Free Minds & Free Markets

What Candidates Won't Say

The truth, in detail.

YouTubeYouTubeCatch politicians in private moments and you might hear what they really believe: Donald Trump "can do anything" to women because he's powerful. Hillary Clinton's "private" positions aren't the same as her "public" ones.

In public, politicians mostly get away with spouting talking points and clamming up about questions that really matter.

When Clinton was asked if she agrees with Trump's approach to terrorism and immigration, she confidently replied, "This is a serious challenge. We are well equipped to meet it. And we can do so in keeping with smart law enforcement, good intelligence and in concert with our values."

That's meaningless! Do we have "dumb" law enforcement now? Bad intelligence? What will Clinton do about it? She doesn't say. Reporters don't ask.

When Trump was asked how he'll handle terrorism, he replied, "I am very unhappy when I look at the world of radical Islam. I'm very unhappy with it. We're going to find the problem and we're going to come up with a solution. Obama could never come up with a solution. Number one, he's incompetent. And number two, the solution just is never going to be out there for him."

Trump wants us to trust that he has the solutions. He'll give us details later, I guess.

The media should talk more about the Clintons' foundation. It's raised billions but gives little to outside charities—a measly 6 percent of their assets, according to the foundation's last filing. It's apparently a "pay to play" operation; donors get meetings with Clinton—Clinton family cronies get well-paid jobs.

Neither candidate wants us looking too closely at their financial records. But both leading candidates say we should trust them with money and power.

Clinton promises more than $1 trillion in new "investments," free day care, maternity leave, an expansion of Obamacare, more funding for veterans, new solar subsidies, new bridges and tunnels and "college, tuition free!" Then she says, "We're not only going to make all these investments, we're going to pay for every single one of them!" But that's absurd.

Sometimes she says money will come from new "taxes on the rich," but America's rich aren't rich enough to fund her grand schemes. Even if they were, they'd move out of the country or use tricks to evade her high taxes. Even The New York Times admits that Clinton's tax plan adds "so many new layers of complexity" that it would "be a huge boon for tax lawyers."

Trump is as bad, promising tax cuts and new spending on the military, infrastructure and that giant wall. Other than promising that Mexico will pay (it won't), he never says where he'll get the funds.

The biggest chunk of America's budget is entitlements: Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid. Trump never talks about making those benefits sustainable—in fact, he says he "won't touch" Social Security.

Clinton rarely talks about entitlements at all.

Since we're $20 trillion in debt, you'd think journalists would press candidates to explain how they'll pay the bills. But they don't.

So the candidates talk and talk, and there is so much they don't say. Neither candidate will say much about how huge government bureaucracy has gotten. They never talk about the Constitution and what it says presidents cannot do. They almost never talk about the horrible violence that drug prohibition causes.

Instead, we get promises. Trump "will make American great again." Clinton will "get your kids the opportunities they deserve." Platitudes. But voters prefer them to ugly truths.

If you look at the details, you realize the candidates can't be trusted to do very much. Our government is already broke. Someone should level with the public about that instead of promising new free stuff.

Both leading candidates hide from the truth. It's one more reason I'll vote Libertarian. Gary Johnson has looked dumb when he's been asked about foreign affairs, but he does say what needs to be said about Social Security, Medicare, our ruinous debt and the limits of government.

Those are not popular things to talk about. But presidential candidates ought to talk about them anyway.


Photo Credit: You Tube

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  • 広森永王||

    It's obvious why candidates don't talk about this stuff, like Stossel said, it isn't popular. People don't want to know the truth, they want empty promises and free stuff.

    Any politician who tells the truth will lose to the candidate promising to be Santa Claus.

  • Michael Hihn||

    Stossel didn't deal with the truth either. So which Santa Claus are you hoping for?
    How many libertarians want free tax cuts .. that are just as daffy? Name one that isn't.

  • WTF||

  • Michael Hihn||

    Chicken shit won't name a tax cut!!!!
    Burned his ass (lol)

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    A tax cut that isn't Santa Claus? How about social security? Or the income tax?

    Unless you think it's the government being Santa Claus for me to keep what I've earned and to let me have control over my own retirement.

