Posts By Robert Navan


Continuing Fallout from Venezuelan Election

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As indicated before the elections, the right-wing opposition are engaging in activities similar to those that laid the ground for the short-lived coup in 2002. In brief the main points are:

  1. Venezuela’s right-wing groups engage in extreme violence after rejecting official election results
  2. Leaders from across Latin America congratulate President Maduro & call for official results to be respected
  3. Venezuelan Embassy in the UK Statement on the Election
  4. Union of South American Nations & Election Observers Calls for Respect for Venezuela Election Results
  5. National Electoral Council (CNE) explains that 54% of votes have been audited & the result is valid, as Nicolas Maduro becomes President

1. Venezuela’s right-wing groups engage in extreme violence after rejecting official election results

Groups linked to the Venezuelan right-wing opposition have unleashed a wave of violence across Venezuela following their loss at Sunday’s presidential elections and their refusal to accept the official results, again (as in many times in the past) alleging fraud without providing any proof, in order to undermine the will of the people.

Henrique Capriles, the losing candidate, called his supporters onto the streets and this was quickly followed on Monday by violence.

The situation has particularly worsened after right-wing national newspapers published a doctored photo claiming to show the government burning ballot papers and an opposition-aligned journalist falsely claimed that ballot boxes were being held by Cuban doctors – the first false accusation leading to attacks on buildings of the country’s independent national electoral council, the second on widespread attacks on the nation’s health services.

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Progressive Film Club: The Women of Brukman & 161 Days

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Details of Upcoming Screening – Next Saturday – 26th January

To mark the centenary of the 1913 Lockout, the Progressive Film Club plan, throughout 2013, to include films on the themes of labour struggles and workers rights.

We kick-off , on the 26th of January with our first screening of the year, which features two films about factory occupations, one in Argentina and the main feature, which is set here in Ireland. The Argentinian film “The Women of Brukman”, tells of the take-over, by the workers, of a clothing factory, which had been abandoned by the owners.

The main feature “161 Days”, recounts the story of the workers in another clothing factory but this time, here in Ireland. After their agreed redundancy payments had not been met, the Vita Cortex workers made a decision to occupy the factory, which they did for 161 days, making it one of the longest industrial disputes in Ireland. This will be the first public screening of the film in Dublin.

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The Venezuelan Elections and The Irish Times


The October 3rd Irish Times editorial on the Venezuelan elections is just one more in a long series of unbalanced pieces, critical of President Hugo Chavez. Unfortunately, as well being full of unsubstantiated accusations, it is also inaccurate.

In the first paragraph the author describes the economy of Venezuela as “creaking,inefficient nationalised, Soviet-like with corruption and authoritarianism”. With economic growth of 5.6% in the first quarter of 2012 and expected to be at 5% overall for the year, that's some “creak”. The charge of corruption is not substantiated by any proof or attempt at same. Would the IT use the same standards when reporting on Irish politicians?

So far, the major corruption item in the lead up to the election is a video which has emerged of a top campaign aide of Venezuelan opposition candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski covertly accepting 40,000 bolivars (US $9,300) and offering to set up a meeting between Capriles and an unknown businessman.

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The Irish Times and Latin America

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The Irish Times is often referred to as the quality newspaper in Ireland. It enjoys a wide readership with a reported circulation of over 120,000 for the period between July and December 2010. Even the…

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