 2001.

At the UK Data Archive we acquire, curate and preserve the UK's largest collection of digital social and economic data. We then make it available to researchers, teachers, think tanks, government researchers and businesses around the world through the UK Data Service.

With more than 6,000 datasets relating to society, both historical and contemporary, the UK Data Archive and UK Data Service are vital resources for social scientists.

For further information, contact us to join our e-mail list, ask a question or follow us on social media.

How to find the data you need

News and events

News and Events

Check out our news and events section for the latest information about training events, consultations, awards and achievements.

Teaching with data

Teaching with data

Bring real-life data into your coursework. Most of our data can be used to produce recent, engaging, real-world teaching resources. We also have select open-access datasets just for teaching and learning.

Data management

Data management

Need a data management plan for your own research data? We’re internationally known experts. See our step-by-step guides and training resources for creating, preparing, storing and sharing your data.