  • ||

    Careful, sloop, you don't want to get Hihn-fected. There's no known cure for a Hihn-fection.

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    The best way to shut him up is to sincerely respond to his questions. He's here to troll, not debate in good faith.

  • Michael Hihn||

    The best way to shut him up is to sincerely respond to his questions. He's here to troll, not debate in good faith.

    Was your babble in good faith?

  • Michael Hihn||

    How many libertarians want free tax cuts .. that are just as daffy? Name one that isn't.

    A tax cut that isn't Santa Claus?

    What I said, libertarian tax cuit that isn't as daffy as "empty promises and free stuff" Progressive offer free stuff. Conservatives and libertarians offer free tax cuts.

  • WTF||

    Because keeping more of your own money is a "cost" that the would-be thief has to pay.

  • Michael Hihn||

    libertarian tax cuit that isn't as daffy as "empty promises and free stuff" Progressive offer free stuff. Conservatives and libertarians offer free tax cuts.

    Because keeping more of your own money is a "cost" that the would-be thief has to pay.



  • BYODB||

    Maybe I'm crazy, but didn't revenue go up when taxes were cut?

  • Bill||

    That's rare, and it's impossible if you also increase spending (as Reagan did).

  • Michael Hihn||

    Tax cuts vs revenues

    Bill|10.12.16 @ 6:37PM|#
    That's rare, and it's impossible if you also increase spending (as Reagan did).

    You've confused deficits with revenues and accepted a lie on spending cuts, spread by both liberals and the Paulistas..

    Spending means expenses,the opposite of revenues. Google "Grace Commission" the MASSIVE spending cuts -- which a Republican Senate buried in committee, causing Reagan to start talking about a "Line Item Veto" against his own party.

    Exact estimates of long-term savings cannot be made because the GOP blockage also prevented any CBO analysis. The Commission forecast $10 trillion in accumulated savings by 2000. Other estimates range from $6-10 trillion, IIRC -- plus 15 years until now.

    Revenue increased sharply after Kennedy's cuts which followed Europe's pro-growth tax policy after WWII, later copied identically by Reagan.

    Reagan's revenues were severely damaged by the 1986 Tax "reform," written by Democrats, which destroyed our industrial base, thus our best union jobs, thus launching the decline of the middle class. They co-conspired with Republicans to campaign in 1986 on a middle class tax cut.

    They campaigned on having repealed Reaganomics, which they did to our industrial base, also repealing Kennedy's industrial reforms.. Closing loopholes of course!

  • Michael Hihn||

    Not crazy, perhaps brainwashed. Revenues "skyrocketed" after the Reagan tax cuts -- but almost entirely from FICA taxes which increased six times (slow phase in)

    Income taxes revenues must be adjusted for inflation, which was double-digit. In constant dollars, income tax revenues increaesd by less than $5 billion per year -- chump change -- and ALL of that came from capital gains taxes from the market recovery. The stock market had fallen by 70%.. Otherwise, personal and corporate income tax revenues had not been restored by the end of the decade. It's all fully documented, with actual IRS data tables here:

  • Bill||

    Johnson has proposed 20% cuts across the board in spending including military. He'd be lucky to get 2% with almost any Congress he would get stuck with (assuming he could get elected). So, NO, he is not proposing free tax cuts.

  • Michael Hihn||

    So, NO, he is not proposing free tax cuts.

    You admit they have virtually no chance of passing ... then say he's not campaigning on "free" tax cuts ... All in one short paragraph.

    So why not campaign on a 90% tax cut? FUCK, REPEAL ALL TAXES!

    His promise to propose a "balanced budget" is also claptrap for the tribe. Not his fault, The establishment has ZERO viable policies for the economy, taxes, Medicare or any structural reforms which would be needed for any REAL fiscal reform. Anyone who believed politicians will EVER cut taxes within the current tax and governance structure is on drugs/

    It's like when Ron Paul makes on of his dumbfuck proposals, some libertarians get tingles up their leg ... because he "wants to" reduce government ... "Wants to" is the libertarian narcotic.

    If he "wants to" he'd propose something that at least made sense -- then show how the duopoly is blocking genuine reforms, but that wouldn't have the bullshit factor that excites his base.

