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  • South Australia

South Australia

3,608 jobs available in South Australia

South Australia is one of the nation's most barren states, occupying much of Australia's arid land. However, where the land does prosper offers the country's best vineyards and wine regions, many of which were established by German immigrants in the 1840s.

Adelaide, the state's capital, is known as The City of Churches, due to its architecture heavily influenced by early British settlers. It is also one of the few states in the Australia settled by free settlers, and not set up as a convict colony like New South Wales.

As of the end of March 2012, South Australia had a population of 1,650,600, the majority of those living in Adelaide. South Australia is known for the wine region of the Barossa Valley, its quaint capital Adelaide, the wildlife on Kangaroo Island and the natural beauty of the Murray River. Professional tennis player Lleyton Hewitt is originally from South Australia.

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