Free Minds & Free Markets

"Do Not Vote for the President Until You See this Film"

Rigged is a powerful documentary about how followers of Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders, and others have been screwed by the Dems and Reps.

RiggedRiggedRigged is an excellent documentary that follows Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, the Libertarian Party ticket, around during the 2016 election.

More than that, though, it's a story about how the two-party duopoly systematically screws over not just supporters of the LP, the Green Party, Bernie Sanders, and Jill Stein. It takes a long, infuriating look at how all sorts of people, especially racial and ethnic minorities and the working poor, get silenced in the pursuit of keeping the Democratic and Republican Parties large and in charge.

But Rigged—which was funded in part by's Patrick Byrne and includes cameos by Drew Carey, Krist Novoselic, Free The People's Matt Kibbe, and me—also points to ways out of the current situation.

Click on the image to the right or go here to watch this hour-long documentary. The film warns, "Do not cast your vote in 2016 until you see this film!" Regardless of your ideological leanings or partisan affiliation, I'm certain you'll be glad you did.

The trailer for the doc is below.

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  • Uncle Jay||

    RE: "Do Not Vote for the President Until You See this Film"
    Rigged is a powerful documentary about how followers of Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders, and others have been screwed by the Dems and Reps.

    Do not see this film.
    It annoys and exposes the republicans and democrats for the monopoly they are.
    Only bad will come of this film if viewed.
    The collective would never recover.

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    When we finally overturn Citizens United, won't be able to use its corporate wealth to influence elections like this.

  • Cynical Asshole||

    It's like you're reading Hillary's mind. What's she thinking about now?

  • jester||

    Do not vote. STOP. RIGHT. THERE. I hate fucking shills for democracy. Democracy is so

  • Jimmy Free Trade Pirate||

    Don't vote.
    Make money.
    Don't pay your taxes if you can get away with it.
    Buy politicians.

  • Ayn Random Variation||

    Nobody should vote until they see 13 Hours, with wdatpdim playing in a loop in the background.

  • rarepe||

    My last pay check was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. This is what I do,

    go to tech tab for work detail,,,,,

  • Jimmy Free Trade Pirate||

    I bet your sisters friend does donkey porn with Hihn.
    That's where he cut his teeth in sales. =D

  • ||

    I doubt the vast majority posting on this board would be surprised to find out that a self appointed ruling class conspires to produce an unaware, compliant citizenry and keep outsiders out of power. The two party system is just theater. In other news: dogs eat shit.

  • Warren||

    "Click on the image to the right or go here to watch this hour-long documentary. "

    No hour-long documentary, only trailer. FU Nick and your worthless "journalism".

  • morrisil||

    You can watch the whole hour-long documentary by giving your first name and email address. I watched it with no problem.

    Another good publicity video has Governor Gary Johnson with Triumph, the insult comic dog. It is at


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