  • Michael Hihn||

    sloopyinTEXAS|10.12.16 @ 8:23AM|#
    A tax cut that isn't Santa Claus?

    Thanks he was indeed that stupid!

    How about social security? Or the income tax?

    HUH The challenge is to name one libertarian tax cut proposal; that makes sense. Still waiting.

    Unless you think it's the government being Santa Claus for me to keep what I've earned and to let me have control over my own retirement

    Name a tax cut that makes sense.

  • GILMORE™||


  • Enjoy Every Sandwich||

    "Free" tax cuts? It sounds like you're a believer in the notion that the government owns all wealth.

  • Michael Hihn||

    How many libertarians want free tax cuts .. that are just as daffy? Name one that isn't

    "Free" tax cuts? It sounds like you're a believer in the notion that the government owns all wealth.

    What did I say? How many libertarians want free tax cuts ... THAT ARE JUST AS DAFFY. .
    "Name one that isn't." = name a libetarian tax plan that isn't as daffy as "empty promises and free stuff."

    Or we could switch to Cato's Social Security "privatization" or Medicare vouchers,which are also daffy.

    This is old, but the "Tax Quackery" is still suckering people (like the flat tax)

    For hysterical laughs, Cato's MaxTax is so crazy I called it Tinkerbelle Economics

  • Enjoy Every Sandwich||

    Let's start at the beginning: what do you mean by "free" in regard to tax cuts? Frankly, you seem to be avoiding the subject.

  • Michael Hihn||

    Do you know what daffy means?
    How about when I ask, repeatedly, for a libertarian tax plan that isn't daffy?
    One word or phrase cannot cover all the different plans, each "fraudulent" in a different way.
    I linked to sources that demolish everything that's still out there except the relatively new Fair Tax, the absolute dumbest of all.

    The flat tax is impossible once we learn the rich subsidize nearly half the entire share of the income tax for the "core middle class ($40k-100K) ... which the libertarian establishment has yet to even look.
    That subsidy comes from progressive tax rates. Eliminate the progressive rates; and eliminate the subsidy, forcing a 65% tax increase on the core.

    Or consider the average tax rates, 8.8% for that core, 281.1% for a million up.
    How can we flatten those without a hug jump in the 8.8?

    The Fair Tax is worse, REALLY crazy. The rich consume a tiny share of their income, so they would pay lower rates on MUCH fewer dollars. That too shifts it all to the middle class,
    The middle class consumes nearly their ENTIRE income -- averaged as a group, average in big ticket items like cars and boat, mi-ticket items like fridges and stoves. So they would pay higher rates on many more dollars.
    And if high marginal rates are a factor, as they are, consider what a 30% sales ax will do to consumption.
    And that's just is one.

    I use the parallel that free stuff is a dishonest as free tax cuts. I just described the costs of the Fair Tax..

  • SamHell||

    Daffy Tax Quackery:

    How does I make the hypertext?

  • Michael Hihn||

    You've REFUSE to see the PROOF ... post a smartass web page ... and an even crazier comment.
    Is it because I said it's 100 documented with IRS tables?

  • SamHell||

    I'm sorry but I've never heard the word Daffy used outside of Looney Tunes, and I thought for sure you must be serious until your very next post which mentioned Tax Quackery!

  • Michael Hihn||

    I'm sorry but I've never heard the word Daffy used outside of Looney Tunes. (laughing)

    You REFUSE to read about Tax Quacks, which are (as I said) fully documented by IRS data tables.
    The you say "daffy" is only the name of a duck!

    Booga - booga .. you sured showed me.!

  • Suicidy||

    Are you about to 'unHihnged' on us?

  • Michael Hihn||

    Are you about to 'unHihnged' on us?

    Faced with actual IRS data that humoliates you ... you refuse to look ... launch a personal assault ... and say IT's ME WHO'S UNHINGED?

    You insult the entire readership here ... assuming they're all as stupid as the pack of wild dogs you run with.
    And assume the entire universe disappears .... if you close your eyes and refuse to see itr!!!

    -Uninged Mike

    P.S. Here's what the bully refuses to accept

  • SamHell||

    You REFUSE to read about Tax Quacks, which are (as I said) fully documented by IRS data tables.
    The you say "daffy" is only the name of a duck!

