- published: 03 May 2016
- views: 2274
The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) is a worldwide one-percenter motorcycle club whose members typically ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The organization is considered an organized crime syndicate by the U.S. Department of Justice. In the United States and Canada, the Hells Angels are incorporated as the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation. Common nicknames for the club are the "H.A.", "Red & White", and "81".
The Hells Angels were started on March 17, 1948, by the Bishop family, American war immigrants in Fontana, California followed by an amalgamation of former members from different motorcycle clubs, such as the Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington. The Hells Angels' website denies the suggestion that any misfit or malcontent troops are connected with the motorcycle club. The website also notes that the name was suggested by Arvid Olsen, an associate of the founders, who had served in the Flying Tigers' "Hell's Angels" squadron in China during World War II. The name "Hell's Angels" was inspired by the typical naming of American squadrons, or other fighting groups, with a fierce, death-defying title in World Wars I and II, e.g., the Flying Tigers (American Volunteer Group) in Burma and China fielded three squadrons of P-40s and the third Squadron was called "Hell's Angels". In 1930, the Howard Hughes film Hell's Angels displayed extraordinary and dangerous feats of aviation, and it is believed that the World War II groups who used that name based it on the film.
United Tribuns march for their killed brother + interview with the big bosses of United Tribuns
SPIEGEL TV Hells Angels President Frank Hanebuth is back in Hannover Germany 18 September 2016 Spiegel Tv
Attika 7 - All or Nothing (Sons of Anarchy soundtrack) RUSTY IS HELLS ANGELS CALIFORNIA PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER AND LEAD GUITARIST OF ATTIKA7 Attika 7 - All or Nothing
I don't own the right of this documentary but Fifth Estate Production does it. NEW HELLS ANGELS CANADA 2016 DOCUMENTARY Montreal police investigator Benoit Roberge accused of selling police information to the Hells Angels
A member of the “Big Four” outlaw motorcycle gangs, Hells Angels is the one of the most notorious biker groups in the world. Welcome to WatchMojo’s Top 5 Facts. In today's installment, we're counting down the five most interesting facts you may not know about the Hells Angels. Suggestion Tool►►http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest Subscribe►►http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo Facebook►►http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Twitter►►http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo Instagram►►http://instagram.com/watchmojo Channel Page►►http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Special thanks to our users Christo or submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them a...
De Telegraaf own the rights of this video. Hells Angels prospect shooting an Bandidos member in the face THE FAT MEXICAN vs THE DEATH HEAD THE FAT MEXICAN Versus THE FILTY FEW A Hells Angel shooting an Bandidos in the face MUSIC VERSION The Fat Mexican versus The Filty Few Hells Angels prospect shooting an Bandidos member in the face THE FAT MEXICAN vs THE FILTY FEW Hells Angels Holland prospect shooting a Bandidos Holland Full Member in the face in Sittard Holland Hells Angels prospect shooting an Bandidos member in the face THE FAT MEXICAN vs THE DEATH HEAD
It's easy to get yourself into trouble with the Hells Angels. George Christie explains what you should never do in this web exclusive. Subscribe for more from Outlaw Chronicles: Hells Angels and other great HISTORY shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=historychannel Find out more about the show and the George Christie on our site: http://www.history.com/shows/outlaw-chronicles-hells-angels?cmpid=Social_YouTube_OutlawChron Stream full episodes here: http://www.history.com/shows/outlaw-chronicles-hells-angels/videos?cmpid=Social_YouTube_OutlawChronVid Check out exclusive HISTORY content: Website - http://www.history.com?cmpid=Social_YouTube_HistHome Google - https://plus.google.com/+HISTORY/posts Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/History Twitter - https://twitter...
