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Browse Charity & Voluntary Jobs

758 Charity & Voluntary Jobs in Australia

Working in the charity and voluntary industry means that you are a special person, always considering the welfare and need of others. Charity and voluntary organisations deal with a wide range of issues, from social, child welfare, animal welfare to activism such as climate change, animal protection or social upliftment. The world is in dire need of charity and voluntary workers, for many, tomorrow may depend on you. As a charity or voluntary worker, you are therefore always available to walk the extra mile, and sometimes without remuneration. The benefits of charity and voluntary jobs are however huge! Not only may you work in international and exotic locations, but knowing that your skills and expertise are helping someone or something, will push your boundaries beyond the month's paycheck.

Responsibilities & Skills

Job responsibilities in the charity and voluntary industry will vary between organisations, but general responsibilities may include fundraising, campaigning, public communication, physical work as well as office duties. Charity and voluntary jobs usually require a fair combination of interpersonal, communication, and organising skills. However, the most important baseline for working in this industry is your personal motivation and commitment to the charity case involved. Working for charity and voluntary organisations in remote and international locations will need physical fitness, good health and the ability to function independent of every day social interaction and first-world luxuries.

Required Qualifications

  • Grade 12 Matriculation
  • Some diploma / certificate / university degree in the charity or volunteer organisation's mission field

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