    "As a stuffed Daffy stands over the fireplace, a flock of black ducks similar to him pass by and see him, repeating his earlier quotation. Porky, still working out his tax forms, says that "This darn income tax would come out alright if I had a few dependents". Daffy asks "Did you say dependents?" and opens a door adding "You've got 'em, brother!". To Porky's shock, the flock of ducks from earlier have invaded his home and are having a party as the cartoon ends."
    -How is this NOT Tax Quackery? I've even seen the cartoon, there are loads of quacks right at the end!

  • Michael Hihn||

    The word quackery does not appear outside your own comments

    daf·fy (dăf′ē)
    adj. daf·fi·er, daf·fi·est Informal
    1. Silly; foolish.
    2. Crazy.

  • gaoxiaen||

    Hillary's private position is always doggie style. With two bags.

  • Michael Hihn||

    Stossel wants facts, then opens with a long-exposed lie. The Clinton Foundation gives little money to charity because they are a charity! (Operating Foundation). Most money is spent on their own projects, The lie was first exposed over a year ago. Factcheck. Priebus got nailed in August Politifact

    The Lincoln lie unfolded before our eyes. Trump accused her for having separate positions publicly and privately. She said Lincoln did also (confirmed by multiple fact checkers) jamming it up Trumps ass.. Trump snarls, now she's blaming the lie on Lincoln. WHAT LIE?? Does Trump have different positions for his staff and the media? EVERYONE in a high position does.

    Taxes? Obama's Buffett Rule has dominated the "fairness" dialog for years. But the average rate at $50,000 is 8.3%, vs 28.1% for millionaires and billionaires. The left gets away with tax hikes on the rich ... because the libertarian establishment allows it (hung up on anti-gummint slogans).

    It's not just the political class drowning in hatred. The tribal voters are driven by raging hatred for either Trump or Clinton. Is that what drove Stossel?

  • sarcasmic||

    There is a libertarian establishment with the power to allow or disallow things? I was totally unaware of this.

  • WTF||

    He's a crazy old man, don't waste your time trying to reason with him.

  • sarcasmic||


  • WTF||

    *checks time*

    Fuck it, it must be noon somewhere!

  • geo1113||

    I believe a Bloody Mary is allowed with breakfast.

  • ||

    Mimosas are also suggested, particularly appropriate with brunch.

  • Bill||

    Love orange juice. Love champagne. Hate fucking mimosas. Can I say fuck on this site?

  • sarcasmic||

    I started at 5am. Then again I am a lonely drunk who works from home.

  • gaoxiaen||

    My stopped clock says that it's always five o'clock.

  • Michael Hihn||

    He's a crazy old man, don't waste your time trying to reason with him.

    I jammed it up his ass.. Which part confuses you?

  • sarcasmic||

    *checks ass*

    Nope. Nothing jammed up there. I have no idea of what you are talking about, as usual.

  • ||

    I jammed it up his ass.

    OK, a crazy old gay man. Feel better now?

  • WTF||

    It was odd that he went right to ass-jamming.

  • ||

    Some things come naturally. I was a bit surprised to find he was a top, NTTAWWT.

  • gaoxiaen||

    Seems like you're dealing with some bad crack.

  • Michael Hihn||

    I post a simple statement saying Stossel is full of shit on the Clinton Foundatioin, with links ot the proof ... and count how many are confused. Incredible.

    I also say Trump was full of shit on his "Hillary's lie" .... after she shoved up his ass the attack for having different positions public and private ... just like Lincoln did. (And everyone else),

    EVERY Factchecker confirms she made the Lincoln reference in her original speech ... and the video is now online proving it .. but the goobers will still lie about it.

  • Suicidy||

    So are you refuting the allegations made in 'Clinton Cash' and other similar investigations? More specifically, the allegations of skimming and wrongdoing in Haiti?

  • Michael Hihn||

    Loser gets desperate again

    So are you refuting the allegations made in 'Clinton Cash' and other similar investigations? More specifically, the allegations of skimming and wrongdoing in Haiti?

