

Trump is America's abusive boyfriend, the one Mum can't seem to shake

"It's not that bad. All men talk that way. It's just locker-room banter."

That's what "Women For Trump" are saying on social media in defence of him and his most recently revealed abusive and sexist comments. Yes. Women.

Trump's female supporters are not deterred.
Trump's female supporters are not deterred. Photo: AP

His female supporters are not deterred; in fact, they're more unified than ever. Even though they belong to the segment of the population that Trump brags about having sexually assaulted, grabbed by the genitals, and forcibly kissed, his die-hard women supporters are viciously protecting him on the internet and calling those offended by his actions and post-assault boasting, "Babies," telling them to "Grow up".

For those of us who have been sexually abused, this recent public conversation is painful to endure. It triggers memories and emotions that are difficult to process. The result has seen the internet alight with women worldwide sharing accounts of their personal experiences with sexual assault in a valiant attempt to oppose this type of language and abuse from being normalised by our culture and continued.

For those of us who have managed to escape the cycle of abuse after our experience, we've done so by developing a keen eye for abusive behaviour and steering clear of it. We see Trump for what he is: a sexual predator at its worst, one that masquerades as "just one of the guys".

One of the guys. Or a father figure. Many of his women supporters say, in explanation of their support, that he reminds them of their own fathers or husbands. Tania Vojvodic, who runs the volunteer network Team Trump 2016, said that ever since she was a little girl, Trump represented the kind of man "she'd want to marry".


Other female Trump supporters have likened him to a saviour and literally called him Jesus.

Frankly, as a woman who experienced sexual abuse in childhood, and as a concerned citizen, this terrifies and saddens me. As the election draws near, a frightening comparison begins to take shape, and the parallels between Trump as a sexually abusive cult leader and his die-hard female supporters as his Stockholm syndrome victims, becomes eerily apparent.

Psychologists identify this irrational bond in situations of abused children, battered/abused women, prisoners of war, cult members, incest victims, criminal hostage scenarios, concentration camp prisoners, and in controlling and intimidating relationships.

The symptoms of Stockholm syndrome manifest themselves in the victim's irrational defence and protection of the abuser, often times concurrent with the abuse itself. The victims of Stockholm syndrome try to aid their abuser in achieving whatever end he is after. They develop positive feelings for the abuser and become emotionally, socially, intimately, and sometimes financially invested in the abuser's goals and ambition, making it difficult to break physical and emotional ties with the abuser.

Law enforcement has long since been aware of the Stockholm syndrome in cases of domestic violence when battered women fail to press charges, bail their abusers out of jail, and even become physically violent with the police officer who tries to assist them.

Considering the criteria, it isn't so difficult to draw comparisons between victims of the Stockholm syndrome and Trump's female fan base. Trump has been abusive throughout this election. He has used hate-filled rhetoric to demonise immigrants and non-whites.

He has verbally abused veterans and mocked a disabled man. He has encouraged his supporters to use violence, as well, in opposing the liberal voters. And now, as if to crystallise the link even further, he has been caught on tape bragging about the physical abuse he inflicts upon women.

Which, symptomatically, provokes his women supporters to scream even louder: "Daddy's going to win! Daddy's going to win!" They protect him. They defend him. They campaign for him. They raise money for him. And they attack, just as grotesquely as he does, other women, especially, the one who poses the greatest threat to their relationship with their idolised abuser. Daddy's little girls don't like Hillary. Not one little bit, "Trump that bitch!" they're fond of tweeting and chanting at his rallies. They're invested. Just like Jim Jones' "family" was.

Americans tend to define their culture in terms of that family metaphor. They talk about Homeland security, sons and daughters being sent to war, The Founding Fathers, the birth of a nation, and that shining symbol of home, The White House. Maybe it isn't any wonder that they also see their president as a father figure who tucks them in at night.

But Trump is no leader of a country. He's America's abusive boyfriend, the one Mum just can't seem to shake. The guy she turned to for comfort in times of stress, not seeing that he was preying on her vulnerability.

And now, with his encouragement, his supporters are carrying out typical abuser behaviour and threatening violence if the US tries to break up with him.Trumpians are threatening civil war if the US doesn't put Donald at the head of the table. It may be unfathomable, to those of us watching this family feud unravel, that Trump has any staying power left at all. His fellow family members, at least 160 Republican leaders, have revoked their support of him. Something that has never before happened in US history.

Reason, logic and basic human decency predict that Trump probably won't win his coveted position of Father of a Nation, but his Stockholm syndrome wives and daughters will loyally go down with the ship. Just like he would expect them to. If only they could see that as women, as people, as intelligent, compassionate individuals deserving of true respect and worth, they could do so much better than Donald Trump. Ladies, all men don't talk that way. But abusers do.

Aubrey Perry is a Fairfax Media columnist.