HELLS ANGELS Former member George Christie about his memories by the Hells Angels MC
O Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) é um clube de motociclistas, qualificados como moto clube cujos membros tipicamente são homens e pilotam motocicletas Harley-Davidson. Nos Estados Unidos e Canadá, os Hells Angels são associados como o Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation. Seu principal lema é: Quando fazemos direito, ninguém lembra. Quando erramos, ninguém esquece. Tanto o FBI quanto o Serviço de Inteligência Criminal do Canadá classificam o grupo como um dos "quatro grandes bandos de motocicletas a combater", cujos membros agem com grande violência atuando no tráfico de drogas, roubo de mercadorias e extorsão. Membros da organização alegam continuamente que eles são apenas uma equipe de motociclistas entusiastas que apenas se reúnem para viajarem de motocicleta, organizar eventos soci...
A história dos Hells Angels é envolta em mistério e controvérsia, devido em parte ao fato de que vários indivíduos reivindicam sua fundação e, também, devido, em parte, ao seu código de conduta secreto muito restrito e que pode ser interpretado como uma prática de mitificação internacional de alguns membros do clube. Os membros não utilizam sobrenomes no tratamento entre eles. Usam apenas o primeiro nome e mais frequentemente um apelido. Devido a sua história folclórica e às ligações confirmadas de alguns de seus membros ao crime organizado, existem especulações e rumores sobre a história e as atividades. Para muitos eles são considerados como uma organização criminosa. The M.C Mongols Também Chamados de Mongol Brothergood é uma Gang de Motocicletas cujo a sede é no Sul da Califórnia ( Lo...
Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: Nachdem am 05.05.2013 einge besorgte Bürger der Bundesstadt Bonn bei . Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: Am 19.10.2013 befuhr eine größere Gruppe der Hells Angels die .
Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: Am 19.10.2013 befuhr eine größere Gruppe der Hells Angels die . Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: Am 21.10.2013 maschierten etwa 50 Bandidos durch die Bonner . Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: Nachdem am 05.05.2013 einge besorgte Bürger der Bundesstadt Bonn bei .
Documentary about an educational look into Gangs and jails in the United States, presented in a documentary format.Hells Angels is known in some regions as Most Dangerous Gangs in the world
★ Hells Angels vs. Bandidos - Der Rockerkrieg: http://amzn.to/1T7VVSy☚ -------------------------------------------------------------- ★ Beschreibung: ☰ Hells Angels Doku -------------------------------------------------------------- Die mit ★ gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate Links vom Amazon.de Partnerprogramm. Es enstehen für euch keine mehrkosten, ihr unterstützt uns dadurch aber enorm. Euer DOKUPLANETKANAL. DANKE FÜR ÜBER 3300 ABONNENTEN :) 30.04.2016
https://youtu.be/gpRRdaYVQC8 - Hells Angels - Documentary https://youtu.be/eR4ucq9mIak - Hells Angels in Montreal - Documentary
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The astonishing story of former Montreal police investigator Benoit Roberge, once known for putting bikers behind bars, but now accused of selling police information to the Hells Angels - and insight from other officers who have walked that thin line between cop and criminal. A joint investigation by Radio-Canada's Enquête and the fifth estate. --- Subscribe for more videos from the fifth estate : http://bit.ly/25W8cpn Connect with the fifth estate online : Website : http://bit.ly/1d0FBxq Facebook : http://bit.ly/1UO9B8S Twitter : http://bit.ly/237VM8P Instagram : http://bit.ly/25W8SLs About the fifth estate : For four decades the fifth estate has been Canada's premier investigative documentary program. Hosts Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley continue a tradition of provoc...
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BBC Documentary - Hells Angels - London - 1973 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ1CLt5tAwU is worth a watch too. It's a 1985 documentary about the Outcasts
Hell's Angels
if you think you need a better deal why don't you just
take one
like the Hell's Angels
put your foot down, let's get out of this town
fancy seeing all of you here, well I don't know
fancy seeing all of you here
dressed up in your government gear, paying taxes
never thought you'd make it to here
hell's angels
if you think you need a better world why don't you just
make one
like the Hell's Angels
live your own law, lick your own paw
fancy seeing all of you slugs, well I don't know
fancy seeing all of you mugs
dringing all your government drugs
well I don't know
helping all your government thugs
free speech!