    What did I say, Sluggo? (lol)

    P.S. I watched Clinton Cash for maybe two minutes, stopped when I saw the same wacko bullshit here ... about how little the Foundatio makes in grants ... documented that they they are a charity, performing activities themselves (with 88% of their spending) ... posted proof of their 97.5% "financial" ranking a a charity .. dealt with TWO psychos who LIED that salaries were co-mingled with other expenses citing dumbfuck Limbaugh who lied that it was published on Politifact ....

    and now THIS wackiness pulled our of your ass??? Since you're as blindly gullible as the Sanders, Clinton and Trump tribes .... I can speak confidently that the 80-90% of readers who never comment ....
    are laughing at you goobers as heartily as I am!

    (and the assaults will continue)

    (My tone and boldface in self-defense of more mindless harassment by Goobers-In-Desperation, Reason Chapter)

  • Michael Hihn||

    There is a libertarian establishment with the power to allow or disallow things? I was totally unaware of this.

    I'll go slowly.
    They allowed the lie to go unchallenged for five years, the claim that a $50,000 teacher pays a higher rate than millionaires and billionaires. And you defend them sitting there for 5 years saying nothing.

    It would take less than 5 minutes to check the facts and shut down the lie, which has grown into the entire "fair share" bullshit. But that's okay with you that liberal claims go totally unchallenged???

    And you said it in public!

  • sarcasmic||

    Um. Sure. Yeah. Whatever you say.

    *has another sip of whiskey*

  • Michael Hihn||

    Youir question was fucking stupid!

  • ||

    I'll go slowly.

    Of course you will. Don't want to break a hip.

  • gaoxiaen||

    Tequila. and the hip's already broken.

  • WTF||

    Just for the fun of it, Politifact bias.

  • sarcasmic||


  • Michael Hihn||

    Just for the fun of it, Politifact bias.

    Just for the fun of it, I gave TWO sources -- to intentionally bait a puppet and I caught quite a few!!! Since you dismiss them without reading them,, you get burned again!

    Did they BOTH lie that the Stossel is full of shit on how they function ... (falsely) assumes they raise money to give to other group? You lose. Charity Navigator is the go-to for rating the performance of charities. Their report on the Clinton Foundation is 94.74 overall, and 97.50 on .... FINANCIAL. Oops.

    Of $229 million total expenses, $201 million went directly to programs -- 87.7% versus Stossel's claimed 6%. Ooops. The Navigator makes your bias claim useless, which was covered in the sources you never checked.

    And now the video which proves Trump's lie rather blatant lie regarding the Lincoln story. USA Today.
    Umm, WHAT LIE was he babbling about, huh???

    Your source lies about Polifact picking on conservatives 9 times more on conservatives. Trump lies only 4 times as much in debates. And he always claims a conspiracy for all his screwups.

    Anything else?

  • ||

    Anything else?

    Yes. Adjust your meds.

  • WTF||

    I should have known better than to encourage the loony old coot.

  • Michael Hihn||

    I should have known better than to encourage the loony old coot.

    You didn't know you'd made a public fool of yourself

  • SamHell||

    odd that you also found him looney...

  • gaoxiaen||

    I did. Doubled down.

  • WTF||

    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

  • ||

    I am trained in gorilla warfare

    Dicks out for Harambe!

  • WTF||

    Isn't that racist now?

  • Suicidy||

    You beat me to it.

  • gaoxiaen||

    I was a Navy WALRUS. Fuck you little pinnipeds.

  • Michael Hihn||

    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch

    Nothing about you. just your fucked up post.

    And you've bee called out twice, but failed to prove your bullshit.

  • loveconstitution1789||


  • WTF||

    Idiot, Charity Navigator rated the Clinton Foundation a fraud until they received special favors from The Clinton Foundation.

    Read it and weep, jammed it up your ass, (snickers) BULLY! etc. etc.

  • Michael Hihn||

    You're full of shit again.-- eager to be brainwashed. Cites a wacko partisan website.

    Charity Navigator, which rates nonprofits, recently refused to rate the Clinton Foundation because its "atypical business model . .

    Also says Foundation put on a "watch list "for fraud.

    THIS is what Charity Navigator said.

