Free Minds & Free Markets

Ferguson Activist Darren Seals Found Shot and Dead in Burning Car in St. Louis

Was a skeptic of Black Lives Matter and its prominent leaders, who he accused of getting rich off the movement.

FacebookFacebook29-year-old activist Darren Seals was found dead in a burning car in the Riverview section of St. Louis this week, as the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. Seals became an anti-gun violence activist after being shot in 2013, and in 2014 was among the first protesters in Ferguson, according to the Washington Post.

Seals helped found the group Hands Up United and was a vocal opponent of African-Americans voting Democrat as a bloc. "Just because they've got the D next to their name, that don't mean nothing," Seals told the Washington Post in 2014. "The world is watching us right now. It's time to send a message of our power." Hands Up United launched the project Polls Ova Police, whose webpage concluded that by now "the national elections have been completely hijacked by the people we oppose on all sides."

While Seals came up during the protests in Ferguson over the police killing of Michael Brown, he did not affiliate with the Black Lives Matter movement that emerged during and after those protests, and was a skeptic of the movement and its leaders. Just last month, he tweeted that Black Lives Matter was "making millions of off what Ferguson started and left our city out to dry" in response to stories that the movement was receiving millions of dollars from Jay-Z's Tidal music service and George Soros' foundations. According to he coined the term "actorvists" to refer to those associated with Black Lives Matter and once slapped DerayMckesson, probably the most prominent Black Lives Matter activist, who ran for mayor of Baltimore earlier this year, after accusing him of pocketing money meant for the community.

While the Washington Post's article headline is "Who Killed Ferguson Activist Darren Seals?" it offers no suggestions.'s article headline, meanwhile, asks "Did Black Lives Matter Kill Darren Seals?" and also offers no concrete suggestions. Local activists say Seals' was a targeted killing and that they will keep the pressure on local police to run a competent investigation.

Photo Credit: Facebook

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  • ||

    He's rocking gear for the correct team, so he's cool in my book.

    Raiders, Super Bowl champs 2017, book it.

  • Hugh Akston||

    Just the other day I was saying that Jimbo's lone virtue is that he couldn't possibly be worse. Being proven wrong once again is a lesson in humility that I gladly accept.

  • Citizen X||

    You do have much to be humble about.

  • Hugh Akston||

    As the universe constantly reminds me.

  • A frilly pink thing||

    You call your junk "the universe"?

  • TheZeitgeist||

    Oh great, another Raiders fan.

  • plusafdotcom||

  • ||

    Remember in the early 90s when Raiders gear was considered a gang symbol and white-ass kids weren't allowed to wear it to their white-ass schools?

  • TheZeitgeist||

    Another sports franchise that became a gang-ish motif was the White Sox, leading to low-budget Kafka setups of white-ass kids at their white-ass schools getting the Man's stank-eye when wearing a White Sox hat.

  • Gozer the Gozarian||

    Apparently, not all black lives matter.

  • Swiss Servator||

    "making millions of off what Ferguson started and left our city out to dry" in response to stories that the movement was receiving millions of dollars from Jay-Z's Tidal music service and George Soros' foundations.

    Wait....Soros isn't really interested in helping places like Ferguson?!?!?!

    *falls over in shock*

  • ||

    I strongly suspect, when asked to comment, Soros would have a better answer than "What's a Ferguson?" though.

  • ||

    Shame. Though I'm sure we'd disagree about most things, he seems like he was interested in honesty and seeing through the bullshit put out by all sides. Such men are rare.

  • Sonoran Desert Rat||


  • Unreconstructed (Sans Flag)||

    And dangerous to those putting out the BS. Many of whom aren't above causing problems for those dangerous to them.

  • A Cynic's Guide to Zen||

    Which is why he is dead.

  • Unreconstructed (Sans Flag)||

    Way to go and explicate my implication!

  • Rhywun||

    Somebody linked to this the other day & made it clear to me that BLM is just another far-left agitator group.

    "We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement" and so forth. Whatever good ideas they started out with have devolved into SJW drivel.

  • ||

    Whatever good ideas they started out with have devolved into SJW drivel.

    I think it was a slogan bordering on SJW drivel to begin with and, like lots of slogans, it was uttered in the presence of good ideas.

