Federal Politics

Brandis' direction to Solicitor-General 'unlawful'

Attorney-General George Brandis in the Senate on Monday.

A move by Attorney-General George Brandis to restrict access to the government's chief legal adviser is unlawful and akin to keeping a "dog on a lead", a top adviser to the Howard government has said.

Business group lashes PM over deficit, tax scare campaign

Paul McClintock says there is no believable end to the deficit in sight.

Six months ago the business-backed Committee for the Economic Development of Australia presented the Turnbull government with what it said was a clear and practical plan to return the budget to surplus. There were 5 of them in fact, including different mixes of proposals such as better taxing superannuation contributions, halving the tax discount for capital gains, ending negative gearing, boosting taxes on luxury cars, alcohol and tobacco, and taxing the private health insurance rebate.

Only 5% of oil and gas companies pay resource tax

The Australian Tax Office is concerned that the petroleum resource rent tax will not deliver anything over time.

Just five per cent of oil and gas projects operating in Australia are paying anything towards the Federal Government's royalty-like scheme designed to share the wealth generated by the nation's resources with the public that owns them.

PM's man says Australian managers below par

Martin Parkinson says Australia is only 'mid-range' when it comes to manufacturing management practices.

Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull's most senior advisor has lashed out at Australian managers, saying they are failing to pursue opportunities and holding back national income.