    : We had previously evaluated this organization, but have since determined that this charity's atypical business model can not be accurately captured in our current rating methodology. Our removal of The Clinton Foundation from our site is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement of this charity….

    What does it mean that this organization isn't rated?
    It simply means that the organization doesn't meet our criteria. A lack of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment by Charity Navigator.

    Your conspiracy psychos missed he Wikileaks emails show Chelsea starting a shitstorm by going after a conflctt of interest wih a a consulting firm) a "sharply worded email to family confideats" Politico

    jammed it up your ass,

    (smirk ) You 've been called out. PROVE THEY WERE PUT ON A WATCH LIST

  • Michael Hihn||

    WTF, called out as a liar and a fraud (twice) ... collapseds like a house of cards (twice)

  • Michael Hihn||


  • Lee Genes||

    I'm sure Chelsea is worth every penny of that $15M she received while working as a hedge fund manager. She seems eminently qualified. Just like she was worth the NBC salary of $600k/year and I'm certain her seasoned input on Barry Diller's corporate board is worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars she's received from him.

    The Clinton pay-to-play industry is just a myth obviously,

  • Michael Hihn||

    *checks ass*
    Nope. Nothing jammed up there. I have no idea of what you are talking about, as usual.

    Your IQ is NOT my fault. And it is up your ass,

    You fucked the meaning of "allow"

    Our establishment has "allowed" progressives to create a growing falsehood on fairness and tax rates .... by never SHOWING how totally crazy that is, which is also easily to prove, "allowing" it to continue..

    I'm sure you're in your ever-confused state. If you have two kids and one keeps punching the other, and you say nothing or provide no discipline, then you are "allowing" the beating to continue.

    Obama inheriting "the greatest economic crisis since the Depression" is also crazy, REAL crazy.

    If voters never hear anyone disagreeing on the tax rates or the economy ... it is an undisputed fact.
    "Great recession" never challenged ... undisputed fact.
    Like never challenging that fairies make the leaves turn brown in fall ... an undisputed fact.
    Americans believe the exact opposite on everything because we've "allowed" them to.

    Still confused?

  • Suicidy||

    You won't be, after this week's episode of Reason!

  • Michael Hihn||

    EVASION! Still confused?
    Reason has weekly episodes??? (snort)

  • Cis Species Lord of Feces||

  • Suicidy||

    Well, words can cut like a knife. Although, I learned some years ago that is not a wise response when coming back from Canada and the border patrol asks me if I have any weapons.

  • Vernon Depner||

    "Most money is spent on their own projects…"

    "It's apparently a "pay to play" operation; donors get meetings with Clinton—Clinton family cronies get well-paid jobs."

    Both can be true. For example, if you give a crony the title of "AIDS Prevention Coordinator" for a busy-work or no-show job, you can show on your books that you're spending their salary on your anti-AIDS work, while the job is actually a payoff. The "pay to play" nature of the Clinton Foundation has been amply demonstrated by the unbelievable coincidence of large donations and policy favors.

  • Michael Hihn||

    "Most money is spent on their own projects…"

    "It's apparently a "pay to play" operation; donors get meetings with Clinton—Clinton family cronies get well-paid jobs."

    Both can be true.

    But Stossel still reported a massive lie. And don;t know basic accounting/

    For example, if you give a crony the title of "AIDS Prevention Coordinator" for a busy-work or no-show job........ (balance deleted

    Salaries and overhead are reported separately -- like even the smallest organizations -- but by law here. Why assume anything at all? Here's the official rating organization, Charity navigator In millions

    $201.3 Program expenses
    $20.6 Administration (wages, rent, utilities, etc)
    $7.6 Fundraising


  • WTF||

    More lies, see links above, you disingenuous old twat.

  • Ship of Theseus||

    Where are the fake Hihns when you need them?

  • Michae| Hihn||


    (Bursts through door in filthy bathrobe and stained whitey-tighty's)

    (defecates in corner)

    (itches crotch)

    (picks booger)

  • Michael Hihn||

    Your links are to wacko conspiracy websites talking about Charity Navigator.
    I link to Charity Navigator directly.