  • Lee Genes||

    We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement

    I think LBJ already beat you to that punch.

  • wareagle||

    which is why he had to die.

  • colorblindkid||

    There's a reason why MLK was killed by a white supremacist and became the standard bearer for the civil rights movement while Malcolm X was assassinated by the very organization he founded. It is because using inclusive language and messages of peace actually change peoples' minds and achieves results. Divisive and violent rhetoric does not, and that is all BLM has become.

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    I thought Malcolm X was likely assassinated by Nation of Islam members, probably directed by Louis Farrakhan.

  • SugarFree||

    He was and didn't found Nation of Islam.

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    Ed Zachary, it was founded by... fuck, some dude in the 1930s or something. Don't want to even google it.

  • Citizen X||

    Elijah Mohammed.

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||



    Wallace D. Fard Muhammad.

    And here's a factoid I didn't know: Fard Muhammed disappeared in 1934, never to be seen again, when Elijah Mohammed took over.

  • Lee Genes||

    I knew NOI was a screwed up organization but I had no idea.

    The black men in North America are not Negroes, but members of the lost tribe of Shabazz, stolen by traders from the Holy City of Mecca 379 years ago. The prophet came to America to find and to bring back to life his long lost brethren, from whom the Caucasians had taken away their language, their nation and their religion.
  • TheZeitgeist||

    I believe he wrote Dianetics.

  • Swiss Servator||

    *narrows gaze*

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    I thought Malcolm X was likely assassinated by Nation of Islam members, probably directed by Louis Farrakhan.

    Well, that, and X wasn't assassinated until he repudiated his previous divisive rhetoric and started to advocate for a pan-racial Islamic socialism.

  • A Cynic's Guide to Zen||

    Much to the chagrin of the Religion of Peace.

  • SugarFree||

    Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats.

    -Louis Farrakhan

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    You know, while we're in the middle of PC 2.0, we could use another million-man-march and a spike lee movie about it.

  • Zeb||

    I don't think there is much doubt that he was assassinated by the NOI.

    When Muhammad Ali died, I ended up meandering through some Wikipedia articles about the NOI and Malcolm X. I had never quite realized how bizarre the NOI was at times (kind of the Islamic version of Mormonism + Scientology with some extra racial stuff mixed in) and how blatant the assassination of Malcolm X was.

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    No, I kind of misspoke. When I said "likely" I was more referring to the 'directed by Calypso Louie'. They were NOI members and served 20 years in prison for it.

  • SugarFree||

    The main gunman held at the scene was NOI and the two others arrested and convicted for the murder were active NOI. The reason mystery is whether Farrakhan ordered the murder and while it seems likely, he'll never see jail time for it.

    And, yeah, it is some weird ass shit when you dig into it.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    I recall being all 'WTF!?' listening to Louis F. talk about a giant "white man's UFO" hiding over Lake Michigan in an interview on the radio, like twenty five years ago.

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    He went on and on about the number of steps on the Lincoln Memorial or some such thing at the 100,000 man march or whatever. I remember people in the crowd looking perplexed while the media breathlessly covered every word.

  • SugarFree||

    Read up on Yakub if you dare.

  • Zeb||

    Is that anything like Time Cube?

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    Is that anything like Time Cube?

    In that both "theories" contain a hilarious amount of antisemitism, yes.

  • tarran||

    /Gets to the passage on white men's mastery of "Tricknology"

    The fact that someone spewing such obvious nonsense can become the leader of an enduring social movement is the reason why we can't have nice things.

  • Citizen X||

    That's just what the white man has tricknologized you into thinking, tarran.

  • WTF||

    Wow, that is completely insane.

  • Lee Genes||

    I'm impressed. It's not easy to challenge Joseph Smith for sheer ludicrousness.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    Xenu vs. Yakob wouldn't even be a contest though. Xenu had like fifty billion superluminal DC-8's or something to fly everyone to the h-bomb volcanoes on Earth.

    Yakob only had a human puppy-mill if I recall.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    I'm pretty sure Mao's divisive and violent rhetoric got some shit done.

    Jus' sayin'.

