Free Minds & Free Markets

Ed Krayewski

Associate Editor

Ed Krayewski

Ed Krayewski is an associate editor at Before joining Reason, he was an associate producer at Fox Business, a media producer for Fox News and Fox Business, and an assistant producer at NBC News.

He spent two years as a Seventh Grade Language Arts & Social Studies teacher in his native Newark before completing an M.S. in Journalism at Columbia University. He teaches at the Seton Hall University College of Communications and the Arts.

Ed adapted his father’s novel Skyliner, about life in Eastern Europe in the aftermath of World War 2, into comic book form and currently works with his father on FKT, a single-issue comics series. He completed a B.S. and M.A. in International Relations at Seton Hall University, and lives with his wife, Richara, and their cat, Bricks.

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