  • Michae| Hihn||

    91% of Michael Hihn's reject the Michael Hihn brand; 59% of Cato survey's say this 37.458% of the time.

    And he uses my identity like a common THUG

    My boldface is in response to aggression by a thug who acts like a snide asshat and then claims to be the injured party

  • Michael Hihn||

    Dumbfuck denies his aggression!

  • Vernon Depner||

  • Michael Hihn||



  • Suicidy||


  • Michael Hihn||

    OMG Depner s even craziet than Suicidy.
    Dumbfiuck posts to a factcheck that PROVES ME RIGHT!!!
    Scroll tp the bottom for their call on the Limbaugh bullshit swallowed by all the goobers here!

    And it's not credible to think that the foundation spent zero dollars beyond grants on any charitable work, which is what it would take for Limbaugh to be correct.

    The claim contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, so we rate it MOSTLY FALSE.
    (my caps)

    HES HE IS PROBABLY A BIRTHER! Leading the parade of goobers (SNORT)

  • gaoxiaen||


  • JayWye||

    Politifact and Factcheck are a JOKE. leftist biased,leftist-created and operated.
    By "giving to charity" means the Clinton Foundation doesn't spend more than 10% of it's income on charitable projects,it all goes to salaries and "overhead". it's nothing more than a slush fund and influence-peddling org. .

  • Michael Hihn||

    (laughing at the clone puppet)

    The independent charity ranking makes monkeys out of the psychos who, like Trump see conspiracies EVERYWHERE (when they are publicly humiliated) 88% goes to programs, salaries and overhead are separate by law. They are in denial of how eager they are to be manipulated.

    Charity Navigator Rating, Clinton Foundation

    Behold the Belligerent Bellowing Blowhards traveling in a pack like wild dogs.

  • MetalBard||

    If you guys are really board Robert The Great found a stupid video about teaching consent.

  • sarcasmic||

    I'm feeling more like plywood than board, so I think I will pass.

  • MetalBard||

    Sounds like personal problem.

  • sarcasmic||

    You pulled a John. Are you doubling down or did you just miss it?

  • ||

    Wood feeling is a very personal matter.

  • sloopyinTEXAS||

    I'm going to log my complaint about this sub thread hear.

  • ||

    Please, sloopy, just leaf it anywhere you like. I'll lend you my ear.

  • Lee Genes||

    *lumbers by, looks at discussion*

    This whole thread has gone to seed.

  • GILMORE™||

    I pine for an edit button

  • gaoxiaen||

    +1 Colorado Kool-Aid

  • Billy Bones||

    I don't think these wood puns are going to be very poplar.

  • BigW||

    It is obvious that America will not willingly solve its debt problems.

    They are guaranteed to crush us. People will be amazed at how far the US can fall. People willl be shocked at how cruel the world will be to us when that happens. The politicians who guarantee this fate will be so surprised when the inevitable happens. They've done everything to make it worse and nothing to make it better. Resigning in disgrace would be too kind a fate for them, ritual suicide for their wrongdoings would be admirable, but they have no honor and will cling to their power to the very end.

    We have been betrayed by our supposed "elite" leaders. They are the most despicable people imaginable....

  • sarcasmic||

    We don't have leaders. We have rulers. Rulers are by definition despicable, and they always betray the people.

    Thus history repeats itself.

  • BigW||

    Yeah. The tree of liberty is looking pretty rough, it may need a good watering.....

  • sarcasmic||

    The tree of liberty died a long time ago.

  • Suicidy||

    I kept a few seeds. Let's burn the progressive fields to the last of them, and replant the liberty seeds.

  • JayWye||

    it need a good PRUNING. (a purge)

  • Suicidy||

    Good more people finally ready to euthanize all the progtards.

  • ||

    We don't have leaders

    That's actually a good thing. I don't need a leader, I know where I'm going.

    I'll vote for the first politician who says that he just wants to be the hired help.

  • Cynical Asshole||

    Resigning in disgrace would be too kind a fate for them, ritual suicide for their wrongdoings would be admirable, but they have no honor and will cling to their power to the very end.

    Most of them deserve no less than the full Mussolini treatment.

  • Suicidy||

    Instead of giving foreign aid, we should demand tribute. Then lay off the debt with the tribute.