  • ||

    *injects chicken blood*

    *STR +2*

  • ULOST||

    "....he coined the term "actorvists" to refer to those associated with Black Lives Matter and once slapped DerayMckesson, probably the most prominent Black Lives Matter activist,..."

    I'm confident the above character(s) actorvists will quickly lead to persons of interest upon investigation. Don't be disrespectin without expectin

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    You know who else was found on fire and dead from a gunshot wound?

  • sloopyinTEXAS||


  • Swiss Servator||

    +1 "For the mess" coin flip to barkeep

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    Who knew you could get two star wars references from this? I'm mildly impressed.

  • Wasted Vote Jr.||

    General Grievous? Or does prequel bullshit count?

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    Let's try to stay serious, ok?

  • TheZeitgeist||

    Have to admit Gary Johnson on Morning Joe was reminiscent of Jar-Jar.

  • bacon-magic||


  • SoCal Deathmarch||

    Hitler's body double?

  • ||

    +1 Argentina

  • R C Dean||

    - 1 Cry

  • Dr. Fronkensteen||

    Aiyana Stanley-Jones

  • Atanarjuat||


  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    Hands Up United launched the project People Ova Police,

    Oh, that's just fucking GREAT. You want to stop police violence and you launch a project to throw eggs at them?

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    It's a dumb name on multiple levels. It suggests that police aren't "people".

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    I guess Latin humor doesn't play in this den of heathens.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    I have to admit that it took me 2 minutes to realize that it wasn't anything about "eggs".

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    ^^the quadroon gets it^^

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    I got the Latin humor. That was one of the other levels.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    I read "Polls Ova Police" as "Polis Ova Police". I was like "Did they misspell pullus? Or are they mixing Greek and Latin? If so, what the fuck is City Egg?"

  • Citizen X||

    I think i had City Egg at a Chinese restaurant once.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    "People called Pullus, they hold eggs in police"?

  • Zeb||

    But I think it (the name) gets the right idea. Protecting the lives of non-police who don't pose an immediate threat should be a higher priority for the police than protecting their own lives. If they want to be seen as heroes, they need to act like it.

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    OvER, ovER. It's not OvA.

    I'm sorry, but if you want to sell your message across cultural and racial lines, don't make the group name look like a NWA song title. Make it plain, basic english that cannot be misunderstood.

    Just my opinion.

  • Zeb||

    Yeah, I'm just commenting on the general idea of the name, not the spelling/dialect choices.

  • R C Dean||

    It's a dumb name on multiple levels.

    Indeed it is.

    It suggests that police aren't "people".

    OK, you lost me there.

  • You Sound Like a Prog (MJG)||

    Well this does not sound very good. Very unfortunate news.

  • SugarFree||

    I'm sure the police will be doing everything they can to find his murderer(s).

    [takes deep breath, holds it]

  • SoCal Deathmarch||

    They will get to it right after they're finished solving the murder of 2-Pac.

  • Diane Reynolds (Paul.)||

    They should hire O.J. Simpson as an independent investigator. After his success with Nicole's killers.

  • R C Dean||

    Hey, OJ conducted a comprehensive search of golf courses across the nation to find those bastards.

  • Wasteland Wanderer||

    And now he's performing a long-term comprehensive search of the inside of a Nevada State prison. #Dedication

  • Illocust||

    Why wouldn't they. There is a big possibility his murder is someone who thinks themselves a part of BLM. Pinning it on them would be a big publicity win for the police unions.

  • ant1sthenes||

    Of course, it would be the same big win whether he actually got whacked by BLM or FOP...

  • ||

    There is a big possibility his murder is someone who thinks themselves a part of BLM. Pinning it on them would be a big publicity win for the police unions.

    Oooh! Wanna hear my wild theory about white cops assassinating Alton Sterling on behalf of or as stooges for the BLM?

  • SusanM||

    CAESAR. Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.

  • Trigger Warning||

    What the fuck? Did he piss off the Yakuza or something?

  • Zeb||

    So, how did he piss off the Clintons?

  • WTF||

    By opposing a Soros-funded organization and the Democratic agenda of fomenting racial divisiveness.

