6PR Perth Tonight

8pm - 12am 

Join Chris Ilsley for Perth's only live and local radio show after dark.
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Aged pension 'inadequate'

A new survey shows Australians aged 50 to 70 won't be able to live off the age pension when retired, with 500,000 retirees already living below the poverty line.

Recent Articles

Remembering Dirk Hartog

Dirk Hartog Island's lighthouse.

This year marks 400 years since the arrival of Dutch explorer Dirk Hartog on Western Australian shores - and a number of activities are planned around town this weekend to spread the word.

Complaints welcome for Commissioner

"I loved my great-grandmother, and it made me sad and confused to see her age."

It's been 10 months since Rae Lamb added the word 'Complaints' to her title and her team worked to make the independent office visible to those who need it.

Drone laws relaxed

Will drones take over our skies?

The rules governing the use of drones for commercial purposes have been relaxed – what does this mean for the general public?

Extended trading 'good for tourism'

Would extended trading hours be better for tourism?

Western Australians will head to the polls again soon - this time for the State Election - with trading hours tipped to be one of the hot topics up for debate.

Is the customer always right?

Does bad customer service make you rage?

This week is International Customer Service Week, which raises the age old question - is the customer always right?

Meet Tony the Traveller

Tony 'the traveller' Giles

Navigating your way through exotic locales can be challenging at the best of times - even more so if you live with a visual or hearing impairment.

Would Apple buy McLaren?

Industry insiders say Apple has been quietly pursuing a car project.

Car manufacturer McLaren has squashed rumours of an Apple takeover, but the wording of the statement is open to interpretation.

Chris's Comment: Rage against the (political party) machine

A number of local businessmen funded a poll, which drew an angry response from Colin Barnett.

Chris Ilsley   Should party machines be able to replace serving leaders given our overtly presidential election campaigning?

Walking the 'black dog' ...again

Black dog

This time last year, 6PR's Chris Ilsley spoke to Massimo Iustini, a young man on a mission to raise funds to battle mental health issues.

Dementia: Battling the loneliness

Knowing how to communicate effectively with someone living with dementia can greatly improve their quality of life.

New research shows that people living with dementia are more likely to feel lonely or isolated. What can be done to support them?

Putting pen to paper

Is the art of handwriting lost on the new generations?

New research suggests one in three West Australians never or rarely use handwriting to express thoughts and ideas. Is it a dying art?


Perth Tonight Regulars

Heard something on Perth Tonight and want to learn more? Here's how you can get in touch with our regular guests:

Perth Tonight Spotlight: Kay Hallahan

Kay Hallahan is no stranger to Perth Tonight listeners - she appears monthly on our Thursday Panel and News Review!

Book of the Week: King Pin

What do the likes of Khun Sa, Pablo Escobar, Griselda Blanco and Frank Lucas have in common?

Chef Matt's curried parsnips

Whether you're a vegetarian or not, this recipe is sure to set your mouth watering!

Book: The Kids' Survival Guide

Grown-ups do some really annoying things, but how can you deal with it when you're still small?

Perth Tonight Spotlight: Tony Galati

He's made headlines in recent months thanks to WA's potato wars, but Tony Galati spoke about much more than that during his time in the Perth Tonight spotlight.

Book: The High Life of Oswald Watt

This week, 6PR's Chris Ilsley stepped back in time with author Chris Clark, who has captured the story of Australia's first military pilot in print.

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The House of Wellness

The House of Wellness

7am - 8am 
