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What's mining ever done for us? Just wait

Quietly, the mining industry has just doubled the price of coking coal.

A good chunk of Scott Morrison's budget problems could have vanished, just as they vanished for Peter Costello during mining boom at the start of the century.

Too risky: Baird must stay the course on liquor laws

SMH News story by Ava Benny-Morrison. Story, The NSW Government will announce a reward for information that leads to the ...

If Premier Mike Baird is serious about tackling domestic violence, and we believe he is, then he must remain committed to the state-wide 10pm closing time of bottle shops on the back of the significant reductions in assaults these changes have brought.

A failure of leadership by Baird

NSW Premier Mike Baird has failed this test of leadership.

Progress requires a high level of fortitude in our parliamentary leaders, the NSW Premier's U-turn on the greyhound ban shows this quality is missing.

I am fed up with not being equal

Let's hope for a world where tolerance and love triumphs over bigotry and hatred.

I am someone who lived with the lie of being gay for far too long and had to endure the school yard, workplace and boardroom taunts about my sexuality.

Veterans face the ultimate indignity

The suicide rate among war veterans is higher than the general population.

It is hard sitting with a veteran - someone decorated for bravery, no less - when he tells you he has been thinking of taking his life. Gut-wrenching though it was, I wasn't surprised. I had seen this coming for months, and his wife was doing it.

The hunt for my grandfather who vanished three times

The death notice in the Herald that might lead to the vanished grandfather of Alan Stokes.

Was he a philanderer? A conman? A park drunk who saw his grandchildren once then returned to an alcoholic miasma? Or did he have a loving family? Did his siblings have children – my second cousins? Did he have other bastards – my aunties and uncles?

One step back for data release, but it needs to keep moving ahead

Government data holdings, derived from claims processing, should be seen as an important public resource to assist in ...

The full potential of data sets held by governments is only just beginning to be realised. Collected for one purpose, such as paying Medicare benefits, their secondary or subsequent use has the potential to transform policy evaluation and economic analysis. These data sets can be used for multiple purposes, beyond just the initial transactional record for payment and accountability.

How to protect your emails from being spied on

 Email scanning does not only occur at the behest of national security agencies.

We live in a post-Edward Snowden world, in which US tech companies have been accused of complicity in mass surveillance by the US National Security Agency. One recent allegation is the claim that Yahoo scanned hundreds of millions of emails at the NSA’s request.