  • BigT||

    Shorter Stossel: Politicians know that you can't handle the truth.

  • Suicidy||

    Or that m any are too lazy to listen to it. Which fits. When I try to discuss facts, and analysis of said facts with average people, their eyes tend to glaze over, like a donut. Although donuts are tastier.

  • John||

    America would solve its debt problems if it had politicians and a media who didn't spend every waking moment thinking of way to divide it by race and various bullshit culture lines. It is almost as if they use those issues to keep that from happening or something.

  • Suicidy||

    Unfortunately the masses keep watching those media types and voting for those politicians.

  • Chipwooder||

    I do appreciate Stossel noting an evergreen leftist tactic - calling their preferred policy "smart". Smart power, smart diplomacy, smart growth, smart law enforcement.....who are they try to convince? Us, or themselves? If you have to constantly remind people how smart you are, perhaps you really aren't that smart to begin with.

  • Glide||

    It's like the rule to never trust a piece of legislation that has "freedom", "justice", "patriot", or "child" in the title.

  • Billy Bones||

    But they both know where Aleppo is and can name a world leader the admire. That's all that matters.

  • gaoxiaen||

    +1 indefinite article

  • Rich||

    "And we can do so ... in concert with our values."

    What are these "values" of which you speak?

  • Enjoy Every Sandwich||

    Gary Johnson has looked dumb when he's been asked about foreign affairs

    I don't see that either Hillary or Trump has looked one bit smarter.

  • Eric Bana||

    But voters prefer them to ugly truths.

    So true, so sad.

  • Jackand Ace||

    Stop. You're listening to Rush a tad too much, Stossel. You've got plenty to complain about Clinton, but the Foundation's work isn't one of them.

    6%? Try closer to 90%. At least as rated by the most trusted rating organizations for charities. You should read Politifact when they took Priebus to task for using a number around 20%.

  • Jackand Ace||

    From Politifact

    "The Clinton Foundation is an excellent charity," Charity Watch president Daniel Borochoff said Aug. 24, 2016, on CNN. "They are able to get 88 percent of their spending to bona fide program services and their fundraising efficiency is really low. It only costs them $2 to raise $100."

  • Jackand Ace||

    88% according th Charity Watch

  • GILMORE™||


  • Suicidy||

    Charity watch is what I do when I see a Charity Bangs video.

  • Glide||

    Most recent comments
    Michael Hihn
    Michael Hihn
    Michael Hihn
    Michael Hihn
    Michael Hihn

    Oh snap. This should be interesting.

  • Michae| Hihn||

    Of course, I will be on here long after you are gone.....the last one to corpse-fuck wins!!!!!


  • Suicidy||

    Unlike me, you are not immortal, and do not have inside you the blood of kings. So no........

  • Bischkva||

    Go right ahead Mr. R. What difference, at this point, does it make?

  • JayWye||

    HOW can Trump have a solution when he's not had much access to the intelligence and knowledge of US capabilities? OTOH,Clinton as SecState had all that,and still doesn't have any real solution. She's going to do "business as usual",the PC leftist route.

  • JayWye||

    BTW,Trump is smart to not detail what he'd do,because then the left begins maneuvering to derail or block what he'd do. Sabotage him,even at the expense of America.

  • SamHell||

    I hate to admit it but your right, O'bama did the same thing and won. Details don't matter when likability is in play. I'm convinced most voters make up their minds from second hand news at either the water cooler or government trough.

  • Michael Hihn||

    Most voters make up their minds from second hand news at either the water cooler or government trough.

    The dumbfucks don't know that Obama campaigned to the RIGHT of Hillary on health care, and ridiculed the idea of mandates, Too many voters are dumber than a box of rocks. And the assholes are allowed to vote!

  • Michael Hihn||

    (laughing )

  • Ship of Theseus||

    Hey dipshit - "libertyissiues"? Might want to check out the link in your name.

    Also, please adjust your meds.

  • loveconstitution1789||

    The Chinese Communist infiltrator Hihn, is a problem loading page!

  • zufaweg555||

    as Ralph explained I'm shocked that anyone can profit $8140 in a few weeks on the computer
    see more at----------->>>


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