  • widget||

    In all my days I have met 1 black electrician and 1 black pipe-fitter. You rarely get rich doing that kind of work but these are still solid middle-class to lower-middle-class occupations. Food on the table.

    I often read the articles at It's right-leaning web magazine with a lot of complaints about blacks and immigration policy. But Ron Unz is more eclectic He says that whites are not demographic that is being targeted for replacement by our overlords. It is blacks. Chew on that.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    How that guy broke into the pipefitters' union must be a hell of a story in and of itself.

  • Tommy_Grand||

    Seriously though, it sounds like Mr. Seals had the balls to tell the truth, RIP

  • widget||

    Point taken, if it were 1955.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    I'm not even talking about race. At least up in my neck of the woods, if you don't have at least an uncle in the union already, you're not getting in.

  • widget||

    CA is a prevailing wage state. It is perfectly OK here to hire non-union pipefitter's so long as you pay them the prevailing wage. It is quite a mess when you get to the reporting of this, but it goes on all the time.

  • Heroic Mulatto||

    Ah. The Land of Chavez, yes. NH doesn't have a prevailing wage law, but we did pass right-to-work last year. Still, having a close family friend who's a pipefitter, from what he has told me, it hasn't changed much.

  • widget||

    I'm ambivalent about private sector trade unions. My pop was a union man but he didn't like them telling him what to do. His union went on strike at the bottom of the 1973 recession. Perfect timing! He's in garage getting his protest gear together and increasing my vocabulary by leaps and bounds.

  • 0x90||

    My grandfather was a non-union residential contractor in those times, with his three sons working for him, and my grandmother lived in real fear of whether/when their house would be torched. This was in the midwest. In the '90s, my dad and my uncle built, delivered, and installed a deal of commercial casework in NYC; got shook down for $6K on the loading dock one time, and another, had to high-tail it out of a Waffle House late at night, when some truckers in the corner started getting upset, wanting to know whose was the Ryder truck in the parking lot.

    So, fuck unions of any type, I say. People are free to join, but I reserve the right to judge them for keeping that sort of company.

  • SIV||

    Progs have been trying to repatriate or exterminate Americans of African descent since the abolition days.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    One thing about Democrats from day 1: Black people are not equal, and need special dispensations in the law pertaining to them.

  • Tommy_Grand||

    Did you mean to say "pipe-hitters" ?

  • The Late P Brooks||

    I saw this story yesterday. His death seems uniquely... convenient.

    And this:

    Local activists say Seals' was a targeted killing and that they will keep the pressure on local police to run a competent investigation.

    I'm sure they'll put their best men on it. Working around the clock.

    I'll be over here, holding my breath.

  • You Sound Like a Prog (MJG)||

    They got 'em working in shifts.

  • Chips&Salsa||

    Wouldn't hold much hope for the Creedence though. Fire took care of that.

  • The Fusionist||

    "Looks like another suicide. Like the guy the other day who tied himself up and then decapitated himself."

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    Or Vince Foster.

  • Scarecrow & WoodChipper Repair||


  • waffles||

    You're fighting a losing battle.

  • DOOMco||


  • timbo||

    This is why you should arm yourselves.

  • Real American||

    obviously, white Trump supporters or the police murdered him. Or climate change. Or perhaps the American flag did it. Or a pipeline in one of the Dakotas. I can never tell these days which is the greatest threat to black people in this country.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    obviously, white Trump supporters or the police murdered him. Or climate change. Or perhaps the American flag did it. Or a pipeline in one of the Dakotas.

    1. Ever notice how climate change is all about clouds? Clouds are above all, see all, and are white. Sure they sometimes look dark if there's a lot of them like at their Nazi storm-rallies or something - but they're actually white all the time.

    2. Ever notice how climate change also only affects where lots of black/brown people live? Like all the sea-level rise in the subsiding Mississippi River Delta? Or the subsiding Brahmaputra river delta, also known as 'Bangladesh?'

    3. Ever notice all the liquified black goop going through those pipelines in the Dakotas? When white people do that to each other its called 'soylent green' a little bird told me - so what does that make 'oil?'

    Just say'in open your eyes man.

  • Bischkva||

    These things happen when you don't tow the party line. RIP.

  • AD-RtR/OS!||

    Another tragic suicide.


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